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After a glorious nine-and-a-half-hour flight, me and Grace landed in Honolulu. During the flight, I gave Grace a lecture about what she did, wasn't safe and that she could have gotten seriously hurt  We didn't have any luggage only hand baggage, so we walked out of the terminal and got into a cab.

"Where you going?" the cab driver asks me 

"Ali'Iolani Hale, Honolulu, please!" I said to the driver and then we set off from the airport to Five-0 which was about a 45 minute journey.

About 20 minutes into the journey, the driver asks me a question. 

"You're not from Hawaii are you?" he asks 

"No, I was born and raised in Chicago. Served in the Navy for 9 before being honourably discharged. I'm now a detective alongside my brother and boyfriend" I replied 

"Navy for 9 years! Thank you for serving our country. What part of the Navy were you in?" the driver said 

"I was in the SEALs. I got a few promotions whilst I was serving. I'm a Lieutenant Commander." I replied, then looked at Grace who was busy on her phone. 

20 minutes later we arrived at Five-O's headquarters and I was just getting my wallet out to pay the cab fare.

"How much is that?" I asked

"No charge! You served our country and the fare is on me" the driver answered.

"That is so kind of you. Thank you so much. Have a great day" I replied and the driver nodded and me and Grace got out of the cab and headed into HQ. On our way in, we get stopped by security. 

"Excuse me, you can't come in here" a security guard to me and Grace. 

"My name is Lieutenant Commander Lilah Halstead, former Navy SEAL and Detective with Chicago PD, I need to go up to Five-O because Detective Danny Williams knows I'm arriving today," I told the security guard sternly

"Sorry ma'am," he said to me and let me and Grace through and we got in the elevator and headed upstairs. 

Once the elevator came to a stop on the top floor, we both got out of the elevator and headed through the glass doors and then Grace spotted her dad.

"DANNO" she yelled and Danny turned around and engulfed his daughter into the tightest hug a human could possibly have. I was still standing at the door, staring at the team before I walked in. 

"Miss me, Commander," I said to which Steve turned around and saw me standing there and walked towards me and pulled me into a hug

"Lilah, how are you?" Steve asked 

"I'm good. It's only a flying visit. Fly back to Chicago tomorrow morning" I told my old Lieutenant Commander. Stever was about to say something but then he was interrupted by Lou Grover.

"Did someone say Chicago?" Lou asked 

"That would be me" I replied raising my hand to which Lou's eyes went wide.

"If it isn't the infamous Lilah Halstead, how are you?" Grover asked me 

"I'm doing alright. Been honourable discharged from the Navy. I'm now a Detective with the Intelligence Unit alongside my brother Jay and my boyfriend Adam Ruzek" I replied. 

"That's amazing. I remember training you all those years ago" Grover replied to me

"I remember training with you at the academy. Always tough but fair with us" I answered with a smile. 

After spending the next few hours just talking about old times, reminiscing the good memories and having a laugh, it was time for me to head to my hotel for a good night's rest, as I had an early flight back to Chicago. I'm glad this very short trip to Hawaii was good because it was nice to finally catch up with everyone after such a long time. From the Five-O headquarters, my hotel was only a 5-minute walk away which wasn't too bad. 

After checking in to the hotel, I headed up to my room and as soon as I got there I flopped down on the bed and decided to FaceTime Adam because I miss him so much, even though I'm only gone for such a short period of time. Within a couple of rings, Adam picks up the phone.

Adam: Hey baby! How's Hawaii?

Lilah: Hawaii's good, even though it's a short visit but hey, it was nice to see everyone after such a long time. Especially McGarrett. But I miss you and I'll be back by tomorrow evening and I'm going to be very tired. 

Adam: I miss you too baby. So when you get home tomorrow, I'm going to run you a nice hot bubble bath and then give you a really nice massage to relax you 

Lilah: I'm looking forward to it baby. I really need that. Oh you do treat me like a princess, my prince 

Adam: You deserve it my princess and I'll happily do it for the rest of my life if I have to. 

Lilah: That's, so sweet babe. I still can't believe that we've hidden our relationship from my brothers for the last 10 years. It's gonna knock Jay for six when he finds out but I think Will, would be a little bit more lenient. Guess who I saw at Five-O today?

Adam: Yeah I know. Been the best 10 years of my life! Knowing Jay, he will definitely hit the roof more than Will. Who did you see?

Lilah: I saw our old training Captain, Lou Grover

Adam: Death Stare Grover???

Lilah: Yep! But anywho, I'm off to get some sleep because I have to be up early to get to the airport to fly back to Chicago and then I can be in your arms tomorrow night. 

Adam: I can't wait for that baby. I love you so much 

Lilah: I love you so much more Addy

Adam: Bye baby

Lilah: Bye babe

I hang the phone up, set my alarm, and place my phone on charge, on the bedside table before rolling over and getting comfy. But before I knew it, my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light, falling into a deep sleep to re-energise for the long journey home. Before, I knew it my alarm was ringing and it only felt like I was asleep for 5 minutes, but I knew it was time for me to get up, so I can head home to see my wonderful brothers and my extremely handsome boyfriend. 

Rolling out of bed, I went and had a quick shower, before shoving my PJs in my backpack and then getting dressed into one of Adam's hoodies, a pair of leggings and my black and white converse. I left my room, went down to reception and handed my room key back in and then got in a cab and headed to the airport. 

Just get me back to Chicago. I just want to be in the arms of the love of my life, and go back to annoying my brothers but overall just being in my hometown, being the best Detective that I can be, alongside, everyone that I consider to be true family. 

Lieutenant CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now