lii. babysitting together

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· he says that he absolutely hates kids and that he has no patience for them

· but sometimes you can catch him chasing them around / playing with them

· he's a master at hide n seek


· he has such a hard time getting the kids to listen to him

· but once he shows them all of his cool stuff, they're totally intrigued

· their favorite thing is to listen to him talk about his craziest dnd campaign


· the kids are honestly kind of intimidated by him at first

· but after awhile they start to warm up to him because he's such a child at heart

· they love it when he tells stories because he's so dramatic & extra


· T E R R I F I E D of kids

· she just stands there awkwardly the entire time because she's so nervous

· "y/n what do I do."


· jonathan is basically the same as el

· he has no idea how to entertain them at all

· you entertain while he goes back and cleans up all the mess


· lucas is extremely good with kids, the kids you babysit are always happy to see him

· but he doesn't have much patience when the kids get crazy

· you have to take over when things get a bit wild


· max isn't really a kid person, to her they're too gross & needy

· but she loves to show them all of the cool tricks she can do on her skateboard

· she goes into full mom mode when the kids try to skate because she's worried they're gonna fall & hurt themselves


· mike is pretty decent when it comes to babysitting

· he's had experience from all the times he's had to babysit holly

· though after awhile he'll start to get lazy & leave you to do all the work


· she's also had a good bit of experience from babysitting her siblings

· dress up is her go to for entertainment

· the kids absolutely love it (and nancy secretly loves it too)


· the kids instantly love robin because of how childish she is

· you spend hours playing board games, watching movies, etc

· it's always easy for you two to put the kids to bed because of how exhausted they are


· you already know he's the best babysitter ever

· all the kids love him and are overjoyed when he comes to help you babysit

· the kids constantly tease you and steve about being together


· he loves to show them all of his cool art (the kids call him a professional artist)

· you already know that pillow forts are a go to because he's so good at making them

· they look up to will so much, it's honestly so cute

a/n - are y'all ready for vol. 2 cuz I'm def not

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