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Two years later

It was another day and another BBQ at her parents. But this one was special as Jane and Braden had announced their engagement.

Margaret was still in awe of Darcy and her future son-in-law.

Ella knew she would be expected to follow Jane soon, but she was in no hurry. Darcy had moved in with her when Jane had left to live with Braden. He needed to be away from New York and actually liked the slow-paced life in a smaller city. She wondered what his aunt would think of him living in such a cramped situation.

They had thought she would cut Darcy out but had kept a constant stream of intrusive questions about her. One of them being if she knew fine dining. William had muted her number. He was too kind. She would have blocked it.

Good fortunes had embraced the Bennett family. Ella's troubled relationship with her mother had somewhat thawed. Perhaps, it was because Margaret had been busy bragging to everyone about her daughters' rich boyfriends. She had managed to convince Mary's new dentist boyfriend to give her a jab as he had mad skills and a license for Botox.

"What are you thinking over here?" William asked as he towelled himself. He looked delicious  after a good swim.

"About life." She smiled at him.

"Now that's deep." He bent down to kiss her.

"I will miss this when I move to New York with you," she admitted.

"You can always fly here whenever you want," he said. "And you won't be alone. Your aunt and uncle, Jane and Charlotte, will be nearby."

"And David," she reminded him with a giggle as Darcy grimaced.

Things have changed, but David and his tantrums disguised as sermons hadn't, though he had stopped namedropping Lady Catherine as her distaste for Ella coloured everything these days. Ella suspected he remained her close source for gathering intel about goings-on across the pond. To Lady Catherine's credit, she had maintained perfunctory contact with William ever since her disastrous American visit..

"I hope he changes when the baby comes." She crossed her fingers..

"Enough about him," William said and embraced her. "What do you say to a trip to Tulum, Mexico?"

"What's so special about there?" she asked in a playful tone.

"Beaches, food and sexy times." He dropped his voice at the end of the sentences.

She laughed and gave him a quick kiss.

"Guys, tell me something about yourselves. My audience is curious about my sister dating a successful entrepreneur like you, William. Ella, give us the dirt." Lydia appeared and aimed her cell phone at them.

"Lydia, go away." Ella shooed her away as if she were a fly.

"You are on camera, sis. At least say hi. It will help me build my channel."

"She's got four hundred followers," Jane cried from the other lounging chair she shared with Braden.

"It's not about the followers but the collabs with the brands," Lydia boasted. "And it's hard work as it takes a lot of effort."

Jane rolled her eyes before returning to the conversation with her fiancé. Her engagement ring caught the sunlight with pride.

Begrudgingly, Ella had to admit that her younger sister had a talent for social media. She had managed to channel her creative flair for fashion to the right use. It was heartening to see her sister adulting.

"Everyone, the burgers are ready to feast on," her father announced. "Get them before they are all gone."

"You know what does that mean?" Kitty jumped up from the poolside, where she was dipping her legs in the water.

"What?" Ella asked.

"The last one is a rotten egg!" Mary pipped up.

All the sisters exchanged mischievous looks and scrambled to get to their father amidst a burst of jubilant shouts and cries.

"Wait for me," William said.

"Always." She tugged at his arm.

"You do know we can get more from the supermarket," Mary's boyfriend pointed out.

But no one listened to him as they all made a beeline and scrammed around John and Margaret, who were seemingly enjoying all the attention.

Ella smiled as she waited at the condiments and slipped her arm around Darcy's waist.

No one had heard a word from Wickham.

He was a blot in their past who was now forgotten. She preferred it that way.

This was their happily ever after.

His Pride & Her Prejudice (in the 21st Century)-unedited.Where stories live. Discover now