chapter 15

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The next day,

Hoseok and Namjoon were standing outside the label to give the wallet to Jungkook.

“Joonie, you go and ask the receptionist. Then, give this to Jungkook”

“why don’t you come?”

“no, you go”

Namjoon nodded and stood at the pedestrian crossing.

But before Namjoon could cross the road, Hoseok stopped him and they stepped backward.

“What is this Hoseok?”

“shut up and see there”

Hoseok pointed at a couple walking happily holding hands. They entered inside that building. It’s Aecha and Jungkook.

“they are just couples, what’s special in that?”

“aah, Namjoon ah. He is Jungkook, Taehyung’s boyfriend”

Namjoon eyes widened and stared at him.

Hoseok continued,
“even though they are close friends, that doesn’t look like a best friend thing.
Did that Aecha succeed in her plan?”
Hoseok stared at them in disbelief.

“what plan?”

“that – leave it Namjoon, I’ll just ask my friend about this”

“you still have contact with them?”

“only one, she is my friend for a long time”

With that, hoseok contacted Haewon (a fellow worker of Aecha and friend of Hoseok).


On the call:

Hoseok: hello haewon!

Haewon: yeah Hoseok, it’s been a long time talking with you.

Hoseok: ah yes and I wanna ask you something.

Haewon: yea.

Hoseok: I – I saw Aecha and Jungkook now. is there anything between them? I came here to return something to Jungkook but it didn’t seem like the right time.

Haewon: I don’t know about that but Aecha and that trainee have become closer now. they hang out together and Aecha often buys gifts for that boy. I always see him with her.

Hoseok: oh, but you know Jungkook already has a boyfriend right.

(She is one of the important staff in that department, so she knew about the relationship)

Haewon: and another thing, I heard Jungkook broke up with his boyfriend. Aecha said this yesterday.

Hoseok: what?
(he was so shocked)

Haewon: hmm. she said she consoled him.

Hoseok: ok Haewon, thank you for informing I’ll see you another time. Bye

Haewon: wait, you said you wanted to return something.

Hoseok: uhmm, no use in giving this now.

Haewon: ok bye and don’t forget you should treat me to dinner if we meet.

Hoseok: sure.

The call ended.


Hoseok stared at the building. He couldn’t believe Jungkook would be head over heels for that girl. He is disappointed in him. he realized how Jungkook missed a gem and cherished a pebble.

“he should have listened to me. you are gonna regret in future for not listening.”

Hoseok smiled slightly and started to walk.

“what happened?”
Namjoon asked him.

“it’s nothing Joon, let’s go”

“what about this?”
He pointed at the wallet.

“no use of that Joon, let’s go. I’ll give this to him myself.”

“why? What happened?”

“Jungkook broke up with Taehyung. How can I give this to him?”

Namjoon was shocked after hearing that.

“That was unexpected”

“yes, let’s leave it as it is. And I’ll keep this with me”

“as Jin hyung said you’re gonna keep it with yourself”

“uhmm… yeah. Let’s say he gifted me this”

“But when?”

“when he bumped onto me yesterday “

“that’s not- “

it’s alright, he gifted me this yesterday. I’ll give this to him when I see him again”

Hoseok interrupted Namjoon and walked away.

“I wonder what his brain made up of?”
Namjoon thought.

With that, they both left the place.

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