old feelings new actions

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( it's Saturday afternoon and Echo hears a knock at her door)
Echo:  grandma!
Echo's grandma: go answer the damn door!
Echo: damn it * walks to the door and opens it*
Kai: * grabs echo's hand and pulls her outside*
Echo: what the fuck!
Kai: oh shit sorry
Echo: the hell do u need 😑
Kai: I'm not allowed to hang out with my bestfriend anymore * say overdramaticly*
Echo: when u do shit like this then no
Kai: well your hanging out with me  anyways so get your shit and met me at the park * leans against the wall* I'll be waiting right here
Echo: fine * rolls her eyes and walks in*
Echo's grandma: let me guess Kai
Echo: * starts walking up the stairs while smiling* yep
(30 minutes later)
Echo: bye grandma love u * runs out the door*
Echo grandma: bye sweetheart!
Kai: u took to damn long 😑
Echo: oh shut it * throws them a bagel
Kai: mhm thx
Echo: your welcome now let's go *grabs Kai's hand and starts running to the park*
( at the park)
Kayla: *sitting on a beach under a tree*
Echo: who's that * points to kayla*
Kai: oh shit * hides behind Echo*
Echo: why the hell are u * realizes* ohhhh is that the girl u met at art
Kai: um yea
Echo: oh will then HEY GIRL UNDER THE TREE
Kai:  * whisperes screams* Echo I sware to fucking  God
Kayla: oh hey *gets up from the beach and starts walking over*
Kai: Echo I'm killing u
Kayla: * walks closer and sees Kai behind Echo* hey Kai
Echo: *grabs Kai and makes them stand  up*
Kai: hey Kayla *covers their face with their hoodie*
Kayla: so what u guys doing
Echo: nothing much we just got here
Kayla: will can I join I've just been reading by the tree
Kai: yes!
Echo *cough* simp *cough*
Kai: let's just go
Echo: go where?
Kai: I'm hungry
Echo: didn't u just eat a- u know what nvm 😐
( after getting food at the gas station)
Kai: I gotta head to the bathroom real quick I'll be out in a minute * walks to the bathroom*
Kayla: oh I forgot to ask what's your name
Echo: I go by Echo * takes a bite out of her muffin*
Kayla: so how long have u known Kai
Echo: we met in 2th grade so about five years
Kayla: that's cool so I know I just met them and it's really weird but I really really like them
Echo: most people do your point is
Kayla: I'm sorry if u upset u I just wanted to know if they were dating anyone or like had their eyes set on someone u know?
Echo: um Kai they've never liked anybody they just don't click with people that way * fake laughs*
Kayla: oh will that's disappointing...
Echo: *thinks* why did I say that
Kai: *walks back to Echo and Kai* what's happening
Kayla: nothing it's getting really late and I have to get home bye guys *starts speed walking back to her house*
Echo: that's weird
Kai: so wanna head over to your house
Echo: sure
( at echo's house)
Echo: I'm home!
Echo grandma: good I just made cupcakes want some * sees Kai* oh hey Kai
Kai: hey miss Patricia
Echo's grandma: will the cupcakes are out on the corner help yourself
Kia/echo: thx
( after they eat cupcakes they watch a movie)
Echo:it's Saturday right
Kai: no stupid it's Sunday *says sarcastically*
Echo: really?
Kai: I was being sarcastic 😑
Echo: oh will do u wanna spend the night?
Kai: can't I'm on baby duty tonight while on the subject I gotta get home *gets up from the couch and puts on their  hoodie* see ya later Echo
Echo: bye!
Kai: *walks out the door*
Echo's grandma:*walks down the stairs* so how was your day
Echo: something happened
Echo's grandma: what happened *say worried*
Echo: * explains what happened when her and Kayla talked*
Echo's grandma: so u lied to her
Echo: yea but I don't know why like it just pains me to say it out loud like I knew Kai liked kayla now I know that Kayla likes her back so my chances are fucked
Echo's grandma: chances at what
Echo: that's the thing I Don't know like I  should be happy for them I just can't be
Echo's grandma: will do u like Kai
Echo: that's the thing I Don't know...

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