Up All Night ;)

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(Katie's POV)

It's been 3 years since Carly left and we miss her so much. When she first left it was so scary how depressed she seemed all the time. We would skype call and text her just like we promised but she still wasn't any better. The only time she really gets an excited smile on her face is when Zayn sings for her on skype. I would usually get jealous about Zayn talking to or singing for another girl but since Carlz is like mine and Zayns sister I know I dont have to worry about her. I mean I probably shouldn't anyways I mean it's not like me and zayn are dating or he even likes me but what ever. Well other than that it's almost the end of school anddddddd MY BIRTHDAY!!!! That's right I'm gonna be 16 :) I'm not gonna have a sweet 16 or anything tho cause I just don't have time to plan it. So your probably wondering what I'm doing right now. Wellllllll I'm in drama class with Zayn, De, and Kenz. Our teacher Mrs. Kamas (or mrs. Cameltoe as we like to call her) was stupid and put all of us in a group at the beginning of the year. I mean don't get me wrong we get our work done and everything but we also goof around nonstop. The groups are normally groups of 5 but there weren't enough kids in the class so it's just us 4. We were sitting there working when Cameltoe calls out "Katie Zayn Mackenzie De'ndra meet your new group partner Sofia. Get to know her and be nice please." "yes ma'am" we all respond "hey sof hope you don't mind me calling you that I like giving nicknames I'm Zayn" Zayn says being a little too nice for my liking. "hehe hi and that's fine I like that name" she says winking as she takes a seat in-between me and him. Well now I'm pissed. Kenz and De look at each other and nod. I wonder what they're planning. Oh well I'll ask them later."I'm De'ndra" De says a bit rudely. "Kenzii" Kenz says shortly. I don't think they like her very much. "hello" she smiles "and what's your name?" she asks me "Katie. Try your best not to talk to me" I respond she looks at me like I'm a bitch and Kenz and De are lauging. "Kate don't be so rude to such a pretty girl" Zayn says to me. Sofia started blushing "awe thanks your pretty cute yourself" she says "I know" he replied cockily she giggled. Oh God THAT'S gonna get annoying. I turned around and started working on our project for the week with Kenzii and De. This weeks project is to act out a scene from a Shakespeare play. Of coarse with our luck we had Romeo and Juliet given to us and I have a scratched up throat so I can't be Juliet. I was going to suggest Kenz play her since she's an amazing actress but then Sofia spoke up. "can I play Juliet I wanna show the class my acting skill" I rolled my eyes as Zayn said "of coarse" and my jaw literally dropped. I'm extremely mad right now and I think Kenz could tell cause she walked me to the bathroom. "what's wrong Kate" she asked as a tear streamed down my face "you know how much I like him Kenz and I thought we were finally moving towards a relationship but then she walks in and he forgets about me completely I don't know about him and me anymore maybe I should just move on" I said looking down, crying. "Katelyn Deneen you look at me right now" she ordered. I looked up "you don't need any guy to be happy if Zayn likes someone else then he does but that doesn't effect you. He likes someone else then you should too. Why don't you go try talking to Sofia maybe she's nice" "thanks kenz and I don't know I'll think about it" I said giving her a hug. She helps me fix my makeup and we walk back to the classroom. I sat down and started talking to De again. I think Zayn could tell something was up cause he stopped talking to Sofia and asked "what's wrong babe?" "nothing you need to be concerned about Malik" I snapped at him. He looked really hurt but I don't care right now. He tried touching my arm but I pulled away quickly and went to sit in between Kenz and De. I laid my head down and started crying but it looked like I was just resting my head on my arms. Kenz and De knew better tho and they started rubbing my back. "okay so I think we should start working on the project" Sofia said. I snapped my head up and the girls were giving her death glares. "yeah I agree" I said sarcastically. I could tell my eyes were red and puffy and that my makeup was smudged but I don't care right now. Zayns instant instinct was to reach out to me but once again I pushed him away. "what are you guys waiting for you heard her were working." one thing you might wanna know about me is that when I'm pissed or upset I'm a hard worker and I get shit done. So we worked on the scene and I had to keep correcting Sofia. Guess she was nervous for acting with Zayn. I mean who wouldn't be right? We finish the scene and Sofia says "great job Kenzii your a great actress" "did I say you could talk to me?" Kenzii said "oh sorry you did good too De" she said awkwardly "only my friends call me De for you it's De'ndra" she said. There's the one thing you need to know about my friends. They stick up for me. Zayn and Sofia started talking and I could practically feel the jealousy rage inside of me. The bell rang and I saw Sofia run out of the classroom as my girls chased her down. Zayn made me walk with him. "okay what's up with you?" he asked "none of your business where are we eating lunch?" I asked "were eating in the park with Sofia then giving her a tour of the school during free" he said "oh great sounds like fun" I said sarcastically he looked offended and we didn't talk for like 30 seconds before I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry for giving you attitude Zayn I love you babe" I said "I love you too Kate" that's the one thing I hate about him. I can never stay mad at him. We started walking holding hands and joking around in a friendly way. Until we got to the park where the other girls were all waiting awkwardly. "hey I'm guessing this is a 'we all need to talk' moment right" I asked they all nodded. "we will start" the girls said. "we want you to know Sofia that was all an act in there" Kenz said "yeah we have nothing against you cameltoe just told us that there would be a new girl in our group and we would have to be extremely mean to her" De added "yeah" I agreed I didn't wanna confront her in front of them "but can we talk later just us two I wanna get to know you better" I said giving her a fake smile "sure" she said smiling. "okay now that they've confessed I have to too" Zayn said "cameltoe asked me to flirt with you I'm so sorry but I have my eyes on someone else" Sofia looked disappointed "oh it's okay it was just harmless flirting right? Haha good luck with your other girl.....or guy" we all started cracking up "I'm 110% straight no worries love" Zayn said "and thanks" I'm not gonna get my hopes up that it was me he was talking about. Everyone starts eating and talking and me and Sofia finish first so we go off to talk. "okay listen here bitch I really like Zayn and your giggly little annoying ass self can just pack up and haul your ass back to Doncaster." I finally burst "Katie I don't like Zayn and I really tried to back off of him after I realized you liked him. I don't want any drama for these last few weeks of school and I was really hoping we could be friends." well now I feel like a complete bitch "oh I'm sorry it's just I get really insecure and jealous when pretty girls talk to Zayn I hope you can forgive me" I said looking down "of coarse I can" she said pulling me into a tight hug. We walked back arms cuffed laughing and joking around. Well I'm glad all that's sorted out. As the week goes on we all get closer to Sofia. I would honestly say she's one of my best friends now. Well today is my 16th birthday. Alex called me(he's in the navy now), my parents said happy birthday, Andrew said it, my friends Sam and Mary both texted me at 12 am but none of my BEST friends have called me. It's a Saturday so I'm just relaxing all day. Well at least I thought I was until the girls called and told me I was going dress shopping with them cause Kenz had a date or something so she wanted us to all try on dresses with her so she wouldn't feel weird.

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