~Chapter 1~

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Nadine's POV

I looked outside the classroom to see birds chirping and singing. I admire them. While i was busy looking outside my bestfriend interrupted me with something dumb.

"Girl tell me this is the right answer" she says showing me the math problem.

"Yeah, it's right" i said

"So tonight I'm having a party at my house. You're invited if you wanna come" she says

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" i say while packing up.

The bell rang and i went home.

I approached my home and i greeted my parents.

"How was school?" My mother asked

"It was really good, oh mom Steph asked me if i can go to her party tonight" i said

"If it's alright with you're father" my mom say

"Sure" my father said

I went upstairs and texted Steph.

Me: My parent's said it's cool i can go
Steph: Great
Me: Should i bring something?
Steph: No I don't think so. Just be here at 8 pm tonight
Me : Alright see you tonight

I went into the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower.

When i was finished i put a black croptop on and a denim. My hair was curled and i wore natural make up

I looked at the time and saw it's already 7:45pm. I went downstairs and told my parent's I'm off going to Steph.

"Just be here when it's midnight" my father said

I nodded and went out the door. I climbed into my Range Rover and drove to Steph's house

I climbed out and knocked on the front door and i was greeted with a pink cocktail. Thank goodness I'm 18

Steph lead me to where everyone was and we sat down next to the pool

The boys were swimming and the girl's took photos and talked about who knows what.

"Nadine!" Everyone yelled

"Heyooo" i say

I sat down next to Jessica and we talked. While we were talking the guys came and joined us.

Jessica's boyfriend sat next to her and they started to make out. It was disgusting. Like I'm just sitting here

All the girls started to talk to their boyfriends. Here's me single yay

While they were talking a Tall figure came out of the pool. He got my attention.

He walked towards us and my heart started to stop. Wow he was so hot. Hotter than fire.

He came to me and said

"Hi, I'm Aaron" he said smiling

"Na-nadine" i said stuttering.

"Nice to meet you" he said

"You 2" i say

"Do you want to come with me to the bar in the house?" He asked

"Sure" i say

He took my hand and lead me to the bar. His hands was so soft and the veins oh my gosh

"So do you want beer, cocktail,shots, tequila?" He asked

"I'll have a cocktail please" i say sitting on the barstool

"What type of cocktail?" He asked

"Tequila sunrise please"i say

"Good choice" he said making us one.

While he was making the cocktail he couldn't stop stearing into my eyes. Damn his beautiful green eyes were so adorable.

When he finished he gave me the cocktail and we went into the living room. No one was there so we could have privacy.

"So Nadine" he says smiling at me

"So Aaron" i said giggling

"Tell me more about yourself" he says taking a sip of the cocktail drink

"Well i was born in New York City. I'm 18 year's old. My parents are both successful workers. My favorite color is Pink and I'm sometimes really dumb" i say giggling

"That's cool, I don't think you're dumb" he says moving closer to me

I giggled and blushed

"What about you? What's you're story?" I asked

"Well I'm born in California. I'm 18 years old. My parents owned a company. My favorite color is black and I'm sometimes clueless" he says

I giggled

"Interesting" i say

While we chatted Aaron kept moving closer to me. Our thighs started to touch and his hand was on my thigh

I got butterflies in my stomach. This guy is so breathtaking.

"Can i ask you something stupid?" He asked

I nodded

"Are you.......single?" He asked

Wow i was shocked when he asked that. My heart beated faster and faster

"Umm...........yes" i say

"How can such a pretty girl be single?" He asked leaning

"I don't know" i say

Our lips are only a few inches away from touching. I want him to kiss me so badly.

He started to lean in and our lips touched. We started to kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and our tongue's fight.

His kisses was passionate. The taste off his lips was so good. I loved this moment.

We made out for almost a hour and no one wondered where we were.


Me and Aaron went into the gaming room and we played. It was fun. I really don't ever want this night to end.

I looked at my watch and saw it's 11:45pm i need to get home.

"This was fun Aaron but i need to go home" i said walking to the back door.

"Can i drive you home?" He asked

I nodded.

I went outside and said goodbye to everyone. Me and Aaron went to my car and climbed in

He started the car and drove to my house. I guided him the entire night.

We approached my house and it was luckily 11:59pm

"Thanks for driving me home" i say climbing out the vehicle

"Anytime" he said smirking

"How are you going to get home?" I asked concerned

"I'll walk" he says

"Are you sure?" I asked

He nodded

"Well i guess goodnight" i say

Aaron walked closer to me. My body hit the car door. He leaned in and kissed me

"Goodnight my darling" he says

Omg he called me darling!!

"Before i go,may i have you're number?" He asked

He gave me his phone and i typed my number in. I gave it back to him and we hugged and he walked home

I went inside and locked the door and ran to my room. I fell on my bed and couldn't stop thinking about him

I was so inlove right now. He is so nice and caring.

I started to think about him and suddenly i fell asleep. I dreamt about him the entire night.

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