Everything about you :)

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Katie's pov

I guess before I start the story I should tell you how I met all these crazy people that I call my best friends. Well with Kenzii there's not really much to explain our moms have always been best friends and so we've been best friends since birth. So I'll just skip to the day we met my ABSOLUTE best friend Zayn Malik. I remember it like it was yesterday (Flashback to age 5) Me and Kenzii were at the park swinging on the swings seeing who could get higher when Kenzii decided she wanted to race to the slide. I ran as fast as I could and before I could stop I ran into this boy. He had funny black hair and brown eyes. "ew cooties" I screamed and you know what that boy did HE LAUGHED. "hello my name is Zayn Malik what's yours?" he asked "my mommie tells me not to talk to" Kenzii cuts me off "My names Mackenzie Rhodes but you can call me Kenzii" "nice to meet you Kenzii and what about you?" he says "Okay fine my names Katelyn Deneen but you can call me Katie" I say loud and proud "WANNA PLAY TAG WITH US???" Kenzii screamed in my ear. "sure" zayn screamed. (2 years later) It's our friendaversary so we're celebrating with pizza and a favorite Disney movie marathon starting with mine(Aladdin) then Kenziis (Little Mermaid) then zayns (Beauty and the Beast) then all of ours (Lion King). Were sitting in Zayns' living room watching my favorite movie Aladdin when I look at Kenzii. She's giving me the do it smile so I lean over to Zayn "hey Zayn guess what!" he looks at me and says "Don't say it" I give him a cheeky smile and say "you look like Aladdin." He freaks out and screams "THAT'S IT" and starts tickling me and KENZII joins in. "STOP STOP GUYS IM GONNA PEE" I laugh. "NEVERRRRR" they screamed at the same time then look at each other. "it freaks me out when you guys do that" I freaked. Aladdin ended so we started The Little Mermaid. When the song Under the Sea started playing we all started laughing dancing and singing along (we've always loved singing) but when Sebastian sang "Darling it's better down where it's wetter take it from me" Zayn stopped like there was something wrong "THATS WHAT SHE SAID" he screamed "ZAYN" I screamed "WE'RE ONLY 7" "I can't help it Doniya taught it to me" he said laughing really hard. Kenzii and I roll our eyes. We watch the rest of the movie singing and dancing along. Once it's over we put in Beauty and the Beast and when the song Gaston came on Kenzii said "Zayn why can't you be as perfect as Gaston?" he just shrugged and laughed it off but I could tell it kind of bothered him. As always me and Kenzii were crying at the end of the movie and Zayn was trying to comfort us. "Zayn why are we your best friends?" Kenzii asked "i don't know" he said "I guess it's just everything about you" We started watching the Lion King and when they were singing Can You Feel the Love Tonight I looked at Zayn and he looked me in the eyes and started sing so naturally I sang along. I seriously love his voice so much it's beautiful and hes kinda cute....wait WHAT EW I CAN'T LIKE ZAYN. This is a promise to myself I will not ever like zayn. Were still singing together looking in each others eyes when randomly Kenzii decides to be a meany and awkwardly clears her throat. (2 Years later Age 9) "I mean it Kenz I think I really like him" we were performing High School Musical in our school. I was Gabriella, Kenzii was Sharpay, and Zayn was Troy. Sounds like fun right? A musical with your 2 best friends.....yeah not really being close to Zayn like this I'm starting to brake my promise. Kenziis trying to help me with my problem. "Try to ignore those feelings it's probably just your nerves from the play let time pass and see how things go" she said "thanks Kenzii that's great advice your probably right I love you best friend" "you know ive always got your back girl and i love you too". Were almost at the end of the show and also were at the part I'm most nervous about "I can't do this Troy not with all these people watching" "hey hey hey look at me right at me. Like the first time together, remember like kindergarten" and that's when I knew I truly like my best friend. After the show I was standing outside of the school when Zayn walked up to me "hey katie, you did great tonight" he said "thanks Zayn you did too" I smiled "can I try something?" he asked "sure" I said in an unsure tone. I watched as he went over and picked up a brick, put it right in front of me, took a step up on it, and you guessed it HE KISSED ME. "I just wanted to get all of our emotions out of the way after the play so we could go back to our old friendship" he said "I couldn't agree more" I smiled but I felt like I did something wrong and he didn't like me but oh well I JUST HAD MY FIRST KISS!!! I gotta tell Kenz! I ran up to her "KENZII" "WHAT" "ZAYN JUST KISSED ME" "AHHHHHHH" we screamed together and that's how me Kenzii and zayn became best friends. You think thats crazy just wait till you hear about the rest of the boys and girls. ;)

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