~Chapter 3~

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Nadine's POV

Early morning

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I was still very tired. I looked at my phone to see what time it is but i saw Aaron's name on my lockscreen

I opened the text and saw he said

"Want to show me where all the classes is?"

Omg he's in my school finally. I was so excited i couldn't wait to go to school. I texted him back 'yes see you soon'

I climed out of bed and went into the bathroom. While i was busy brushing my teeth i remembered i have to go trough my French revolution work.

I walked out of the bathroom and put my uniform on. Luckily my mom washed it for me. I tied my hair in a ponytail and put some mascara on. I went downstairs and got my bags and car keys and kissed my mom and dad goodbye.

I went into the garage and climbed into my SUV. I reverse and drove to school.

On my way to school i listened the whole time 'feel something good' from Biltmore

I parked my SUV and saw Aaron standing under a green tree. I walked to him and he hugged me.

"So let's go to the office to get you're class number you will be in" i say walking

"Cool,by the way which class are you in?" He asked

"I'm in B8" i say

"Is that a good class?" He asked.

"Yes"i say

"Say for instance me and you are in the same class do we go to the class we have or what?" He asked

"No, we're in the same register class. You have to choose what subjects you're going to pick and go to those classes" i say.

"Oh" he said

I could see he didn't know much. But i helped him. Well i really like him allot but for now just friends.

We went to the office and the office lady gave him his registar class number. He was in the same class as me.

We went to the bookstore to get his subjects and went to class.

"Hey Steph" i say

"Hey girl,wait Aaron are you in our class??" She asked

Aaron nodded and sat down behind my chair. The bell rang and we went to our classes. Aaron's 1st class was Science just like mine.

I lead him to the science class and we sat down. The teacher started to teach us about atoms and those stuff. I didn't listen yet again.

Aaron was busy listening to what the teacher said but i could see his getting bored.

"Why is this class so boring?" He asked

"I ask the same thing everyday" i say

We both giggled.

The bell rang and i needed to get to my French class. Aaron's class is 2 classes away from mine. He chose Italian

"See you at lunch?" He asked

"Sure" i say walking into french.

I sat down and the teacher handed out the papers.

Luckily it was easy. I answered the questions and handed it in.

When everyone was done the bell rang for lunch.
The students ran out of the class and the teacher said i should stay behind

"Nadine, you're really smart girl and the department of education is really impressed eith you're work" she says

"That's amazing to hear" i say

We talked for a lite while about that and she excused me to go have lunch.

Aaron was standing next to Steph and the gang. I went to get a pizza and Apple juice.

I sat next to Steph and we started to talk about random stuff.

While we were talking Denise came to us and started a argument.( Denise is the most popular girl in the school.)

"You and you're little sh-tty group are sitting at our table" she said

"So?" I asked

"Move" she says

"Hey, it's a new year go find another seat. Here's a lot open" Steph said

"Yeah" i say

Suddenly Denise slapped me through my face. Oww

Aaron's POV

Suddenly this girl slapped Nadine across the face for nothing!

Oh i was mad. My veins started to pop out and i got hot.

"Are you okay??" I asked Nadine

"I'm fine" she said

I wanted to kill that girl so badly.

The bell rang and we went home. Nadine went home early because they went somewhere for the weekend.

I walked fast to my SUV and climbed in.

I watched how Denise climbed into her Mercedes Benz. I started my car and she drove out of the parking lot. I followed her

I drove behind her till we reached her house. I parked across the road and stopped to write down the address. When i finished i drove home.

8:58 pm

I took my gun and put it behind my back and climbed into my SUV. I drove to the address and watched the house. Her parents were still there so i waited. I drove around the block bit her parents we're still there.

I went to the Cafe to get a coffee to go. When i got my coffee i went back to the address and parked next to there house. Finally her parents we're gone.

"Finally" i sighed

I put my gloves on and loaded bullets into the gun

I climbed out of the vehicle and ran to the backyard. I saw Denise lying on the couch and talking on her phone

I opened the door not making a sound and entered the house.

My gun was loaded and was ready to shoot. I went to the living room holding my gun up.

I stopped to listen what this b-tch said

"Yeah and i was like that's our seat and she was like go find another seat and then i smacked her across her face" Denise said laughing

I walked over to Denise and took her phone and ended the call and held the gun to her

"What the-"

"F-ck you" i sayed and shot her in her head

I took the gun and put in her hands so it looks like she suicide.

I ran quickly outside to my SUV and climbed in it. Her parents approached the house and i drove of.

I went back home and got in a shower and when i finished i walked over to my bed and climbed in it and slept like a baby.

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