Chapter 4

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He wanders in this park looking for his new victim which he will decoy and bring it to an empty place and kill them just like he did with the other victims.

He is like the predator that looks for a prey.
But he overlooked those eyes that watches him from a far.

He didn’t know that this time. He will be the victim. And the prey that will be preyed upon.

He found his target and headed towards it.

"Hey, can you guide me to the cinema? I'm new here. I still don’t know the city very well"

"Sure, I don’t have anything to do anyway."

She took her bag and stood.

She said with a smile: "Let’s go"

He answered: "Thank you" and smiled back.

From the outside his smile looks normal.
But from the inside he is laughing evil

While they’re walking.

After making sure that no one is around

He put his hand on her mouth so that she
can’t scream. And took her to an empty
place as he wanted.

She tried to resist and run but she couldn’t.

He was stronger.

After arriving the empty place, He let her.

He always makes sure that the place where he takes his victims there’s no way to escape in it.

She said while crying so hard: "Why are you doing this? "

The man: " I do that for no reason. Just for

She: "But why me?"

The man: "darling, I choose my victims
randomly, and this time the choice fell on you. Don’t blame me. Blame yourself that went after a stranger.''

She widens her eyes surprisingly while tears are still running
down her face. And said: "I thought you needed help! I just wanted to help someone in need! Is this a bad thing?"

She wondered in repressed tone.

He answered while taking out his knife: "
Well. I think that you’re the one who needs help now."

He raised his knife.

And when he was about to stab her.

He felt someone hold his hand to stops him
from what he was about to do.

Katherine while she’s directing her speech
to the girl collapsed on the ground while
screaming and crying hard:


She got up quickly and said: "What about you?!"

Kathrine: "JUST GO"

She ran as fast as she could to escape from
that place.

He pushed Kathrine away and screamed in her face: "What do you think you’re

Kathrine: "Sorry for spoiling your fun. But
you were about to kill that girl, right?"

The man: "What does it matter for you
whether I kill her or not?!"

Kathrine while ignoring what he just said:
"The serial murders that have been
happening lately. You're the one who did it, right?

She took a step forward and approached him
while looking into his eyes boldly into his
eyes and then continued:
"First. you choose your victim then you tell them that you are lost and want someone to guide you, and when the victim falls into your
trap. You took them to an inescapable place like the one that we’re in now and stabbing them to death. Did I say something wrong? I
admit your plan is smart. But there’s no such thing as a perfect crime. At the end someone will catch you. Unfortunately for you, I was that person."

He looked at her in shock. How the hell did she knew all that??!!

He hid his shock quickly and gave her a fake smile as he gritted his teeth, while saying:
"Don’t you think you know a lot?"

Then he picked up his knife again and
continued: "don’t you know that your
knowledge may lead to your death?"

She lifted her hair into a ponytail and put on her gloves.

Katherine with a smile: "You’re wrong. It will lead to your death. Not mine."

She punched him in the face as soon as she finished speaking.

Which made him take a few steps back because of her
sudden movement.
He said while giggling in shock: ''you are
really bold and brave, aren’t you?"

Kathrine while smiling sideways: "TRY ME"

They start fighting. The fight that ended
with her victory.

He fell in the ground panting, bowed his
head in defeat, and blood is dripping from him.

Kathrine: "I told you that my knowledge
will lead to your death, didn’t I? You only have yourself to blame, yourself that
underestimated me just because I’m a
woman. Did you really think I wasn’t ready before I came here?
While I know I will face a killer? You're really fool. "

He raised his head while he was still
catching his breath: "What are you?!"

Kathrine: '' I’m someone who kills people like you."

The man: "Then what makes you different
from people like me? You're a killer too!"

Kathrine: "No, I'm different. I'd rather kill for good than kill for bad or fun as you do."

He lowered his head to face the ground,

While she raised her head in pride: "And
now bear the consequences of your actions."

He remained at the same position
surrendered to his fate. He can’t escape

That's why we say that whoever dug a hole for his brother, he falls in it.

And your actions will inevitably come back
to you.

She picked up his knife and did the exactly what he did to his victims.

She threw the knife beside him.
Then she turned out of the place.

When the police arriver the police after the girl reported what  had happened and went with them to guide them to the exact place.

It's an empty and isolated place so, it’ll be hard to reach it without anyone’s instruction.

It was too late.

He's already dead.

The police noticed that his traits match those of the serial killer.

One of them turned quickly to ask the girl: "You told us that someone saved you, right? "

The girl: "Yes, I did."

The officer: "can you tell us what did the
person look like?"

The girl: "I didn’t see well, but it was some

He looked at the others with an extinguished
expression, and said:


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