Level 660 - Sections upon Sections

15 1 0

Survival Difficulty: Class 1



>Minimal entity count

Level 660 is the 661st level of the Backrooms.


While in Level 660, similar to Level 0, it is impossible to encounter any wanderers on this level as any of them entering will transport to their variant of 660. Level 660 comprises 5 different sections. These sections are all different rooms, besides Section 4, which is the hallways. The hallways are donned with yellow walls, a brim trim at the bottom of the walls, and a blue and black rug with various patterns connecting to the bottom of this trim. Occasionally these rugs are replaced with white floor tiles with varying green and brown tiles making patterns on them. Whenever tiles are present, water fountains will on occasion spawn placed on the walls. They dispense regular almond water without limit. These tiles also signify that you are near Section 3, being the gyms.

Section 1:

Section 1 can be entered via double doors in Section 4 that have a grey trim and wooden doors. Entering inside will have the floor replaced with a concrete floor and various tables measuring different lengths. At the front of this section will be a stage with red curtains covering it, below will be a few yellow trashcans with black bags contained inside.

On the opposite end of the cafeteria would be two large whiteboards that note the day's main meal and a rotation of meals. Each day this meal will change to a random main course. Could range anywhere from lobster, to a few chicken legs. 5 rotation meals rotate between 5 different options. Each is a random food apart of a food group, for example, a wanderer reported that the dairy rotation was serving ice cream. Located next to these whiteboards are small carts with glass roofs, under would be small containers filled with food, with the containers having a turquoise color scheme. Next to these carts will be two extra carts filled with various small vegetables and sides, along with plastic silverware and trays. These containers have a deep orange color scheme.

Attempting to exit this level with food will have it vanish between 1-5 minutes from when it left.

Section 2:

Section two can be entered by two doors approximately 4.29 meters away from each other. They have a grey trim, with this occasion being different colors and pine wood doors. Entering will lead to a large room with a brown carpet and white walls. Inside this room are various bookshelves placed randomly around the room, besides near one of the entrance doors, as a wooden desk is perched with a small computer on it and a Faceling behind it, working as the librarian, If they notice you entering they'll greet you quietly.

The bookshelves present are all the same length, although with multiple places against each other by the short ends. They contain any book from the Frontrooms, although these books can repeat. Along with this, a circular round table can be seen with four chairs around it, near it will be a line of tables with the occasional chess set on each table. Along with this on one of the walls, there will occasionally be a glass display that shows off a few books randomly chosen. Attempting to leave with any of these books will have the librarian ask you to only take one with you. Taking more than one won't cause the librarian to bat an eye but all of the books will have their gravity increase tremendously, leading to them being extremely heavy. They'll stay this way until returned to the library.

Section 3:

Section 3 can be entered by 4 groups of large metal doors, each group containing two, with poles outwards of them to stop the doors from hitting the walls present next to them. Entering these doors will lead to the Gym, aka Section 3. The gym has a total of four bleachers present evenly on the walls, although these bleachers will be retracted inwards, they can be pulled out but will block the basketball hoops perched in front of them. Lines on the floor indicate a basketball court, with basketballs placed randomly on it.

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