Over Again

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"hey alex what's up do you need kate cause I'm not with her right now" I answer kinda worried. "no no I need to ask you a favor" he said sounding scared "can you tell kate something for her I'd do it I'm just too scared to hurt her" "that depends what it is Al" I said sitting down on my kitchen counter and drinking some water. Oh how I love water like it's so wet and delicious. Healthy healthy water yummy yummy in my tummy yum yum yum. "Carly? CARLZ? Can you tell her" he yelled "oh sorry al I spaced out" I said while he chuckled "I said I'm going into the military and I need you to tell Kate for me I'd ask Kenzie or Zayn to do it but I know they'll be hurt too so please Carlz just this one time?" I did a spit take. Damnit all what a waste of perfectly delicious wat-oops back on track. I took a deep breath "ya know it's gonna break her heart but yeah I'll do it" I felt the tears building up in my eyes. You see Alex may be Kates older brother but he's always been there for all of us and he is basically like an older brother for all of us too. "thank you so much Carlz I really do owe you for this but I gotta go I have a date bye love" he rushed out. I barely got out "bye" before he hung up on me. Guess I should get this over with now. I sent out a group text to all the girls and Zayn asking them to come over. Mm now I have about 10 minutes with my water. That's such a curious liquid like where does it come from? What is a good description for the delicious taste of it? I'd be no where without water. OR NIALL ahh Niall that attractive attractive kid. I'm hoping I have more dates with him soon. My thoughts were interrupted by Kate screaming "CARLY IF IT WAS SO IMPORTANT THEN OPEN THE DOOR I'M FREEZING MY ASS OFF" so I did what any responsible best friend would do and screamed "WHO IS ITTTTTT" while laughing until I heard "you don't wanna know what I'll do if you don't open the door right now" from Zayn and I opened the door right away and hugged him. "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ZAYN" I said giggling then I added on "okay come sit down guys" they all came and sat down "okay Kate this is gonna hurt you just keep in mind we all love you and we're here for you" "JUST TELL MEEEEE PLEASEEEEE" she screamed trying to lighten the mood. "Kate alex is going into the navy and he couldn't stand hurting you so he wanted me to tell you" I said tearing up again. Everyone broke down crying and Kate ran out of the house with Zayn following closely after.

Zayns POV

Kate ran out crying and I just couldn't let her go alone. I love alex I've always looked up to him as an older brother so it hurts me too that he's leaving. I ran after her worrying about nothing but to make sure she's okay. I knew instantly she'd go to the park down the road. "Kate?" I called looking in the tree I knew she was in not only because I knew her so well but because I could hear her sniffling. "I can't just let him go Zayn" she said hugging me when I got to our branch. "it's okay love you know you have all of us to have your back through it all. We love alex just as much as you we're just not blood related." I said rubbing her back. We sat in silence for what felt like forever but that's just because she was crying and I can't stand to see her cry. I started humming Soldier by Gavin DeGraw to her knowing it was one of her favorite songs and that it'd comfort her. "thanks Zayn I don't think you know how much this really means to me. I love you so much Z" she said so quietly I thought I might have imagined it. "I love you too Kate. Come on I'll make you some Tea and we will have a Zatie movie pizza night." I said as she smiled. I loved that I could make her smile. "Zayn are you asking me on a date?" she said giggling. "duhhh your my cutie" I said laughing while helping her down from the tree until I lost my footing and she fell on top of me laughing. "I think I'm going to pee myself if I laugh any harder." she said pulling a cute face nobody compares to. "if you pee on me I will play the scary movies" I said knowing she hates them. "NOOO ZAYN I LOVE YOU. I wanna watch Mamma Mia" she said I chuckled at her movie choice. "why do you like that movie so much?" I asked knowing her answer already. "cause I LOVE ABBAAAAAAAAA" she screamed laughing which earned us some dirty looks from some elderly couples. As we were walking home a little girl who looked around the age of 6 stopped us. "Hey you're the people from those shows my sister watches. Your names Zayn right?" she said looking at us in awe. "yeah what's your name love?" I asked squatting down to her level. "lexi" she said then added on "my sister tells me she's gonna marry you." "oh is she?" I asked chuckling "yeah but I think you and katie look better together." she whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks warm up "thanks lexi would you like some autographs for you and your sister?" I asked. She nodded furiously then ran inside what I assumed was her house to get a pen and paper. "what'd she say that got you blushing zaynieboo?" Kate asked making me blush more. "oh it was nothing important ya know the usual." I said looking away so she doesn't see me blushing anymore. "mhmm I'll get it out of you later." she said hugging me most likely because she's cold. "Kate why don't you have a hoodie on?" I asked rubbing her arm trying to warm her up. "I was just running I didn't think to grab one" she said sneezing. "here" I said giving her my jumper. "but your gonna get cold" she said worrying as always but I forced her to put it on then hugged her so I could keep warm too. Lexi comes running out with a girl that looked like an older version of her. "OMG YOUR ZAYN MALIK I LOVE YOU" she said hugging me and pushing Kate out of the way. I hugged her back politely as I saw lexi go help Katie up then heard her whisper "I saw you guys hugging will you promise me that you'll marry him someday?" i chucked but stopped when I heard Kate whisper "yeah sweetie if you want me to I promise." I smiled and finally got this girl to let go of me. "what's your name babe?" I asked hoping she wouldn't jump me again cause that was scary. "Hannah" she said giggling but it sounded like a witch. "lovely. Would you like some autographs and pictures?" I asked but I didn't want her to say yes I just wanted to get back to my movies with Kate. "OMG YESSSSS" she screamed...ow? "KATE can you take these pics for us?" I asked "Yeah no problem. As long as someone takes some pictures of me and lexi" she said "okay I want a picture with you too katie!!!" Hannah screamed. We posed for some pictures and signed some autographs then said goodbye. We stopped at the store and got some chunky monkey Ben and jerrys, candy, pizza, and popcorn. When we arrived home everyone looked frantic. "KATE are you okay?" Kenz screamed "yeah I'm fine but I need a zatenzi movie day sorry guys but leave" she said laughing they all laughed and left giving her a hug and saying bye. "Kate, Zayn and I have been working on soldier cause we were gonna perform it for a mini concert for the town but we wanna sing it for you now." Kenz said grabbing the guitar from her room. "I'll get it if you need it I'll search if you don't see it you're thirsty I'll be rain if you get hurt I'll take your pain." I started the last chorus and Kenz came in with the harmonies. "I know you don't believe it but I said it and I still mean it when you heard what I told you when you get worried I'll be your soldier." we ended and she was crying and came over and hugged us. "I la yuh guiiiss" she said giggling in a funny voice. "we love you too Kate" we said putting our weight on her so we all fell onto the floor laughing. We started watching Mamma Mia and kate was singing along till she cuddled up to me and started to fall asleep. "I love you more than you'll ever know" I whispered kissing her hair as she fell asleep.

