Chapter 4

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I gave him a strange look but I definitely could understand why he changed his look and name.

And by the way my little Pipa was babbling and smiling at him, I could tell she didn't mind having him around either.

"Well Mr...Uh Todd. I have something to show you. But first would you mind holding my precious Angel while I get something?"

He looked uncomfortable but agreed to it.

Slowly I placed her in his arms.

"Alright Pipa, mommy will be right back. You be a good girl for Mr. Todd kay?'

She just babbled some more andand smiled at me.

I kissed her little forhead before walking into my room.

(Sweeney's POV)
Looking down at the little girl in my arms, I held her out in front of me to look at her better.

She was pale, very tiny, cute little round face, black hair with little waves at the ends. Chocolatey brown eyes with long eyelashes, and her smile..god that smile. It was to precious for words.

I wanted to smile back at her, but I couldn't. My anger and my lust for blood was the only emotions and feelings my black heart felt.

Yet this little girl couldn't see that at all.

"I'm back love, hope she didn't give you any trouble' said Mrs. Lovett as she walked back Into the room with a ring of keys In her hand.

"No umm, she's quite darling actually' I said still looking down at the baby.

Mrs. Lovett giggled, That she is but she has her days where she can be a handful love. Come Pipa, let's get you back in your crib love. When Mommy and Mr.Todd get back she'll feed you a nice bottle" she said before taking the baby out of my arms.

"..Will she be alright on her own?' I asked as we left the baby's room.

"ofcourse love,this won't take long. Come with me.'

(Back to Mrs. Lovett's POV)

I lead Sweeney upstairs to his and lucy's old room.

Lord knows neither of us hadn't been inside for so long. It would probably seem foreign to both of us.

After I unlocked the door, I stepped insode.The room was dusty and falling apart. The only things that remained was an old trunk, a broken mirror, and an old baby crib.

Looking behind me, I noticed that poor Sweeney was still standing in the doorway. He looked so sad and scared. Like a poor little lost puppy, poor thing.

"Come in, nothing to be afraid of love' I cooed.

He did as I said and walked in.

Walking over to the corner of the room, I picked up a few boards on the floor and found what I had hidden away.

A small black box wrapped in a dusty red cloth.

Hearing the ruckus I was making. Sweeney kneeled down in front of me and held the box in his hands.

"When they came for the girl I hid em. Could've sold em but I didnt."

He opened the box to reveal silver razors.

He began to sing about them, how they were his "Friends" I assumed it was his way of coping with his memories.

I began to tell him how I was his friend too and how he could move into his old shop.

But I wasn't sure if he was listening.

At one point he asked me to leave him alone.

I did as he asked and went back to Pipa.

Picking her up I took her back into the kitchen to feed her that bottle I promsied.

"Well my dear girl, we have our work cut out for us. That man has been through so much, we have to do everything we can to make him happy.'

Pipa just babbled through sips of the bottle.

In a way I knew she understood. My girl was very bright.

Although it was just wishful thinking, I couldn't help but secretly hope that sweeney would accept us as his new family if we continued to help him.

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