old feelings new feelings?

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( 8:40 at the bus stop)
Kai: morning *says smugly*
Echo: *trying to catch her breath* fuck u
Kai: the one u should be fucking is your alarm clock
Echo: at least I'll be fucking something
Kai: yea have fun with that
Echo: just like how u wanna have fun with Kayla
Kai: um
Echo: yea that's what I thought
(the bus rolls up)
Kai: *rolls their eyes and gets on the bus*
Echo: *follows behind them*
Kai: the fuck/ echo: the hell
Lyric: oh sorry is this your guys seat
Echo: yes and when the fuck did u start taking the bus *asks suspicious*
Lyric: oh will when I found out about your little friend here *points to kai* I wanted to get to know her
Kai: it's them and can u move
Lyric: *oh ok gets up from the seat and walks to the back*
Echo: she gets on my nerves
(the bus starts moving)
Kai: *falls back*
Echo: *falls on top of them*
Kai/echo: *starts blushing*
Echo: oh fuck um sorry *grabs on the seat and sits down*
Kai: oh it's- fine *gets onto the seat*
Kai: *thinks* what the hell why's my face red
Echo: *thinks* oh my God oh my God oh my God
(the bus arrives at the school)
Echo: um let's go *walks off the bus*
Kai: ok coming*follows behind her*
Echo: ok so what's your first class mines math
Kai: math *says pissed off*
Kai: I swear u give me bad luck 😑
Echo: I know *winks at them*
Echo: *now let's go*
Echo: *grabs Kai's hand and runs off*
(when they arrive at class 196/ math)
Kai: ok let's go *trys to pull Echo inside the class*
Kai: ech-
Echo: *just looking at them*
Kai: Echo!
Echo: *pulls their hand back* ok yea sorry u just had um something on your face yea *hands them a napkin*
Kai: oh thx *wipes their face*
( the bell rings)
Kai: oh shit let's go *runs to their seat*
Echo: wait up *goes and sits in the seat next to them*
Mrs brown: ok so today we have a pop test*writes on the board pop test*
Echo: and were fucked
Kai: yep
(after the papers were passed out)
Mrs brown: ok test starts now
(ten minutes in)
Echo: *mumbles under her breath*ok so that equals 58 meaning it's 103
Kai: finally I'm done *puts the test on the corner of their desk*
(13 minutes later)
Echo: *Whispers* I'm so bored *looks over at kai*
Kai: *sleeping with Echo's hoodie over their head*
Echo: * thinks* they still have it
Echo: *Whispers* that's fucking adorable
( ok mid change "  " will now mean thinking ok 👍🏿 back to the story)
Echo: " hold up I still have a test stay focused Echo"
(end of class)
Mrs brown: ok everybody tests down
Echo: "ok just got done"
Mrs brown: ok that's all for today hope to see u all tomorrow
Echo: *walks up to kai* wake up!
Kai: *screams* Echo what the fuck
Echo: oh sleeping beauty need more sleep *says mockingly*
Kai: that's it your dead *stands up*
Echo: oh damn look at the time *starts running*
Kai: nah get your ass back here *starts running after her*
Echo: *keeps running* I ain't that stupid!
Kai: *starts climbing on the lockers*
Echo: shit
Kai: *jumps down and grabs Echo*
Echo: hey bestie how u doing
Kai: I should-
Kayla: hey guys
Kai: *screams* oh shit u scared me
Kayla: oh sorry I didn't mean to u ok
Kai: oh yea I'm fine * giggles*
Echo: " so fucking cute"
Kayla: will I still have class so bye guys *walks off*
Kai: will we got lunch so let's head
Echo: ok * picks Kai up from her shoulder*
Kai: what the fuck are u let me down!
Echo: let me think nope *starts running*
Kai: oh my fucking God slow the hell down!
(after the school day)
Echo: let's head over to my house
Kai: can't still gotta start on my math homework
Echo: mannnn
Kai: I'll come next time
Echo: pinky promise *puts out her pinky*
Kai: * pinky promise *crosses it will their's*
Echo: ok see ya* runs off*
Kai: bye!
kai: *starts to walk off*
(Halfway home)
Kai: " starts picturing echo" damn she's cute
Kai: why the hell did I say that I only see them as Friend  the fuck is wrong with me today *starts blushing*

we're just friends right? (friends to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now