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"M-mike?" Will stumbled in the dark van, he couldn't see or hear anything. "Mike?" He said louder.

Where am I?
What happened to the others?

Will took short breaths as he stood, his head bent on the roof. A booming sound echoed outside of the van, knocking Will sideways as he jumped.

It was cold... that's odd, he's been sweating the entire time so why is it cold now?

He violently shook, hearing another loud boom.


Will wrapped his arms around himself, he could feel the van, but it was still dark to see it. Taking a deep breath he crawled over and pushed on the door, it wouldn't open.

Why won't it open?

Why is it so dark!

Will started to cry,

Am I in the upside down?

More thunder cause Will to jump once more, his tears falling faster, "M-Mike? Where are you?" He whimpers to himself, "Where am I?"

He felt a push, he lifted his eyes open as far as they could go and tried to see in the dark, but nothing was there.

"Mike?" He called a little louder, he felt another push...

Suddenly his eyes snapped open and he gasped, adjusting to the new atmosphere around him. Mike's face right above his own with a worried expression, "Will? A- are you okay?"

Mike was hunched over Will, one hand on Will's face while the other was at his side. "I, uhm, I'm okay." Will stuttered, he felt Mike's arm at his side, he place his hand on Mike's.

Mike let out a sigh of relief, "You're okay." The hand he had placed on Will's face ran slowly through Will's hair as he gave him a small smile.

Will suddenly felt hot, he leaned up on his elbows, their faces were too close again.

Mike pulled away from Will and sat in front of him, Will suddenly noticed the rocky movements of the van driving. He heard Jonathan's snores and Argyle humming horribly.

"What happened?" Will asked,

"You- well you just kept..." Mike stutterd, he didn't know how to explain this. "I was worried because you randomly jumped, like you were scared, which made me laugh at first."
He smiled for a moment before it quickly faded.

"But then you... you started mumbling and I couldn't hear you so I leaned down and I- I heard, uhm... my name. Which confused me-" Will's eyes widened, Mike kept staring at his hands,

"Y-you seemed scared, and you just kept mumbling. You called for me, but louder so I started trying to wake you because I was scared... and you, you just kept saying my name..."

Will swallowed hard, "I- I think I just had a nightmare..."

He bit his lip as he crawled into a ball, Mike watched him carefully, "Sorry... I didn't know that I talked in my sleep."

Mike slowly smiled, "It's alright..."

"It was kinda cute..."

He thought, his face grew red, Will smiled, "Did... did you just say cute?"

Mike's eyes went wide, he sat up straight, "WAIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?"

Will laughed at his surprise, "You didn't mean to?" Mike stutterd horribly,

"It's alright." Will said blushing. Mike shut up, he looked anywhere but Will.

"Where are we even going?" Mike asked,

Byler-Just Notice AlreadyWhere stories live. Discover now