Chapter Two

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"Wow, this party is rocking." Charlotte gave her best friend a glass of punch and grabbed her own with the other hand. "You did a good job."

"Thank you." Ella took a sip of her drink. "I have to say more people showed up than expected. It's a good thing I rented extra tables and chairs. I had a hunch that many people will gatecrash just to glimpse a certain someone."

"This's why you got the promotion." She raised her glass.

Ella obliged her with a click.

"Hey, are my eyes deceiving me?" Charlotte cried all of a sudden. "Mary in a dress!"

"It's Kitty's. They are the same height." Ella grinned. "Mom had to threaten her into one, or it was the streets for her to spend the nights. Apparently, dental students are cash-strapped. Hence, the poor thing relented. I would have allowed her to stay, but Mary needs to figure out her shit."

Before Charlotte could say anything, there was a commotion nearby the fountain on the far side of the garden. It looked like a scrum of people. They all chatted with great exuberance.

"What's gotten into them?" Ella wondered, setting her glass on the stone railing of the gallery hallway. Her location afforded her the panorama view of the garden at the Shah's.

In response, her small walkie-talkie came alive with static. "Bennet, the guest of honour, has arrived. Another thing, he has brought with him a William Darcy and his sister, Pippa Chambers."

"Roger that," she answered. Great. Another two freeloaders.

"Pippa Chamber," exclaimed Charlotte. "Ah! Here comes the wicked sister."

"What do you mean?" Ella threw her an inquisitive look.

"Have you looked up the Chambers family?"

"Of course. It's part of my job to research the guests, so I know what food they like and what kind of aesthetic to have at the parties. And not to mention their dietary restrictions and cultural beliefs."

"Not that. His personal life. He is single and hasn't dated anyone of late. Pippa is older than him and lives off her brother to maintain the high-society life," her friend told her. "She is here to check out this place and keep an eye on her brother."

"Keep an eye on his brother?" Ella scoffed. "What is he? Twelve?"

"Yes, to save him from the gold-diggers who all want to be the next Mrs. Chambers."

"And what about this William Darcy, then?" Ella cocked her head.

"Ella, have you researched nothing about his personal life? Everyone knows who the Darcys are. Well, at least those in the business world."

Feeling off-guard, she prodded, "Who is he? I am curious now. Don't hold anything from me, Char."

Ever since the residents of Sunset Lane, Charleston Corner and the newspapers learnt about the arrival of the tech genius, the whole city had been abuzzed. First, it was touted he was coming with a big entourage, but now it was discovered he had been joined by a friend and a family member. Many mamas hoped their daughters snag Braden's attention for a fairy tale ending. Margaret Bennet had a lot of competition coming her way.

"William is from old money. They own this beautiful estate called Pemberley in New York. His mother comes from an aristocratic family in England. His family made their money from diamonds ages ago. Now, they are heavily involved in telecommunication networks and satellites. It was he who funded Braden's venture when no one had even heard of him." Charlotte's eyes skimmed for the subjects of their conversation. "There, do you see Braden in the light green shirt? It's him."

His Pride & Her Prejudice (in the 21st Century)-unedited.Where stories live. Discover now