(Sweeney's POV)
I groaned as the dreadful light of dawn hit my tired eyes.
It took me a second to realize that I was still on the coach. The events from last night came crashing back into my lap all at once.
Why was I so vulnerable? Why did I allow myself to melt into her arms? Those warm, loving, soft arms..
"Pull yourself together man! Your a demon for god's sake. The only woman in your life who could've broken that was..Lucy.'I was snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed little Pipa laying on the floor on a little blanket. Kicking her feet and babbling to herself.
"What are you doing here all by yourself?" I asked as I got down on my knees amd kneeled beside her.
She just looked up at me with that sweet smile and giggled.
"Where's your mother?" I asked as I played with one of her cute little black locks.
"Right here, morning love' said Mrs. Lovett as she walked into the room fixing her curls into her usual updo.
"You know I'm no expert on these things, but I dont think a 6 month old should be left alone." I said before picking up Pipa into my arms.
"Only left her alone for a second love, the doctors said she needs time to stretch. And do this thing they call Tummy time. They say it'll help with her growth. Anywho, I was just about to head to the market today. Would you like to join me and my little Angel?"
I shrugged and handed the baby to her,
"Havent been out in so long, last time I went anywhere I was transported.'
"Hmm that's to bad love, there's to be another barber at the market today. He claims to be the best barber in the city. Thought maybe you'd like to see for yourself.'
Once she said that, it definitely poked my intrest. Maybe a little outage and competition was just what I needed to take the edge off.
"Just let me grab my jacket' I said knowing she was happy that I was joining her after all.
(Mrs.Lovett's POV)I smirked as my handsome barber friend rushed to get ready. I knew he couldn't resist showing off his skills.
After getting Pipa ready in a cute light yellow dressdress and white ribbon in her hair.
I put her in her baby carriage and met up with Sweeney in the front of the shop.
"Ready love?' I asked, but I also noticed the scared look in his eyes. I'm sure this outing was causing him to have flash backs of the events that took place 15 years ago.
"I suppose" he said as he held the door of the shop open for me.
20 minutes later we were at the busy market.
In the middle of the crowd stood a stage for others to crowd around.
"He's here every Thursday. Italia, all the rage he is. Best barber in London they say" I said to Sweeney as we tried to push past everyone.
We eventually found a spot to see the show, and parked the baby carriage.
Suddenly Mr. Todd looked up and reached for his razor.
I saw why, it was beetle bamford coming around the corner. And my Barber friend here was ready to pounce on him.
"Hang on" I said in a strict voice before grabbing onto his arm.
He looked down upset but knew I was right.
"Just give it time love, you'll get what you want." I said to him before picking up Pipa and putting her on my hip.
Suddenly a young boy in grey clothes and a bowler hat came on stage pounding a drum. And began singing very loudly.
"Ladies and gentlemen!May I have your attention, please!Do you wake every morning in shame and despairTo discover your pillow is covered with hairOr what not should be there?Well, ladies and gentlemen,From now on you can waken at easeYou need never again have a worry or careI will show you a miracle, marvelous, rare.Gentlemen, you are about to see Something what rose from the dead!!! On the top of my head!"The crowd laughed, including Pipa.As he took his hat off, exposing his tangley blonde locks.
But both me and Sweeney gave eachother annoyed looks, as the boy continued to go on and on about this so called miracle product.
He called it Perllies elixar and said it would make hair grow. He even threw out these strange glass bottles of yellow liquid.
As the people around us opened the bottles, a horrid smell filled the air.
Finally Sweeney and I got our hands on one of the bottles.
"What is this?' he sang.
"What is this?" I sang."Smells like piss.""smells like..eww."
"This is Piss, piss with ink."
Once sweeney said that I made him immediately pass the bottle to the next person. I did not want that disgusting piss bottle near my baby girl.
The little boy tried to sing more good things about the elixar, but me and sweeney just kept exposing it for what it really was.
Suddenly a tall man, dressed in a fancy but goofy looking blue and gold suite came on stage. He was pale, with curly pinned up black hair underneath a top hat.
"I! Am Aldalpho Perelli the king of the barber the barber of kings, I blow you a kiss"
I cringed as he blew it my way.
"And I! The so Famous Perelli a-wisha to know-a who has a the nerve-a to say, my exliar is Piss...Who says this?
While we stood there for a silent minute, I noticed that in the crowd there stood a young girl. But she looked tense and she seemed to wearing ugly grey tattered clothes. A worn sweater with a torn black and grey skir, and she wore a scarf around her mouth. And a hat tightly tucked away her hair.And I'm not sure why but I had an uneasy feeling about her.
And I was soon about to find out why...
That is until this whole situation with the Italian was taking care of.

Can A Demon Be a Father?
FanfictionMrs.Lovett always thought that life for her and her infant daughter would always be hard. But one day a certain Demon barber comes into her shop and changes both of their lives completely. While sweeney tries to focus on his revenge he finds himself...