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"NANCY!" Everyone was yelling her name,

Steve shook her continuously, snapping his fingers in her face, "NANCE!" He cried, "NANCY WAKE UP!" Nancy gasped, falling in Steve's arms as she struggled to breathe normally, she began crying.

"Oh my god, Steve it-" she pulled him closer.

"Is she okay?" Robin yelled, grabbing the rope, preparing to go back to the upside down.

Nancy looked up, wiping tears off, "I dont wanna climb through." She said, everyone looked at eachother,

"You have to Nance." Steve said looking at her with concern,

"You'd rather stay in the upside down?" Robin said in disbelief, she grumbled as she began climbing again,

"Hey doofus!" She called, "catch me!" Steve stepped away from Nancy as Robin quickly fell through the ceiling.

They both fell to the floor, groaning in pain, Robin slowly pulled herself off of him, "Thanks buddy." She grunted, patting his shoulder as she stood up.

"Damnit Robin," he groaned slowly sitting up, he held his stomach as he stood up walking back to Nancy who watched Robin with confusion.

"Why'd you climb back through?"

"I figured this would take a while." She said looking back to the kids on the other side, "If you're afraid to leave I'll stay with you, besides I figured Steve really needs to get washed up." She turned to her bestfriend who fake laughed at her,

"What happened Nancy?" Steve asked, pushing past Robin and placing his hand on Nancy's shoulder.

"I... heard him." Her voice was quiet as she took in shaky breaths, "I... I fell to the pool, o-of that night." She glanced at Steve before looking down at her hands, "The pool had vines everywhere, it started filling with blood..." she cried, "He was there, he was talking to me."

No one really understood what she was trying to explain but Max understood the visions were personal, she climbed back through, groaning loudly as she hit the floor.

"Max!" Lucas called, pulling himself through, she rolled out of the way before he hit the floor next to her, he also groaned.

Dustin and Erica looked at eachother in disbelief, rolling their eyes. Eddie looked back and forth from the two kids with him to the group in his ceiling, "Please don't be as crazy as them." He said, his eyes wide,

"No way." Erica said, "They're just all in love or something." Dustin chuckled at the joke, Eddie looked back up to Steve wearing an annoyed look, "Shut up dick heads!"

"This is serious!" Max said brushing herself off,

"We know!" Dustin yelled, "but we all need to be where it's safer!"

Nancy took a deep breath, "No, no it's okay. I can do this." She grabbed the make-shift rope, taking another deep breath as she pulled herself up higher

"I'm right here Nance." Steve said as she paused, looking up in fear, afraid she'd fall through and her vision would happen. She stared at the stains on Eddie's mattress, it didn't seem like a better option either.

Nancy looked down at Steve, glancing over at Robin, a small smile forming until she looked back up, she fell through, hitting the mattress roughly.

"See." Dustin said, pulling her up, "you're okay."

Steve looked over at Robin, elbowing her side, "Ow!" He walked past her and she stared at him, "What was that for dickhead?" He ignored her, pulling himself up and falling just like the others had.

Byler-Just Notice AlreadyWhere stories live. Discover now