Kiss me

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Mike didn't move his hands, he didn't know why but the way they were so close was comforting to him, he smiled up at Will.

"I don't want you to be sad, and it's okay if you need to cry but I don't want you to be ashamed if you do."

Will let out a sob before he attempted to return Mike's smile, Will slid off the rock but stayed leaning against it. Mike moved his hands to Will's shoulders.

Will wrapped his arms around Mike's waist and pulled him close, it was too hot outside for a hug that long but he needed it.

Will loosened his grip and Mike took a tiny step back, now they weren't touching but it was still pretty close. Mike pushed back some of Will's hair with a smile.

God damn butterflies
Just kiss me already idiot

Will thought.

Will let out a small nervous laugh, "I don't wanna cry anymore. I always wanna cry."

Mike cheered, "That's good! Well, not that second part but I guess I'll just have to hug you constantly so you don't cry." He joked. Will shook his head with a small smile.

He stared, getting lost in Mike's eyes for a second. They were standing so close, still holding each other.

You know he won't.


The two eventually went back to the van, waiting for Johnathan and Argyle to return. Will didn't know how to feel, he was happy, he got a lot off of his chest and Mike was actually paying attention to him. But he was sad, because he knows Mike doesn't think of him the same, he was mad too, Mike would just run back to El and tell her he loves her and then he's going to be invisible again. He's hurt, he know he'll have to sit and watch the boy he loves make out with his step-sister. Most of all... he's jealous.

Mike didn't notice when Will fell asleep, he had been ranting about the fact he was missing his favorite foods and his bed, but when he looked over, Will was resting peacefully. His head hung to the side and his legs were crossed, Mike smiled softly.

Even now Will looks kind of sad, Mike scooted across the van, he wrapped an arm around Will's waist to pull him closer. He placed Will's head on his chest as he leaned back against the wall. He closed his eyes and smiled...

This is nice.
We're not arguing
He's not crying
He's not mad.

"I love you..."

Wait what?
Why'd I think that?

I mean... I do love him, he's my bestfriend of course.

But he's right, I can't even think that around Eleven...and I don't want to hurt her any longer.


Will woke up to the sound of a medal door slamming shut. He blinked hard, trying to understand his surroundings.

He noticed Argyle putting the key in the van as he closed his door. Jonathan hoped in the passenger side and closed his door with a dramatic pull. He turned around, "Shit, bub I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go to sleep, we're gonna go to a gas station for some food."

"Oh..." Will said with quite voice. Jonathan turned back around as the van started and they began to drive. Will looked to his side and saw a resting Mike, he smiled.

He's so cute
At least he can't break my heart when he's asleep.

Will realized that Mike's arm was around his waist causing him to blush, he looked back to Mike. He looked so peaceful, Will wanted to cuddle next to him, but he was sweating a lot.

He pushed some hair away from Mike's eyes and let his hand rest on his cheek, Mike didn't have a reaction. Will's smile slowly faded...

I wish he would have kissed me...

He leaned closer, debating if it was okay or not, before he pressed his lips to Mike's cheek. He rested his face next to Mike's for a moment before he moved away again, he played on the floor and soon fell asleep again.


"Hey, hey-" Jonathan breathed in Mike's face, the pot lingering in his breath. He blinked, trying to understand what was going on, "We're at a gas station, get some food, use the bathroom." Jonathan said pulling away, he walked to the side Will was on and poked him awake, Will sat up slowly, his hair all over the place.

Mike smiled,


His smile faded just as quickly,

Wait, why'd Will move?
Did I make him uncomfortable?

"What?" Will asked blinking hard,

"Gas station." His brother said looking at the two before walking away.

Will watched him leave before turning to look at Mike, blushing when he realized Mike had already been staring at him. Mike looked away quickly before awkwardly climbing out of the van.

Will followed him, groaning as he struggled to stand, Mike laughed.

"Don't laugh at me, my legs hurt and I can't feel my butt."

"That's probably because you had your legs crossed most the time you were asleep." Mike smirked...

You look like something else happened though...

Mike felt his face heat up as he thought that, he laughed again,

"What?!" Will said smiling,

"Nothing, just come on loser." He replied walking away.

Will groaned, he followed into the store.

I don't even have money.

Both boys thought.

... ... ... ... ... ...

This one was kinda short and random, ah well.

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