(Kenziis POV)

Zayn and Kate fell asleep together and it looked so cute I just had to take a picture and tweet it sooo I did. "@MackenzieRhode3: wake up Zatie" I tweeted and got over 1000 retweets within 5 minutes. I didn't tell them cause I didn't want to add drama on top of what there already is and I know the lads and the girls won't tell them either but the real reason we came to Kates after they left earlier was because when we walked outside the directioners attacked De. They punched her in the face. I'm starting to understand what Sofia meant in her letter that it's better to not live than it is to live in fear. All I know is I need to get away for awhile and I can't let them know. I trust them all but I know they will try to make me stay and I need some time to myself right now. I wrote them a note saying "dear Zatie, I love you guys and I'm really sorry I have to do this but I'm scared I've been getting a lot of hate lately saying that I need to stay away from you guys and I can't take it anymore I need a break. Kate I'll send you my recordings for the album and text you everyday I love you so so much stay strong for me girl and stay by the girls side keep them safe. Zayn I'm trusting you to keep my best friend safe and I also trust that by the time I'm back you'll man up and ask her out. I'm going to the U.S. For a while to live and I don't know how long it will be till I'm back. Tell harry that even tho I haven't known him for long I think I love him and I love every moment we've sent together. Never forget how much I love you. See you soon, Mackenzie" then placed it in my pocket and quietly went to pack after calling for a plane ticket. I packed all my important clothes and as many shoes as I could fit in my shoe suitcase. I called my driver and asked him to come take me to the airport. While he got my suitcases in the car I went inside placed the note on the counter with some of my homemade cookies ya know the kiss up that I am, then lightly kissed them both on the forehead and got in the car. I got to the airport and pulled out my phone to tweet one last tweet before I headed to America "@MackenzieRhode3: sorry guys I love my fans so much but I need a break :( I love you all :) America here I come who knows I may do a surprise concert sometime ;)" I instantly got a lot of replies but only 3 stuck out to me. "@kayde_xo: @MackenzieRhode3 BABY COME BACK YOU CAN LAY IT ALL ON ME. I love you baby girl I'll miss you see you soon ;) #katenziiforlife" I laughed at Kate and retweeted it. "@zaynmalik1D: @MackenzieRhode3 I'll miss you best friend and don't worry I'll take your advice ;) it's never a goodbye always a see you later :)" ahh Mr.Malik always the wise one. I retweeted it then read the one that made me tear up. "@Harry_Styles: @MackenzieRhode3 I love you too please don't go :'( WE CAN MAKE DIS WERK BABES<3" I retweeted it and laughed at the last part but I know he truly meant the first part. "awe Harry" I said tearing up "I really meant it" I jumped at his voice thinking I hallucinated it until I felt him wrap his arms around me. I turned around and looked up into his eyes cause he had a few inches on me. I leaned up and gave him a kiss knowing this was our goodbye kiss. "maybe we can try us out when I get back that will be a good reason for me to hurry home." I whispered seeing flashes all around knowing the paparazzi were having a field day. "or we can start now and do the long distance thing" he said pecking my lips. "okay I like that idea more." I said pecking him between every word. "enjoy your flight babe" I laughed and walked away before turning around and blowing him a kiss. "AND SO MACKARRY IS BORN" he screamed to me. Well I guess were publicly official. Then that lunatic started chasing me. "do you think I can fit in your carry on?" he asked I giggled and gave him one last long kiss and felt my tears falling out. "I'll miss you hazza" I whispered. "it's not good bye it's see you later. Who knows maybe I'll miss you too much and fly to America tomorrow." he said winking at me. I giggled a turned around to get on the plane but when I turned around and saw him with a lone tear falling down his face. I gave him a sad smile and a small wave which he returned. "I love you" I mouthed "I love you too" he mouthed back and I boarded the plane and buckled up. I went to sleep smiling on the plane. At least theres one happy thing in this messed up time.

A/N WOOO KENZ AND HAZ ARE TOGETHER. HAPPY DAYS FOR KATIE hope you guys like it :) feedback if you want to :) that is all....goodbye now :)

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