(Johanna's POV)
With a groan I opened up my eyes and put a hand to my head.
I was back in my bed somehow and I was in my nightgown.
I tried sitting up but a cold hand stopped me.
"Woah, easy there little lamb you need to stay in bed.'
Well I knew there was only one person here who called me lamb. And it was the last person I wanted to see. But I was to weak to be angry or have an attitude.
"What happened Dad?' I asked.
He kneeled down and took my hand in his.
"I did this, If I hadn't gotten angry you wouldn't have gotten sick. You have a fever lamb that's why you feel so weak. That boy you met brought you home.'
He said the last part in an angry voice, geez he hasn't even met Edward yet and hes already starting to hate him.
"He's just a friend Dad, but hes really nice and he told me he's looking for a job as a barber just like you. He says hes good at cutting hair, maybe he could be your assistant.'
Dad was about to say something again, but we both stopped talking when we heard an all to familiar Italian voice coming from downstairs.
"Sengiora, is Mr. Todd at home?""He's actually upstairs in his daughters room, shes not feeling well at the moment." said Mrs.Lovett in a stern voice.
"Dad maybe you should go see what he wants.'
"You're more important, he can come back another time" Dad said in a serious voice.
"What if its important?' I said.
Dad sighed and kissed my forhead.
"Okay, you stay in bed young lady. If you need anything you tell Mrs. Lovett okay?'
I nodded and layed back in bed, watching as my Dad left my room. and closed the door. As I listened to the sound of his footsteps going downstairs, I felt my eyes getting heavier until finally I fell back asleep.
(Sweeny's POV)I balled my fists up in anger but tried to keep myself calm as I went into the pie shop.
But to my suprise, Perelli was nowhere to be found.
"Where did he go?' I asked.
"Dont worry love, once I told him that Johanna's illness was contagious he immediately left."
I smirked at Mrs. Lovett but noticed that, that Edward boy was still here as well.
"You must be Edward' I said giving him a serious look.
"Yes sir, it's nice to meet you Mr.Todd.' he said in a shy voice, wich almost made me roll my eyes.
"We really appreciate you bringing our daughter home love"
Once Mrs. Lovett said that I gave her a strange look, "Our daughter?! What the hell dose she mean by that?" I thought to myself.
"Arent we Mr. T? If it wasn't for this young man right here she could've been picked up by someone else' she said giving me a hint of who she was taking about.
"Well she's home now that's all that matters. She also told me about the job your hopeing to get. Why dont you come back in about a week and we'll discuss what I can do for you okay?"
Edwards eyes lit up once I said that. He thanked me, shook my hand and said goodbye to Mrs. Lovett and I before leaving.
Later that evening I checked up on my daughter. She was still sleeping but her fever had gone down."Let her rest love, she'll get better soon' said Mrs. Lovett as she approached me with Pipa in her arms. Once again that precious toothless smile was getting to me.
Somehow my arms got away from me, and I took Pipa into them.
"Let's go downstairs, last thing we need is for this little angel to get sick as well."
"Good idea love" said Mrs. Lovett fallowing me.
Once we were settled in the living room. I sat with Pipa on my lap and gave Mrs. Lovett a serious look.
"Um..Is something wrong Mr. Todd?"
"..Earlier when Edmond or whatever his name is was here, why did you say Johanna was "OUR" Daughter?'
"His name is Edward love, and I said that because I didn't want him asking questions later. If he finds out about the past that you and Johanna share, who knows what could happen."
I sighed and looked down and Pipa who was teething on the sleeve of my shirt.
Mrs. Lovett sat down beside me and put her hand over mine. God..it was so warm..so comforting...I nearly intertwined my fingers with her.
"Do it Benjamin, you know you want to"
I cringed at the sound of that damn nagging voice in my head. And fought off the urge to give into my feelings.
"Love, I know you still miss Lucy. I know you still wish that she was here so the three of you could be a family. But she would also want you and your daughter to be happy. I know I could never replace her and I would never want to replace her.
But I do care for Johanna as if she were my own daughter. And...I care for you..more than you'll ever know.."
I looked at her with my crule black eyes.
I knew her intentions were good, and I knew she was a kind person. But...I just couldn't give in.
However I was completely shocked when she leaned over and kissed me...

Can A Demon Be a Father?
FanfictionMrs.Lovett always thought that life for her and her infant daughter would always be hard. But one day a certain Demon barber comes into her shop and changes both of their lives completely. While sweeney tries to focus on his revenge he finds himself...