Part 6

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Hello ! I know It's been quite some time. Lately I have been depressed. I didn't score enough marks for my desired college in the entrance exam. Thus, overcoming my grief. I shall try to post chapters as soon as possible. This story is a complicate one. It will be connected to my second one thus I need to think carefully while writing it. Therefore, It take me more time to write it. I shall try to repay your patience with best of my writing skills.

Recap - Kunti revealed the secret at Kalapradashan. Last chapter dealt with Karna reaction.

This chapter shall deal with some more characters reaction


Today was rather unexpected. I never expected Kunti to disclose her secret. When I first saw Karna at the competition, I knew he can't be a sut. His radiance, his stance, his talent was amazing. Karna was a sutaputra thus his prowess in archery must be self taught. Such expertise with bow without any guidance was unprecedented even for Kshatriya prince. Thus, I came to conclusion that he is a demigod. Demigods natural talent is unprecedented. Arjun is another such instance. The divine Kavacha and Kundala certainly helped. My notion was later confirmed by my talk with mother. He was my grandson. I was shocked to say the least. Karna was the eldest Kuru prince through kanina thus heir to throne. The news was baffling to say the least. Neither Duryodhan nor Yuddhishtir claim over throne is as strong as Karna. Thus, the importance of secret was paramount. It coul- no It has changed Aaryavart politics tremendously. Kunti was like a daughter to me. I can't betray her trust by revealing such a secret. It also shall create unrest among public and vassal nation. Public may even defame both the parties Kunti as well as Karna . Royal family is an example for the public. A kanina heir claiming such a throne may even lead to riots, protest by other communities. Vassal kings as well as our allies may not like it either. Karna grew up in low class society. Allied king will find it disrespectful to associate themselves with Karna due to his upbringing. On the other hand, he is also a perfect candidate. He is skilled as Arjuna. Maybe even equivalent to me. Only lacking in experience. If he is trained by Gurudev, he must also have been well versed in politics too. He could also be the key to Kuru clan unity. Friendship with Duryodhana yet affiliated with Pandavas. Now that is a rare occurrence.
A perfect heir yet may be an inductor of vulnerability in the unshakeable walls of Hastinapur.
A humourless chuckle escapes from my mouth over my history with imperfect Hastinapur heirs from my step brothers to even my great grandchildren. Destiny must surely don't want me to forsake this mortal world. Tomorrow, effects of this predicament shall be discussed. It shall certainly be a historical day for Aaryavart politics.

Pandavas Room

A tense silence envelopes the room today which usually be filled with laughter, happiness, unity among the Pandavas. Today, even the humourless annoying teasing by Nakul can't disturb the palabe mood prevailing across the room. The five occupant were seated adjacent to one another forming a circle. Their rigid posture certainly gave judgement to the ongoing circumstance. Their stern face mask away every emotion from the series of events yet their eyes gave away the horror experienced by them. Betrayal, sadness, grief, guilt were all clearly reflected in their eyes. Youngest yet the most pale brother finally stammered out

" Jyesth ..... What do ... we do now ?"

The recipient didn't show a single gesture of recieving his question. He was clearly entranced in his world. Yuddhishtir, the legitimate eldest Kaunteya was clearly regarded as the most calm man on the globe even envied by divine Brahman for his calmness yet today his mental status was far from calm. He was the most effected from the current situation.     ' He had a elder brother. ' The chant reciprocate itself repeatedly in depth of his mind. He was for the first time unable to decipher a situation. His mother held a paramount place in his heart eclipsing even his own father. She was the most important person in the world for him. When his father and stepmother ascend to their next journey, she was the one who supported him. Her words were like order for him. If even commanded to commit an atrocity by her , he would gladly do it. Yet today, ......... He doesn't even know what to say. Such a betrayal from his own mother - a person who was even superior to mighty dieties for him. It was incomprehensible.
' Karn was his elder brother '. He still remember those blazing eyes full of determination. Blazing eyes begging to prove to the world that he was the best. None can surpass him. Yet my throat felt dry when he want to present the great warrior his well earned opportunity.
Why ? He internally screamed
Why he didn't support the mighty warrior in that bloody competition ? Has he lose his elder brother in the vile clutches of Duryodhana ? Yet a single whisper answered the multitude of questions
' I was terrified of him. '
His prowess was extra ordinary. He was as skilled as Arjuna yet my mind claim he was holding back. His full prowess was unknown yet he was on par with Arjuna. Such a potential scares me. In wrong hand, such power could lead to disaster.  He was a like a dangerous double edged sword. The warrior with such a weapon would easily be a formidable one. Thus, I want it to be rusted rather than possessed by my enemies. Hence, I never spoke out my support for the great warrior. Today, My dear mother revealed that the mighty warrior was my brother.
How shall I confront him ?
I indirectly supported his character defilement.
How could I raise my shame filled face to meet with his mighty face ? Will he pursue enmity for my passiveness in his battle with sharp insults ?
          Mixed emotion were swirling in my mind. Shocked and angry for my own mother yet bloody terrified by my own brother. Such a chaos. I finally spoke
" I don't know brother. " I continued " Kar - Jyestha is our elder brother. Mother's proclaimation has made me confused for the first time. Is this how it feels to be confused ? Such a terrifying feeling. This situation is truly incomprehensible. Mother hide such a paramount secret from us - the existence of our own elder brother. A brother whom we never knew. A brother whom we never supported. When spears of insults were stabbed in his back,
Where was I ? Where were we ? Is this really dharma ?
Remaining passive when our brothe - No! Anyone even an enemy character was defamed. I don't even know what to think now. I am angry at mother yet I am terrified for my confrontation with Jyestha.
Will he forgive me ?
Will he despise me for my passiveness ?
I truly wonder, my brothers." Never outspoking my fear I pause and turns toward the genetically youngest Kaunteya " Arjuna - you were the recipient of his attacks. People proclaimed that when two mighty warriors fight, they truly understand one another. Is it true ? Do you truly understand him, my brother ?"

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