Chapter 16

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Jungkook's POV

I messed up.
The moment our eyes met, I froze. Please don't misunderstand. I pushed Tzuyu away, glaring at her in disgust. But she just smiled, satisfied with herself after seeing Chaeyoung run away. How could she? I was furious, I wanted to punch her, force her to apologize, yell at her. I took a deep breath. JK, calm down. Fix this first, you can deal with her later.

I turned away from her, about to walk away. But I stopped, turned around to give her a side eye.

"I'll deal with you later" I hissed.

I went after Chaeyoung, my pace quickening.
Jeon Jungkook, you really messed up. She will never forgive you, she'll hate you. What a pity, you haven't even made her fall for you. You're such a loser. You're thinking of explaining to her? Do you think she will listen to you? Do you think she can still trust you? Do you think she is still your friend? Ridiculous. You're such a fool. Go kiss your Rosie goodbye. She is gone. You've lost her.

My mind was flooded with pessimistic, negative thoughts, telling me to give up, let her be free, not to ruin her life. Yes, JK. What is the point of chasing her? She doesn't even like you, it's one-sided love. Deal with it the proper way. My steps were getting slower and slower until I stopped in the middle of the hallway. I stepped closer to the window to see her sitting at the same place, her face buried in her hands while Jennie was patting her back to comfort her. I couldn't tell whether she was crying, angry or frustrated. She is fine, JK.

I turned away, walking back to my room. I didn't bother to turn on the lights, I crawled straight into my bed and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. But I couldn't. The darkness of the room embraced me, swallowed me. The crows kept cawing, not allowing me to sleep. And my mind was replaying all of Chaeyoung's and my memories together. When she needed help to lift her suitcase on our way to Hogwarts, our pillow fight and escape from Mr. Filch, her face when she realized we were teaming up for the tournament, when we had a snowball fight and she hit me in the face, how worried she was about me when she accidentally knocked me out while dueling against me, when I protected her during the tournament and when she pulled me in for a hug when I couldn't tell her about my early childhood.

She was gorgeous. Too beautiful to be real. I had never met anyone as kind as her, maybe it's because I don't really hang out with anyone else outside my friend group. Why do I find her exceptionally pretty? To be honest, I didn't know. Everything she did, would make me avert my gaze into her direction as if she casted a spell on me. Maybe she did. Maybe that's how love works. I hated it how a simple word or gesture could make me chase her like a maniac. Despite that, I'm probably just a friend to her. A friend. Every time I associated her name with this word it was like a punch into my stomach. It hurts.


I woke up at 5 in the morning. Way too early, I just couldn't sleep anymore. I barely did last night after everything that happened. Not really surprising, wasn't it? I pulled out my phone, looking for something interesting to watch. Vincenzo, the story about a mafia boss fighting the evil in Korea. Perfect.

After a few episodes, it was 7 already, so I got up going to the Great Hall to get myself some breakfast. I sat down where my friends were and grabbed a slice of toast with some cheese. What I didn't notice, was how quiet my friends had suddenly become. Then Jimin, who sat next to me, tapped me on my shoulder.

"What happened to you? You look like a zombie."

"Nothing, haven't slept well last night." I murmured, taking a bite while having a staring contest with the toast.

"That's highly suspicious, because I heard something happened between Rosé and you." Taehyung said, raising his eyebrow.

My head immediately snapped into his direction.

"How do you know?"

"Well, Lisa told me Rosé and Jennie came to her room yesterday and Jennie told her what happened." He replied nonchalantly.

I fidgeted with my fingers under the table, looking down.

"Tell me JK, what's wrong with you?" Taehyung asked me.

"I don't know! And why should I care that she saw Tzuyu and me kissing? She doesn't like me anyways." I cried in frustration.

"Tzuyu and you kissed?!" Jimin chimed in with a flabbergasted expression on his face.

I looked down in shame.

"She suddenly kissed me in the Great Hall, I didn't even have time to react. When I turned around, Chaeyoung stood there. She seemed shocked, then she ran away." I muttered.

"You gotta fix what you've done! You can't just leave the situation as it is right now!" Jimin scolded me, indirectly reminding me that he was the older one.

"But why? Why should I fix it when she won't return my feelings anyways? By doing that I'm just stabbing myself in the back." I said with a low voice.

Jimin suddenly burst into laughter. Taehyung was grinning from one ear to another. I simply just stared at them in confusion. What was so funny? After a while, he finally stopped

"Gosh Jungkook, you're so blind. Believe what you want, but if you don't want to lose a friend and win the tournament, listen to our advice. Man up, JK. Don't be like that." Jimin said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I was very quiet for the rest of the day. During the lessons, I didn't answer a single question nor do a task. What my friends said kept me thinking about my choice, whether I should apologize and explain or not. They knew me so well, they knew that I would never want to lose someone like her.

A friend.
Yes, I had to accept that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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