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8 months later 

It has been eight months since Lilah was meant to go on that repatriation but ended up being taken ill because of her nerves. But in that time a lot has changed in Lilah's life, she has fully retired from the Navy. She has served her time and country but it was now time for her to settle down and focus on her family.

Adam and Lilah started the discussion of starting a family and wanting kids was one of the things at the top of their list. They have wanted kids for so long but both of their careers have gotten in the way of them starting. Two month after that discussion Lilah found out that she was pregnant and she and Adam were over the moon that they are finally starting a family after being together for nearly 12 years.

At just over 6 months pregnant, Lilah is walking into the district, to start her desk duty until the baby is born. Adam has become super protective of Lilah but Lilah doesn't mind that but it's when her brother goes all protective on her, it just pisses her off.

"Morning everyone" Lilah says cheerfully.

"What's put you in such a good mood this morning, my dear little baby sister" Jay askes

"Well... My amazing husband brought me McDonalds breakfast and some Krispy Kreme doughnuts because he wanted to make me happy. Also he doesn't want to get on the wrong side of his pregnant wife because my hormones will go crazy" I told my brother as Adam walks into the bull pen and Jay looks at him.

"Adam, Lilah was just telling us that you got her breakfast and doughnuts this morning. What about us?" Jay says

"Jay, Happy wife, Happy life. I got on the wrong side of her last night when I didn't put extra cheese on her pasta. So the breakfast and doughnuts were to make up for last nights mistake" Adam states before placing a kiss on my cheek which made me smile.

I walked over to my desk, sat down and then placed my head on my desk because I felt extremely tired for some reason. Pregnancy really does make you tired but it'll be worth it all in the end, when that little bundle of joy is in your arm. Me and Adam have decided to keep the gender a surprise but we have decided on a name for a girl and for a boy. But were not telling anyone the name until after the birth. I never use to be a heavy sleeper due to being in the Navy but since I've been pregnant, I have been able to sleep through pretty much everything. That also includes Adam's god awful snoring. I woke up after what I thought was 10 minutes turned out to be 3 hours and the bull pen was empty. So, I just assumed the unit had caught a case.

I got up from my desk and headed to the breakroom and grabbed my bottle of orange juice since I can't have coffee at the moment, I heard the rest of the unit come back in and head their respected desks but Adam walks into the break room to come and see me.

"Hey baby. How are you and little Ruzek doing?" Adam asks with a big smile

"Me and little Ruzek are doing just fine" I reply. But just after I replied, I felt the baby kick and I immediately grabbed Adam's hand and placed it on my stomach. The baby kicked again and the look on Adam's face was just pure joy.

"That was amazing. Feeling our little one move. I love you so much Lilah Ruzek. We are going to be the best parents to our little one. They are going to be so loved by everyone here at the district, 51 and at Med" Adam says before pulling me in for a long kiss. As we pull away from each other I look him in the eyes.

"That was the sweetest thing to say Adam. It's making me want to cry happy tears. I can't wait for us to be parents and raise this little one to be the best that they can be" I replied before we both left the break room and headed back to our desks.

Back at my desk, there was a small pile of paperwork on my desk, and I swore that I completed all my paper work and I look over at Jay who had a smirk on his face and holding one of my doughnuts and from that smirk on his face I could tell it was him that put the papers on my desk. So, I give him the death stare which catches the attention of the entire team they knew that something was about to go down between the two Halstead siblings.

"Why did you put the papers on my desk, Jay?" I asked

"Because I felt like it sis" Jay said as he took a bite out of my doughnut and then smirked and in the background I heard Kevin say 'it's about to go down'.

"I completed all my paperwork Jay. So DON'T go dumping your paperwork on my desk. ALSO, you owe me a doughnut because YOU STOLE MINE. DON'T TAKE FOOD OFF OF A PREGNANT WOMEN BROTHER BECAUSE IT'LL PISS HER OFF AND YOU HAVE JUST PISSED A PREGANT LADY OFF" I said in a pissed of tone and got up from my desk and walked into the break rom to get another bottle of orange juice.

"Well done Jay. You've gone and pissed my wife off" I heard Adam say before he walked into the break room to give me a hug.

After shift had finished, me and Adam grabbed our stuff and headed home. On the way home, Adam replaced the doughnut that Jay had stolen which made me one happy girl.

I looked down at my bump and said "Only 4 months to go little one".


Sorry for the shorter chapter. This story is ending in the next chapter. It has been a pleasure writing this book and I can't wait to write some more" 

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