War On Calwadark

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The administrator swung his sword from left to right as a splatter of blood sprayed on his mask. He severely wounded a person who was wearing a cloak covering their face. It seemed like not only did these "spies" observe everybody but also killed anyone who got in their way. A man, practically panting, was sitting on the ground. His eyes could say it all, he was terrified. 

The administrator's mask had a few drops of blood on it. He looked at the man. The administrator seemed utterly terrifying. Alivia quickly ran over to the man to calm him down. 

"It's fine, we won't hurt you." She said as she calmed him down

"I was just- My bottle fell down so I just went to pick it up and this person just came at me!" The man pleaded

"Don't worry, We're here and we can fix this, now go to sleep, it's midnight" The administrator intervened.

"What if more of them come?" the man asked

"Don't worry, if anything, you're perfectly fine. We are here to protect you" Alivia said to him

The man thanked both of them and went back to his house. 

"We must go now Alivia, we need to get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning. We both need some sleep" The administrator said to her. 

Alivia went back to the inn by climbing the window. She put the dagger back in her bag and lay on the bed. When she woke up, there wasn't much to do. She got up and ate her breakfast. 

"Hello Alivia" A voice behind her spoke

She turned back to see the administrator. She greeted him with a friendly hello. 

"The war is in a few days, we should plan everything out." The administrator informed Alivia.

Alivia was struck a little surprised that the war was in a few days.

"The castle does have a back door near the lake but it is still protected," The administrator said to Alivia, pointing through the window to the castle. 

Alivia nodded as to say "Understood."

"The guards will be distracted by our oncoming cannons" The administrator continued. 

"I see, but can we defeat everyone?" Alivia asked him.

"Our only goal is to kill the king and the general, they are the only ones who deserve death. We will move a few openings in the entire building. I will explain everything in more detail once we actually go there" The administrator said to Alivia. 

"I understand. I have one question, may I ask it?" Alivia asked him. 

"Go ahead"

"How do you know my father?" Alivia asked him, looking him straight in the two holes of his mask. 

"Oh, that's a long story. Before the Empire, there existed another, more official organization called "The Guardian Nations", which was a military organization that aimed to secure peace. It failed quite badly. I worked with your father, he was a great man" He replied

Alivia took a gulp and asked, "Did he ever talk about me?" 

"Oh so much. I wanted to tell you so much but I couldn't just find the time to say it. He talked about you every time we met him." He said to her. 

"My mother told me that my father left her and me at a very early age," Alivia said, sounding depressed. 

"He was shot in the line of duty, I stayed with him till his last breath. The people that killed him are long gone, but they left a scar in my memory" The administrator said, sounding sorrowful. 

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