Slave for his pleasure Part - 12

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I am really being curious to finished this series as soon as possible and I will started making Cold Husband next part and then I will update it on Sunday.

Now you slowly opened your eyes and found yourself in an unfamiliar room.

Y/n mind : Where am I ?

You quickly stood up and was about to open the door but someone opened the door and entered in the room.

Y/n : F-Free...

Free : Y/n...

He said in soft tone and your eyes filled with tears and you quickly hugged him tightly.

~After some times~

Free explained everything about how he kidnapped you from the hospital with his friend help.

Y/n : Thank you Free...thank you so much.

Free : No need Y/'s my duty to protect my best friend but Y/n here is someone to see you.

He said and point towards the door and the door open and as soon as door opened tears running down from your cheeks continuously.

Y/n : M-Mom...d-dad.

You ran towards them and hugged them tightly.

~|Time Skip|~
~After 7 days~

It's been 7 days when you gone and Shu didn't take rest nor sleep properly, all he is just thinking about you as tiredness and frustration are visible on his face.

Shu : Did you find her ?

He asked in cold tone.

Lain : Not yet sir...

Shu : Then what's the meaning that I am paying you more than you deserve huh ? You can't even figure out ?

Lain : I am really sorry sir.

Shu : Just get out and don't show me your face until you find her.

Lain : Okay sir...

He said and left then Shu took out his phone and called his friend.

Shu : Did you find her ?

Lui : It's so hard to find your girl.

Shu : Shut up and find her.

He hangup the call and went towards his room glass window.

Shu mind : Where are you Y/n ?

While Shu was thinking about you, Lain come inside his room while running.

Lain : Sir...we finally found her.

He said and Shu smirked.

Shu : Prepare everything and make sure we will get her as soon as possible.

He said and Lain bowed then left.

Shu : No one is going to get what's mine.


I hope you like this part and stay up for another part.

Bye...take care of you ❤️

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