Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

I left quietly, I didn't want to disturb them. My mind kept wandering around, thinking about her.

I felt bad. It hurt me seeing such a kind soul like her being so broke inside and self-conscious about herself. I knew her as a cheerful, daring, confident and smart person. I had been wrong the whole time. How? It made me want to wrap my arms around her waist and whisper to her that she was the most beautiful person in my eyes and that looks were irrelevant. Inner beauty, that's what matters. And she was both. She was like a little eagle that had always been sitting in its nest, having to get fed by its mother and not being able to hunt or fly by itself. The moment it spread its wings, revealing its beauty and power to the whole world, would be the best moment of its life. And mine as well.


Rosé's POV

After having a talk with Jennie about everything that had happened, I felt so much better. We talked about Lucas, my parents, my past and weirdly enough Jungkook. She kept trying to convince me that he was in love with me, which was impossible in my opinion. No one would like an ugly person like me...
I crawled under my soft, strawberry pink blanket that barely covered my shoulders and feet. Heaven. The window was open, so every other minute a fresh breeze would come in, filling my room with a light scent of leaves and greens. My eyes got heavier and heavier, as I finally drifted to sleep.


"Park Chaeyoung, wake up! We're late for class!"

"Just five minutes" I mumbled and pulled my pillow over my head just to get it ripped away from me and hit with it.

"No more five minutes! Transformation class starts in three minutes!"

Three minutes?! Oh shit, I was late! I immediately jumped up, running straight to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror only to stare at a creature that didn't look like myself. My cherry red hair was disheveled, my face had a reddish imprint of my hand on it, under my eyes were huge dark circles that almost made me look like a panda and on my forehead were two giant pimples ressembling two horns about grow out of my head. My gosh, I looked like I hadn't washed up for years. I groaned in frustration, rummaging through my collection of cosmetic items, trying to find my wand. Two minutes. I quickly jumped into the shower, mumbled a few spells to wash away the smell of sweat and stormed out of the bathroom.

"Let's go!" I said, grabbing my cloak and books.

I was about to run to class when Jennie pulled me on my sleeves. I looked at her in disbelief. We were already a minute late! But she looked at me from head to toe, her face displaying disatisfaction and horror.

"No girl, you're not going anywhere like this. You haven't even changed into your school uniform!"

"Jennie, we're late!" I cried. She knows how much I hate being late.

She shook her head once more. Then she pulled out her wand, pointed it at me a few times, casting a few spells, then put it back into her pocket.

"Now let's get going!"

The hallways were almost empty. When we entered the classroom, everyone was writing and on the teacher's desk was sitting a striped grey cat. Freshmen would think that the teacher wasn't there and try to sneak to their seats, but as experienced 5th graders we knew that we were caught.

"Professor McGonagall, we're very sorry for being late. I couldn't wake up Roseanne" Jennie apologized looking down while giving me a sheepish side glance. I couldn't believe my ears. How could she sell me out like that? I could hear some students giggling behind me. I could feel my ears turning red and everyone staring at me.


The laughter stopped immediately and instead of the cat now stood an elderly woman with a crooked nose and a big hat.

"Mrs. Kim, please return to your seat. Mrs. Park, I hope this doesn't happen again."

"It won't, Professor McGonagall." I said while keeping my head lowered.

The class passed very quickly, maybe because transformation was my favorite class. We were starving, so Jennie and I made our way to the Great Hall to have lunch while talking excitedly about the tournament tomorrow. I was really nervous but also excited because this round Jungkook and I would be facing off Tzuyu and Mark Tuan. If we managed to beat them, there would only be one team left to defeat. Then we would be the representatives of our school competing against other schools. But I was also a tad bit looking forward to push Tzuyu back in her line. I even asked Jennie to do my hair and makeup for this round even though she refused at first because she thought I was beautiful as I was and didn't need to put on anything for someone like Tzuyu. Of course I didn't believe her, Tzuyu was the school's beauty. Her visuals were impeccable, no one could ever beat her in looks and definitely not someone like me, a shy girl with red hair, pimples and blemishes.

When we came into the Great Hall, I was terrified what I saw. My fingers were trembling, my chest was hurting as if someone was squeezing my heart together not allowing it to beat. I was struggling to catch my breath, my head was spinning.

All of the sudden, he looked at me. I couldn't read his face, everything was blurry. I turned to Jennie, her eyes were filled with a mix of fury, disappointment and pity. She nodded slowly, then I ran.

Here I was again. Where? At my place. I never thought that he had such a big effect on me. I didn't even know why I was crying, why my heart was aching and why I was so sad and disappointed. It wasn't like I had anything to do with him. We weren't in love, dating or anything, he was just a friend. A good friend. Nothing more. Or at least that was what I thought. I couldn't understand why Tzuyu and him kissing made me feel like this. I felt...betrayed. The feeling reminded me of back then. My childhood friend. Then it hit me. No, it couldn't be. I tried to think of another reason, but this was the only one that made sense. It explained my heart pain and the feelings.

I liked him.

But I wasn't allowed to fall in love.
I wasn't capable of love.

I just can't.
If I do, I'll die.

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