Part 4

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             A structure of royal epitome with magnificence equal to the supreme court of dieties could be clearly seen by the public populace in the Hastinapur district. The royal court of the mighty Kuru clan was really a divine sight to behold. The structure was hall of experience ranging from the conquest over of the  mighty kingdoms to the deepest tragedies ever committed over the globe. Today was no exception. The first coronation of the mystery warrior recognised by few populace as a lower caste incapable of raising weapons was quite a chattering topic for the Hastinapur citizens. Though the truth was still disguised as a lowly rumour, it has piqued the curiousity of the citizens. Thus, the overwhelming attendance of the citizens was no curiousity for the regular attendant of the royal court. Everyone was exceptionally waiting for the identity of mystery warrior whose prowess was rumoured to equal to the proclaimed ' Greatest Archer in the whole world '.

         As a man enters the confines of the royal courts, the citizens certainly of the rumour was certainly put over a doubt.  Though, the man possess an aura radiating all the qualities of the Kshatriya in prime state, he look unnaturally uncomfortable in the royal clothes. His body was comparable to best wrestlers in the globe yet they don't bask arrogance over the strength but sense of comfort for loved ones. His whole stature proclaimed him as the gem of the Kshatriya clan yet the rumour s description of him as a low caste certainly put the onlookers in a frenzy state of confusion.


           As I entered the royal courts, my eyes still sparkled over the unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings of royal courts. I certainly recall my first experience of working of the royal courts. The presence of the arrogant kings yet the soothing calmness of Queen Mother and Lady Kunti was certainly an experience. The halls were filled from over the most dumbest decision issued by kings to the hidden cleverness equivalent to lowly foxes from Gandharaj. The halls was certainly filled today. Ranging from the unnatural attendance of the citizen to the presence of royal families, the halls were certainly spectacle. I nod respectfully to all the royal vassals as well as the ministers. The ministers looked aged yet full of wisdom. As my eyes scan over the royal family, I openly welcome the beaming face of my best friends Prince Duryodhan and Ashwatthama as well as remained cautious over the smirk of the most cunning man alive Gandharaj. The nervousness of Lady Kunti was certainly unnatural. Prince Yudhishthir look certainly focused yet Prince Bheem and Prince Nakul look bored over the preceding. Prince Arjuna focus over the occasion was certainly an oddity. Prince Sahadev look attentive as well. Mahamahim Bhishma look as majestic as gods irrespective of his status as the eldest in the clan. As I nod respectfully to royal family and stand over my seat as a  vassal king . King Dhritarashtra and Queen Mother Gandhari entered the royal court. She sat over as her seat adjacent to Lady Kunti while Queen Dhritarashtra stood over the throne. His aging yet firm voice boomed over the halls of royal court.

        " To all the citizens, vassals as well as the ministers, I King Dhritarashtra of the mighty Kuru clan shall grant the permission to start over the preceding of the royal court.

         As the permission was granted, every occupant of the royal seated except the citizens. Royal Advisor Vidur voice full of wisdom entered the halls of the royal court.

      " Your Majesty, yesterday a mystery warrior named Karna the son of Adhiratha and Radha  participated in Kalapradashan only eligible for the royals as a contender over the proclamation of Guru Dronacharya. He belonged to the low caste sut thus ineligible for the contest. However, Prince Duryodhan rewarded him Anga kingdom thus making him eligible for the contest. Thus, today the royal coronation of Angraj Karna shall take place."

          A lot of people gasp over the statement and loud murmurs escalated. King Dhritarashtra exclaimed out

         " Silence !! Delicorum of the royal  court must be maintained. Angraj Karna please proceed yourself over to the centre of the royal courts."

         I obliges his command and stood .

          " Kripacharya please commence the royal coronation of the future king of Anga."

         Kripacharya arose from hid seat and oblige his command. He stood over me and star to pour the water of the pure Ganga. Then, the Vedic mantra were chanted for the coronation ceremony. He instructed a maid to bring the royal crown of Agna kingdom. The maid oblige and brought it. As Kripacharya took the royal crown and start to place it over my head, a voice boomed out

          " Stop !! "

           My neck trace the origin of voice and I felt suprise encompassing my body. My royal coronation was interrupted by Lady Kunti. All the other occupant s were shocked too. Lady Kunti was one of the calmest and silent person in the royal court. The interruption of a royal coronation performed by the most calm woman in the court  was certainly unprecedented. My internal musing was interrupted by the authoritive voice of King Dhritarashtra.

         " Kunti !! Why have you interrupted the auspicious occasion of coronation of Angraj ? "

          Lady Kunti flinch at the firm voice and said

         " The honorary occupant of the majestic council, today I want to enclose a secret regarding Maharathi Karna that might change your opinion regarding the coronation."

       " What secret ?? Kunti " demanded Dhritarashtra.

        " I hold a secret from the world feared by the society. I withhold it within my mind to save my father's reputation. The secret is that I am not the mother of only five children Your Majesty. I am the mother of six children. I am the biological mother of Maharathi Karna."

       My mind shattered over her proclamation. Lady Kunti was ..... my mother. I knew I was an adopted child. My parents and mine physical features were too distinct to be ignored. But ..... Lady Kunti being my biological mother . It .... shouldn't make any sense. I am a sutaputra not a Kshatriya. But now that I think about it - my face is quite similar to her, my eyes show uncanny resemblance to her's, her palms were too similar to lotus as mine.  No!!! No!!
She can't be my mother ......right ???? My internal struggle were interrupted by a shallow broken voice echoing out

             " How ?? Mother ??" asked my bro - No !! No ! Prince Yudhishthir. They are not my brothers. They are enemies of mitra Duryodhan.

             Lady Kunti was herself quite messy with her sobs yet they were filled with no negative emotions but relief. She croaked out " One day Guru Durvasa arrived in Kuntibhoj . Due to potential of immense anger and his tendency to curse someone, my father appointed me as a caretaker for him.  During his entire tenure at Kuntibhoj, I serviced him faithfully. Impressed by my excellent services he blessed me with a boon - a mantra. The mantra bestowed with a chance to bless myself with a demigods . One day, I became curious over the genuineous of  mantra and made a terrible mistake. I summoned Lord Surya. He arrived. I told him about my reasons for invoking him in order to test the truthfulness of the mantra. When I told him to leave, he declined and told me abide by his oath, he must impregnated him. Thus he bestowed with a child. When I gave birth to the child, I was just a mere teenager. I named him Karna. He was also bestowed by invulnerable kavach and kundala. Afraid of society acceptance toward me and my child and destruction of my father's reputation, I ...... abandoned him in the river Ganga. " She chocked herself over the sob as she finishes her explanation.

           A mistake
           Was I just a product of a mistake and curriousness ???
           Does my entire existence just define curiousness of a teenage Princess ??
            A ocean of emotions overflow me. I am son of Lord Surya ??? My Kavacha and Kundala were bestowed by Lord Surya...... my father. My own biological mother abandoned me. No !! She is not my mother yet the resemblance .... My emotions were in total turmoil that I didn't even acknowledged a tears sliding across
my face. I need to confirm it. I gulped thickly
             " Your Majesty, may I excuse you today I need to process my mind over .... these developments." I tried to say it as emotionless as possible yet the tremor of my voice gave my struggle.

           Today the lightless eyes of the mighty king even sparkled with sympathy. My emotions must have really haywire. I need to stabilize myself. The king nod and gave me the permission. As I walk away from the courts, I overheard king's declaration of the conclusion of today's council to mule over the situation. I need to go home.

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