Level 771 - The Bleeding Moon

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First level I've wrote for the Backrooms so might not feel liminal enough. Any criticism is welcomed if it's constructive and not "omg your are so bad at writing quit now!!!" I'd prefer advice on what to improve on and how to become a better writer, please and thank you.

"The Blood Moon"

Survival Difficulty: Class Variable
>Varying Safety
>Heavily Unstable
>Diverse Entity Count

Level 771 is the 772nd level of the Backrooms.

Level 771 appears to resemble a large rain forest with a lake and cabin in the middle, although with varying colors to some substances, such as water or moss, and the time always being exactly midnight. Light sources are required to see well, or at all. Another notable feature is that certain trees seem fake, toy like. They have multiple anomalous properties, such as hearing whispers, faint clangs of metal, etcetera.
Another property would be distortion in senses when around these trees, labeled by wanderers as the "771 State", it causes wanderers to experience rapid mood swings ,eyes shifting how colors are viewed, smelling often random backrooms items, and having an urge to stand still. This effect can cause wanderers to drain rapid amounts of sanity, so bringing plenty of almond water is recommended

The size is undetermined as all wanderers that have entered this level have not found an end. Level 771 was originally discovered by the first 5 Loyal Customers.

The main threat of this level is the moon itself, it appears completely full and will sit idle above a wanderer, although only from their perspective. It will flash a red shade every so often for 5 seconds, this signifies an entity has spawned within a 100-1000 meter radius of the wanderer. Entities spawned from the moon can be any entity from the Backrooms, excluding level exclusive entities, such as the Beast of Level 5/7, or the Game Master. These entities have a limitless number to which they can spawn. These entities also suffer from the "771 State", although not required to be near one of the fake trees. They also experience the properties, and the properties have changed in which they will instead gain enhanced senses, such as hearing wanderers from far away, or even hearing footsteps of wanderers when close enough, improved sight, allowing them to easy track through the dark, and being more aggressive.

The Lake
The lake in the middle of the forest seems normal, although the water is replaced with Almond Water and is approximately 200 meters in length and 150 meters in height. With this, on extremely rare occasions having bottle of Liquid pain, and Neon Water floating inside it. Any attempts made to dive deep into this water by M.E.G have been futile, as no one has came back from it, supposedly landing in the Void or Level 7's Abyss, or the special almond water pool of Level 647. This lake is also blessed with a barrier like wall around it, that prevents any wanderers inside it from experiencing the "711 State" or having entities spawn.

The Cabin
The Cabin is a small shack located by the lake, it seems mostly wooden, although any attempts to break through the wood are futile as the wood is extremely durable. Almost petrified even. Although there exists a door at the front of the cabin that leads to a level exclusive entity known as "Shopkeep". This area of the level is heavily guarded by M.E.G guards due to the information held by Shopkeep.

Colonies and Outposts:
Due to the moon, establishing a colony outside of the lake is infeasible. Although some colonies do exist inside, and a colony made by a group of entities is present outside.

Praise the Moon
*Located on the edge of the lake;
*The group has 15 members;
*Friendly to wanderers but will attempt to get them to pray to the moon;
*Open to anyone who is loyal towards the moon;
*Open to trading, although will only give items that they've found outside for items that relate towards the moon, such as telescopes, various clothing and items that have some resemblance  of the moon on them, etcetera.

The Divers
*Located in the middle of the lake on a boat;
*The group contains 18 members;
*Accepts anyone with a proper diving skills acquired from the Frontrooms;
*Scavenges for bottles of Liquid Pain and Neon Water floating atop the water, and attempts to discovered where the lake leads;
*Not open for trading.

The Loyal Customers
*Unknown location, although outside the lake;
*Undetermined amount of members;
*Non-Hostile and will attempt to enter the cabin;
*Not open for trading and members usually only make small talk with wanderers;
*Have access to Shopkeep's Black Market

As stated, any non-exclusive level entity can spawn. Although this level is home to two level exclusive entities.

Shopkeep is the entity living inside the cabin, she sells various wares and objects that seems to restock every so often. These items can be almost anything from the Backrooms excluding certain rare items like Super Almond Water. They take Almond Water, Firesalt, and Liquid Pain as currencies to buy items. They will also trade some of their items for items provided by wanderers. Shopkeep is presumably female, based on build and voice. They wear a short black tophat, goggles with golden rims, and various different clothing, most likely traded for. They also have long black hair flowing from the top of their head towards their shoulders.

Loyal Customer
Loyal Customers seem to resemble various wanderers although with dark blue hue to them, they are friendly with each other but usually make small talk with wanderers. They are also friends with Shopkeep and will attempt to enter the cabin to purchase items from Shopkeep or trade items found outside the lake. They also have access to Shopkeep's black market, where they can obtain 8-Tracks, and Laserdiscs, and also being able to obtain their respective audio players. These audio and videos seems to be classified M.E.G data or information on unknown levels, or levels with little to no information. This leads to M.E.G disallowing Loyal Customers to attempt to access the Black Market.

Entrances and Exits
Entrances*Pouring Liquid Pain or Neon water into any body of water has a small chance of leading to this level via Liquid Pain, and a 100% chance with Neon Water
*Putting glasses on with a red tint and staring at the moon in Level 4997.
Do not attempt this as the level is extremely dangerous.
*Noclipping through a wall in Level 0 that resembles a forest, although darkened.
*On Level !, attempting to fight off the horde with any form of wooden weapon or otherwise, has a very small chance to lead you to this level. Do Not Attempt.
*Although unconfirmed, entering a code on The End's monitor will lead you here.
*Finding one of 771's fake trees on Level 5678.

Although unconfirmed, diving down the lake can lead to Level 647, The Abyss stage of Level 7, or The Void.*
Finding a fake tree perched above a cave will lead to Level 8.
*Breaking one of the bottles found in the lake of the level and drinking the Liquid Pain inside has a small chance to lead to Level Pain. Do Not Attempt.
*Noclipping through a fake tree can lead to a random level.
*Moving 20 kilometers away from the lake and breaking all lights can lead to Level 6. Do Not Attempt.
*Ingesting a recolored variation of water or plant can lead to an unknown level, or amount of levels.
*Talking to Shopkeep and asking her to leave will have them give  you a small TV remote, with numbers labeled 0-9 on them. Pressing any other button besides these does nothing and pressing the numbers leads to their respective level.

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