Part 3

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As the sun ascends its journey , the globe baths in ever soothing ray of sunlight. The brightness envelope the Earth and state of nirvana prevail over the mother Nature. The melodious songs sung by birds and the rustling motion of leaves creates quite an orchestra as Morning prevails. Every living creatures warmly welcomes the beautiful nirvana. As Nature bask in its glory, a lone man could be seen on the bank of majestic river Ganga. The man was offering prayers to the Mighty Lord Surya. An aura of tranquility and calmness could certainly be witnessed by the onlookers on the features of young man. Though possessing a athlete physique, his body radiates wisdom. His shoulder were broad as though possessing a power of thousands of bulls. His forehead proudly wears a Surya Tilak, while his palms and eyes possess lotus alike features. His radiance was equivalent to the mighty Sun. All in all, the onlookers could greatly mistaken the young man by great king, conquerors or warlords. He slightly opens his eye as he finished his prayers. He once again prayed to the God and began to retreats from the place toward his home. As he began to walk toward his abode, his instinct kicked in and sense a danger approaching him. His muscles tensed as he caught the upcoming projectile rushing toward him. A mop of white mane enters his vision and he smirk slightly as he recognised the danger. A battle of will began between the combatants as they push one another. Both the opponent pushed one another with all their strength. After some time, the opponent's endurance ran out and the man attained the victory. The opponent of the man turn out to be a white horse. The beauty of the horse was simply divine comparable to divine horses used by the Gods. His eye possess fire of determination while his aura radiates strength. The man began to scratch the horse's mane fondly while the horse merely huffed away the man's hand. The man merely chuckled and said " Tejas, my friend you are still angry with me ?"

The horse simply scoffed at the question.

" Tejas, I also wanted to visit you but yesterday I got busy. After watching Kalapradashan, I was coming to visit you but my duel with the prince took quite a lot of time. How about this, tomorrow I will surely visit you. I will even bring Radhe ma special ladoos for you."

The horse licked his lips at the bribery given by soon to be king of Agna and grunted out his acceptance.

The duo sat in silence as the man fondly petted and scratch the mane of newly identified horse Tejas. Their moment was interrupted by a voice yelling out
" Oi Tejas, where are you ? Please come out, now. We need to go home. If I didn't came with you and rest of the herd, when father will return home, he would surely make me sleep with rest of your friends. You don't want your friend Ravi to interfere with your flirting with the new female horse. So please please please come out now ??" in panic

" So Ravi and his family still are your caretakers. I myself have been on the recieving end of his father's wrath. It is really quite unpleasant." The man shuddered over his past punishment hour with the man. " Well, we shouldn't keep him too late. Let's go Tejas." he instructed the horse.

" Oi Tejas, please come out. Teja- Oh Karna !! Is that you ?? Please help me find Teja- Wait a minute, Tejas, there you are buddy!!! " Ravi happily embraced the horse while crying tears of joy while Tejas merely rolled his eye at the over dramatic affection.

" Wait ! Where did you find him Karna ?? I have been looking for him for the past half an hour. " asked Ravi

The man identified as Karna replied " Well, apparently our dear Tejas wanted to greet me so he practically leapt up on me " while glaring at the said horse.

The horse not even bate an eye over the question while feigning ignorance.

" Bad Tejas, Karna is your friend. He practically raised you in my father's absence. He also was the one who found you. Apologise or Laxmi gonna hear about it." scolded Ravi

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