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Adam's Pov

Two painstaking days have passed since Lilah was shot and she's still in a coma. I have spent every waking minute of the day, at her bedside, not wanting to leave her, even though the rest of the unit is trying to pry me away. But it didn't work. Earlier this morning, Jay convinced me to take a shower and get some food and that he will stay at her bedside and promised to let me know if there were any changes in Lilah's condition. I'm praying that she wakes up because I just want to see that bright beautiful smile of hers, light up the room.

Jay was sitting in one chair on the other side of her bed, stroking her hair, just trying to keep himself calm. Will was sitting in a chair next to Jay, just staring at his little sister and is probably thing, why this had to happen to his little sister. Me on the other hand, was just sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair, holding my girlfriend's hand, stroking it with my thumb to then place a kiss on the back of her hand. By doing that, I could feel the silent tears, trickling down my cheek. I look over at Lilah's two brothers and I could see the tears falling down their cheeks. This is a sistuation that you prepare yourself for. We all just want our Lilah to wake up soon.

Silence was filling the room, until the Halstead brother started having a small convosation to break the utter silence that was filling the room. With ongoing convosation happening around me, all I was doing was staring at the love of my life, who was in a hospital bed with copious amount of wires and tubes attached to her. With my hand gently gripping hers, I feel the tears wanting to fall out my eyes but I wont let them. Laying my head on the edge of Lilah's bed with my hand still in her's, I suddenly feel a soft but gently squeeze on my hand and my head just bolts up to see Lilah's eyes opening. With my sudden movement, Jay and Will look in my direction to then look in Lilah's direction to see her waking up. Will jumped into action, by grabbing a pair of gloves, to start removing the breathing tube from Lilah's mouth. 

Lilah's Pov

I don't know what's happening, I try opening my eyes but they won't open. I try a second time and they are slowly opening, with a bright white light clouding my vision. Trying to move my hands, I feel another hand in my left one, so I grip it gently, to then feel a sudden movement of that same hand. Once my eyes were fully open, I could see three people just looking at me. I look to my left to see my boyfriend Adam and to my right, I see my two older brothers. I see Will, grabbing a pair of blue gloves from the box by the door to my hospital room and rushing to bedside, as I try to remove the tube that was currently in my throat. 

"Hey, hey, don't pull it out yourself, because you'll hurt yourself" Will told me but I just stared at him. Will removed the tube and started coughing and Jay passed Will the cup of water that was on my table by my bed with a straw to make it easier for me. I turn to my left hand side to see Adam in tears, I reach my hand over to him and slowly stroke his hair to calm him down. To let him know that I'm okay and that I've survived. 

"How you feeling?" Jay asks

"Like I was shot then hit by a heavy goods truck. How long have I been out for?" I replied 

"Two days. You scared the living life out of me Lilah. I though I was going to lose you" Adam told me

"Your never going to lose me Ruzek. Not in a million years. I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I told him 

"Jay and Will know about us. I told them when we were waiting for news on you. I told that your the love of my life and that I've loved you since the first day that I met you at the academy. Lilah, I want to spend the rest of my life with you too. I want to grow old and grey with you. I want to have children with you in the future. I love you so much Lilah, your my world. Your my today, tomorrow and forever. I didn't plan on asking you this way, because I had it all planned out. Lilah Bethany Halsted, will you marry me and become Mrs Ruzek?" Adam asked me, as he is on one knee at my hospital bedside. 

I look over at my brother's who have great big smiles on their faces and then I turn back to look at Adam 

"Yes, I'll marry you" I replied quietly, with happy tears in my eyes. Adam gently grabs my hand and slips this beautiful small diamond ring onto my finger before getting up and leaning over to give me a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. I slowly move over in the bed, and tap the space next to me, signalling Adam to lay next to me, Mainly because I want to lay my head on his shoulder. 

"Jay, is the unit here?" I asked him

"Yeah, there in waiting room. Do you want to see them?" He answered 

I nodded in response and Jay got up out of the chair he was sitting on and left the room to grab the unit and then I look at Will.

"Will, can you pass me my cellphone" I asked my brother

"Yeah of course" was his response and he grab my phone from the table and placed it into my hand. I look at my phone and there was some notifications from the unit sending me well wishes and there was a few from McGarrett, Danno and Kono, so I decided to call Steve to see how he is keeping. I press on his contact details and within a couple of rings he picks up. 

Steve: McGarrett

Lilah: Hey Steve. How are you?

Steve: I'm doing good Lilah. How are you?

Lilah: I'm currently in the hospital, just woken after being in a coma for the last two days

Steve: WHAT! Your in the hospital? What the hell happened?

Lilah: I left work early a few days ago because I was getting a migraine and I was struggling to focus, so it was best for me to go home and rest. Get home to my apartment to find the door open. I walk in with my gun raised and I heard a voices coming from the master bedroom. But it was two voice I definately recognised. It was Lieutenant Hannah Fowler and Petty Officer Third class Tyler Oswald. Hannah basically ordered him to kill me. I accidentally butt dialed Adam, so he and the entire Intelligence unit heard the fight and then I was in the kitchen, fighting them bother and knocked them to the ground for Hannah to then pull out a gun and she shot me. I didn't fall to the ground straight away. I stumbled into the bathroom and then collapsed in the bath tub to only be found by Adam about fifteen minutes later. Doctors told me they had to remove my spleen and that I'm lucky to be alive with the amount of blood that I lost that day. Hannah and Tyler have been arrested and the Navy has been informed of their action. All this over my promotion to Lieutenant Commander almost four years ago. 

Steve: Jesus Christ. You have been through a lot over the alst couple of days. If I had know you were in hospital, I would have been on the first flight out to Chicago to come and see you. I can still come and visit if you would like

Lilah: No Steve, it's alright. I'm sure Five-O have some important cases to solve. And before I forget. Me and Adam are getting married. He proposed to me, when I woke up, because he was terrified that he was going to lose me. 

Steve: Congratulations. When your well enough to travel, come to Hawaii and bring Adam with you. I'm sure the rest of Five-O would like to meet him.

Lilah: I'll see what I can do.I've got to go now Steve but I'll call you when I get out of hospital and I'm back at work on desk duty. 

Steve: That's fine. Your rest and I'll let everyone else know how you are and tell them that your now engaged.

Lilah: Bye

Steve: Bye

Steve hangs the phone up, just as therest of the unitj walk into my hospital room, smiling and relieved to see that I'm alive. Everyone starts asking how I am. After being asked the same question about three hundred time a day, it just starts to do your head but I kept telling them that I'm doing good, slowly healing. Basically just repeating what the doctors have told me, during their rounds. 

The next thing that was brought up was when I return to work. Voight told me that I would be on desk duty for the next five months, because he doesn't want me getting injured any further. He'll let me do basic errands and go to the fire house or Med if need but no going into the field catching bad guys until I have had the full okay from my doctors and my surgeon. Safe to say, I one hundred percent agree with what he told me. Basically I'm a stickler for the rule when it comes to being injured because healing is important and it gives you time to reflect on your tactics and ways to intercept criminals. 

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