Part 7

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Hello, Its been a while. Update is here. A warning please. I am going to use few mythological fact and known fact and going to make this story with my own imagination. So sorry for any error in my research from a few characters. Its according to my imagination. Many things are different from the original Mahabharata in this book. So plz don't compare it.

"  Your knight is vulnerable, little brother." A gruff voice echoed.

" I can't move the piece after my turn, Jyestha. Please don't taunt me" The younger brother replied irritated.

" Sanjay please execute his knight by my queen."

Sanjay, obedient and loyal advisor of King Dhritarashtra obliged. The queen descend diagonally and captured the knight. A triumphant smirk emerged on the older brother's face. His vacant eyes sparkled with amusement over his younger brother misery. King Dhritarashtra was clearly enjoying his rare moments of triumph against his perfect brother.

" Vidur, It may seem that you require some practice session with our nephew Sahadeva ." Dhritarashtra adviced.

A frown crossed over Vidur face. His shoulders slump. His confident aura instantly crumbled. He muttered dejectly.
" I lost to him 19 out of 20 times."

" You won one." Dhritarashtra marveled. Sahadeva was an outstanding chess player. Undefeated. He was a clearly a prodigy. Dhritarashtra himself never won against him.
His 10 matches with his nephew has met him with crushing defeats.
One of them when he was only 10 years old.
King of the mighty Hastinapur lost to a child.
Now that was a humiliating defeat. He has forbidden his own guards to never reveal it. The punishment was certainly an execution.

Vidur head shakes. He mutters dejectly.
" No. He resigned it. Apparently it was our fifth match on that day. It was getting late. Thus, when Kunti called out for him to sleep, he instantly resigned it. "

"  Pandavas are sincerely obedient to Kunti but after today ..... " Dhritarashtra trailed off. Today was really a shocking day. Kunti secret was certainly baffling to say the least.
His eldest nephew was Karna.
Karna, a low caste warrior who challenged Arjuna, a prodigy in archery and fought to a standstill. His skills were certainly excellent. His lack of vision robed him of this amazing spectacle but the resounding clang of arrows clashing and rumbling of the earth were certainly an indication of their amazing talent.
Acknowledging such a brilliant warrior as the prince of Hastinapur shall clearly improve our reputation yet the consequences weren't unnoticed. Karna was elder than Yuddhishtir thus the prime candidate for the throne. Though It shall also certainly agitate Duryodhan's enmity against the Pandavas. And he don't want to do it. He loved his nephews. They were his brother's sons after all. Yet a part of him yearned for Duryodhana as his successor. And that part despise Yuddhishtir and Karna. It frames them as theives of Duryodhan's throne. As a king, he should bestowed Karna his rightful rights but the father inside him cannot allow him to catalyse his own son's anguish. Such a dilemma. His thoughts were interrupted by his opponent.


       " Yes. I never expected such transgression from Kunti. A kanina child before marriage - it is unprecedented. A child before marriage is invalid yet Vedas approve kanina child as legal heir. It is quite unique circumstances." Vidur stated.
He himself don't how to digest such problem.

" The case of acceptance of Karna in the Kuru clan is itself a challenge. Karna being elder than Yuddhishtir made him a prime candidate for Yuvraj. Yuvraj position held a number of duties including representing the clan and nation. A Kshatriya cultured in Suta society - others kings may find meeting such person beneath them. It could affect our treaties with the allied nations. But Karna skills as warrior are making this dilemma difficult. Fighting toe to toe with Arjuna in archery. That quite a remarkable achievement. Yet I felt that he was holding back. A warrior fighting with     ' the greatest archer since Pitamaha Bhishma ' holding back. His skills are too good. He must also be a great mace fighter and wrestler evident from his physique. He is also student of Lord Parshuram, his axe skills would certainly be good. Such a incredible warrior as Hastinapur Yuvraj would increase our standing among the nations. He is a variable. But a strong variable. His skills shall either flourish or raze Hastinapur. The situation is too fragile. Not even considering those impenetrable kavacha and kundala. They shall surely complicate the matter. " He sigh in frustration.

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