Slave for his pleasure Part - 5

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Sugars ❤️ In these days...I will just show yours and Shu past life that how he married you and why you agree for marriage.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Night~

Free : It's time to go home.

Y/n : Okay...

You was about to go inside the elevator but...

Free : Y/n...I just wants to tell you that.

Y/n : What ?

You looked at him.

Free : Nothing maybe some other time.

He said and you both went out of the company by the elevator.

Free : Come...I'll drop you to your home.

Y/n : No thanks...I need to buy something on the way of home.

Free : If you are sure then okay...bye.

He said and kissed your forehead making you blush.

Y/n : B-Bye...

Free mind : So cute...

He left from there and you were waiting for the bus to come but a long black car stopped in front of you then two men's wearing black suits come out of the car.

Y/n mind : Who are they ?

They both approach you and you tried to ran away but they both grabbed you and one of the men covered your mouth by the cloth making you faint.

~After an hour~

You woke up but you can't see anything because of the blindfolded covered your eyes then you realized you were tied up with the chair then suddenly you heard footsteps coming towards you.

??? : So, finally you wake up.

Y/n : What do you want from me ?

??? : What i want.

H grabbed your jaw tightly.

??? : I want you~

He whispered in your ear and lick your earlobe making you shiver.

Y/n : Stay away from me.

??? : Stop pretending...I know you like it.

He lightly kiss your jawline making you shiver again.

Y/n : Stop it please...why are you doing this to me ? What have I done to you ?

You said and started crying but he said anything and started biting down your neck.

Y/n : W-Who are y-you ?

??? : You'll know soon babygirl.

You started struggling so much and then he removed the blindfolded from your eyes.

Y/n : Y-You...who a-are you ?

Shu : I am a mafia king...Shu Kurenai.


I hope you understand that I am showing the past life...that's why I am using this types of fonts.

Bye...take care of you ❤️

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