(Sweeney's POV)
With the little time that I had that night, I managed to turn my old babrber chair into a trap door. I had to find a way to dispose of the bodies somehow. So I manged to make the chair lean back with the push of a foot lever. That lead into the trap door and fell directly to the bottom of the backhouse floor. But despite how much I was looking forward to tonight. In the back of my mind I was so worried about alot of things. What if Johanna or Toby walked in?! What if Mrs.Lovett didn't know how to keep her big mouth shut and accidentally told one of them our secret? What if I killed someone and someone else notice that they were missing?!
All these thoughts were making my damn heart race, I nearly felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
That is, until I heard a knock on the door to my shop.
"Come in" I said putting a hand to my temple trying to ignore my pounding head.
"Dad? Are you alright?' I heard my daughter ask.
"I'm fine, what is it lamb?' I asked.
"I know youre going to be busy all night so I was wondering if I could get you anything to eat before you get to work?"
"No thank you, I rarely eat' I said before looking out the window.
"Oh..ok, well good luck tonight Dad." She said with hurt in her voice.
"Same to you darling,..I love you.'
She looked at me with pure joy mixed with shock.
"I love you too Daddy" she said before leaving the shop. But as she did, I noticed what she was wearing and what she had in her hair..why was my little girl so dressed up?
I decided to make it a priority to check in on her when i had the chance. Something was definitely going on.
(Johanns POV)
As the night went on, we continued to get more and more customers.Toby brought them in with his singing just like he did back at the market. Mom was busy rushing back and forth into the shop to bring out her warm delicious pies. And I was serving them to each customer like a woman on fire. I made sure each customer got the correct pie that they ordered. And I was delighted when I could see the look of pure delight on their faces.
"What a charming young lady." said one customer.
"So well mannered and skillful" said another.
I blushed at their kind words, and smiled as mom rubbed my shoulder in encouragement.
But in the middle of all that I could hear my baby sister crying from inside.
"Go and get her love, bring her out for some air. I'm sure Toby and I will be able to handle the rest on our own."
"Yes mom' I said before rushing inside.
Once I was in Pipa's room I picked her up and bounced her on my hip to calm her down.
"What's the matter baby girl? Are you wet?" I asked before checking her diaper.
Luckily she was dry so I quickly took her into the kitchen and made her a bottle. I walked back outside feeding it to her and found toby refilling gin glasses, Dad greeting more customers to his shop, and mom greeting Edward.
Once I saw him I could feel a smile creeping up onto my face. Mom pushes him my way and he greeted me with a hug.
"You look beautiful and the hair pin looks lovely in your hair' he said making me blush.
Even Pipa smiled at him and reached her tiny arms out towards him.
We both awed and sat down to have a pie together.
"This place seems to be doing really good for a grand opening."
I nodded, "Mom has been working very hard, business is good now."
"How do you think your father is doing?'
I shrugged, "He's been up in his shop all night. I'm honestly suprised he didnt ask you to help him."
"I don't mind,...I'd rather be sitting here with you' he said giving me a shy smile and stroking my hand with his fingers.
I could've stayed lost in that moment forever but from what I saw over Edwards shoulder made my skin crawl.
It was Antony and he was holding hands with a very skinny blonde woman wearing an ugly looking brown dress. And they were walking right towards us.

Can A Demon Be a Father?
FanfictionMrs.Lovett always thought that life for her and her infant daughter would always be hard. But one day a certain Demon barber comes into her shop and changes both of their lives completely. While sweeney tries to focus on his revenge he finds himself...