new crush old feelings

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(It's 8:10 on the Monday morning echo's phone gose off)
Echo: *puts alarm on snooze*
(8:20 phone goes off again)
Echo: what the fuck is that noise *checks phone and sees time* OH SHIT
*runs outta bed and throws on nearest thing she can find and runs out the door*
Kai:* waiting by the bus stop*
Echo: u didn't wake me up!
Kia : 🤨 was I supposed to
Echo: yes!
Kia: u paying me?
Echo: um-
Kai: that's what I thought
(The bus pulls up)
Echo: *walks up the bus stairs* will what class u got first
Kai: * follows behind* math 😑
Echo: *takes a seat in row 11* and that's what happens when u don't wake up your friends 😌
Kai: * sits beside her* will what class u got first
Echo:math too 😀
Kai: * starts laughing* u fucked
Echo: trust me I know *grabs a KitKat out of Kai's backbag and eats it*
Kai: hey what the fuck dude!
Echo: if I'm dying I'm dying on a full stomach
( the bus arrives at the school)
(a bunch of kids all run out at once crushing over each other)
Kai: *trips off the bus*
Echo: *falls on top of them*
Kai: the fuck is wrong with them
Echo: maybe there's cake
Kai: 😑 get the fuck off me *pushs her off*
Echo: damn sorry just giving an idea 🙄
Kai: let's just go* stands up and walks in*
Echo: COMING! *runs after them*
(In the school)
Echo: *sees a big sign* hey boss look
* points to the sigh*
Kai: oh that's why prom's coming up in three months
Echo: oh damn I didn't even notice
Kai:  we can think about that later let's go *grabs echo's hand and walk off*
(Class 173)
Kai/echo: *walks to their normal seat*
Mrs brown: ok hello as the 2th 9 weeks come to an end I would like to give each one of you all a chance at passing so the  the final project will be 90 percent of your

Kai: *mumbles under their breath* I'm fucked
Echo: *thinks* good bye to my C
Mrs brown: but as I know prom is around the corner it won't be a hard one just write about what you've learned so far
(An hour later)
Kai *walks out* will I got art see ya later *walks to class 197/art class
(in class 197)
Kai: *walks in and sits down at a table*
Mr Jones: ok  attention everyone we have a new kid today
Kayla: * waves* hey everyone
Mr Jones: u can go sit by Kai *points to Kai's table*
Kai: *thinks* damn it why me
Kayla:*walks over to the table and drops their bag next to the chair* hi
Kai: *waves* hi
Kayla: wanna see a drawing I've been working on
Kai: sure
Kayla: *takes out their notebook with a drawing of a dress inside*
Kai: oh how'd u do that
Kayla: * moves closer* let me show u*
( An hour later)
Kai: *walks out* bye!
Kayla: *hugs them* bye! *Walks the other way*
Kai: *blushs while walking to lunch*
Echo: u good bitch?
Kai: yea just I  met this girl at art
Echo: ohhhhh and right with prom around the corner
Kai: oh shut  up *rolls her eyes*
(The end of the day)
Kai: let's go
Echo: ok coming!
( after the walk home)
(At Kai's house)
Kai: in her room *rolling around in bed* I can't believe it! I've never felt like this for anyone
(At Echo's house in bed)
Echo: I'm so happy for them! they've never felt like that for anyone!

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