Chapter 19

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“I’m done with this guy seriously"

Taehyung complained to his co-worker Jay about a particular customer who has been bothering him lately.

“he gives us good company Tae, I don’t know why you see him annoying?”

“no. he always teases me. I don’t like that”
And he crossed his arms and sighed.

“anyways, your fan will be here by now. enjoy your day”
Jay chuckled seeing Taehyung’s sulky face.

Then the door opened revealing Taehyung’s most favorite(annoying) person.

“Hello, Hoseok here.”
He said cheerfully and did their usual hi-fi with Jay. Then Jay went to do his work.

“here comes a clown”
Taehyung mumbled and rolled his eyes.

“Hi TaeTae, I’m gonna read an interesting book today,”
Hoseok said and took a random book.

“here we go again”

Hoseok shrugged off and sat on his regular seat which is beside Taehyung’s desk.

“I’ve never seen you read that anyway”
Taehyung said annoyed.

It’s a chemistry book about nanomaterials and stuff. Taehyung wonders why he reads a book that makes no sense to him.

“I, I’ma do whatever I want”

Hoseok sang and blinks at the younger.

(He was singing this song)

“Seriously, I’m so done”
Taehyung gritted his teeth and sat on the desk.

“thank you”
Then he glanced at Taehyung.

Taehyung regretted making Hoseok his friend now.
Hoseok visited the café at night after his work every day after that incident and became a regular customer.

He would visit, pretend to read a book, sit beside Taehyung staring at him, talk with the workers, give flowers to Taehyung and go home late at night.

Hoseok and Jimin text each other and share funny pictures daily. So, Taehyung mentally added Hoseok to his human interaction list.

Hoseok wanted to see the other. visiting him in his workplace is probably the only way he had. The café is not too far and he couldn’t resist and meet him every day.

Taehyung’s co-workers would tease him for receiving flowers. they all liked Hoseok’s company as he is cheerful.

Taehyung can’t say that he totally hates Hoseok. Only the mischievous side of Hoseok annoys him. Other than that, he thought Hoseok is a good friend (A/n: for now)

Hoseok called the other.

Taehyung hummed and looked at the older.

He is holding a flower but was surprised by that cause it’s not a real flower this time. It’s a plastic sunflower.

“here have this”
Hoseok placed the fake flower on the desk as the others won’t accept it anyway.

“I won’t take it anyway. Why would you even try when I said we are friends?”
Taehyung replied glaring at the older.

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