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Five weeks have passed since I was released from the hospital but I was still on desk duty for the next four months because all the doctors and the rest of the intelligence unit don't want me to cause further injury to myself. In my head, that is utter crap but I kind of have to follow the rules because I don't want to get in trouble. 

I'm currently sitting at my desk, just doing paperwork and some research on the current case that we are working on. The rest of the team left the bullpen about 5 minutes ago to go and chase down a criminal. Just wish I was chasing the criminal as well. Sometimes, I just want to break the rules and just do what is right. As I continue researching our victim, my desk phone starts ringing. It startles me because my desk phone hardly ever rings. I take a look at the caller ID, but it's showing unknown but I still answer. 

Lilah: Commander Halstead

Danno: Lilah, it's Danny

Lilah: Danny, is everything alright? You sound panicked 

Danno: That's because I am panicking Lilah. Steve's missing. We've searched the entire Island and can't find him. We've tracked him to somewhere in Korea and we need your help. How quick can you get to Hawaii? 

Lilah: I'll be on the next flight out to Hawaii

Danno: You are an angel Lilah. Let's go bring Steve home. 

Lilah: Let's bring him home

Danno ends the call and I book the next flight out to Honolulu. I sent a quick text to Danno with all my flight details and he replied by saying that he'll meet me at the airport when I've landed. I know I'm doing the right thing but I'm going to prepare for a good old shouting match when I get back. Whenever that'll be. I grab some paper and write a note for Adam, so he doesn't get worried but I'm going to be telling a little white lie in the note. 

Just going to the coffee shop around the corner to get myself and ice coffee 

and a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Needed to get away from my desk for a little and just needed some 

fresh air to clear my head.

Be back soon 

Lilah x

I place the note on Adam's desk and head straight to the locker room, grabbing my vest, duffle bag and my long gun in it's case and my glock in my holster. I close my locker and leave the locker room and take the bag route to leave the bullpen, because I don't want to pass Trudy and raise any suspsion. Luckily the route I'm taking leads straight down to the parking garage. Once I'm in the parking gargae, I practially run to my truck, I chuck all my stuff in before hopping into the drivers seat and putting my keys into the ignition, putting the truck into drive and heading to the airport to head to Hawaii.

Adam's Pov

 We finally caught the suspect that we we were after and Antonio and Voight were taking him to the cage, because he did put up a bit of a fight as we were putting ther cuffs on him. I walk into the bullpen, expecting to see Lilah, but her desk is empty but I walk to my desk and see a note saying that she was going to the coffee shop, but I don't blame her for getting away from her desk for a little while. Then Jay walks into the bullpen, looking confused.

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