CHAPTER 13 :-)

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After that incident, Jungkook didn’t talk to anyone. He ignored Taehyung’s text as usual but he avoided Aecha too. It continued for a week.

Now Jungkook went dancing practice and behaved as if nothing happened.

Aecha glanced at him and tried to initiate a talk but jungkook tried to escape from it at all cost.

After the practice, Aecha blocked jungkook by standing in front of him.

stop Jungkook”

He didn’t respond.

She held his wrist and dragged him outside of the building.

“what are you doing?” Jungkook asked in a surprised tone.

“I wanna talk”


“Why are you acting as if nothing happened?”

“what do you mean Aecha?”

Aecha looked in disbelief.

“w- I mean you ran to the dorm crying that day? And you are avoiding me for a week, you are asking me what.”

“nothing happened Aecha,  I was not well.”

“Huh, you guys argued right.”

Jungkook's eyes widened and shook his head.

“don’t hide it Jungkook, I can’t always help you to sneak out and risk my job.
Remember you are gonna be an idol and gonna be busy with tons of work.
If you are in confusion or anything, just make it clear and move on. That’s all I can say.”

Jungkook listened to her and nodded slowly.

“T-Taehyung asked me to say ‘I love you. I couldn’t say. We argued. Then, I ran away.”

Aecha completed the sentence.

Jungkook looked down embarrassed.

Now, Aecha understood everything. She understood that succeeded in her mission to make Jungkook think about his relationship.

She smirked slightly that she made an impact on the other. She is internally screaming and a slight pink shade is painted on her cheeks.

"Why didn’t you reply to him?”

“I-I can’t”



“Just spill it. why didn’t you return your love if you missed him that much?”
She yelled at him. She wanted him to open up and clear everything.

He stared at her and his lips turned into a thin line.

He wants to clear everything to avoid chaos. He at least wanted to tell Aecha the truth.

His hands trembled and his legs gave up.

He clenched his fist and finally gathered the courage to speak,

“I couldn’t say ‘I love you cause it didn’t feel right to say to him as I lost myself in you.

I’m telling you now,


I love you so much that I always long for your attention and care.
I know this is wrong but couldn’t help it. you made me feel special that I don’t wanna wait for months for an answer or trust.
I wanna say this to you.”

He let out a sigh and looked at Aecha nervously.

She stood in awe.

She knew he has things for her but didn’t expect this.

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