~Chapter 5~

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Nadine's POV

My alarm clock went off and i was still tired as hell. I rolled over and turned it off and sat up straight. I rubbed my eyes

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I don't want to say my oral today. I practiced my oral infront of the mirror.

When i was finished i got dress and went downstairs.

"Morning sweety" my mom said

"Morning mom" i said

"I've got bad news" my mom said while i sat down on the barstool

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well......Jason is dead" my mom said

"How??!!" I asked curiously

"They say on the school Facebook page he died of suicide" she said

"Why" i asked

"Don't know" my mom said

That's strange why is everyone dying all of a sudden?

"I probably need to get to school now" i say giving my mom a kiss on the cheek

"Goodbye love" my mom said

I walked out of the front door and climbed in my Range Rover. I drove of to school still thinking how it's possible.

I parked my car and climbed out. Steph was waiting for me under the tree

"Girll!! Did you hear?? Jason killed himself" she said

"Yeah i heard, it's on the school Facebook" i said

"That's really weird. He had a good life" she said

"Yes,why the f-ck would he go and kill himself?" I said

It really doesn't make sense. First Denise and now Jason who's next?

"Steph,i really think it's a killer that's killing them" i say

"Probably,but come on we need to get to class" she said

We walked to our classes and sat down. Aaron wasn't at register class. Strange. Probably busy

The bell rang and i went to my French class. I was on my nerves.

"Nadine, it's you're turn darling" my teacher said.

I standed up and said my oral. When i finished my heart beated.

"Thank you Nadine" the teacher said

I sat down and waited for the bell to rang

The bell rang and i went to my car. While i was busy putting my bag in the trunk i got a text message from Aaron

"Meet me at the park ASAP!!" He said

Strange wonder what's wrong. What so important?

I climbed into my car and drove to the park. I parked and got out. Where is he?

I got my phone out and dial his number. He answered

"Where are you?" I asked concern

"I'm on my way" he said

"Ok" i say

Eventually he came to me and blindfolded me. He lead me to a tree

"Watch you're step darling" he said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise" he said

Finally he unblindfolded me and i saw a picknick basket and red wine

"Oh my gosh Aaron" i said

"Nadine" he said

He took my hands

"Will you do me the honered of becoming my girlfriend" he said

OMG he's asking me to be his?!!

"Yes!!!" I say jumping into his arms

He held me tight in his grip. He lowered me down and kissed me with passion

We sat down and enjoyed our date. It was so fun. Finally the guy i like asked me out

"I love you" Aaron said

"I love you to" i say

"Don't say to,it just sound like you're agreeing with me" he says quoting from After

I giggled and said

"I love you Aaron"

We went for a walk in the park our hands Tightly around each other's hands.

After our date he took me home. He kissed me a goodbye and walked to his house. I entered the house and went to my room to call Steph and tell her Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend.

Aaron's POV

While me and Nadine went for a walk in the park as a official cupple i saw a guy looking at us strangely. I took Nadine home and walked of.

While i was walking the guy that was looking at me and Nadine walked pass me. I followed him without him knowing.

He standed in front of Nadine's house?! Who's this guy

I walked over to him

"Can i help you with something sir?" I asked politely

"Yeah,is this where Nadine live?" He said

"Yes,why?" I asked curiously

"Just asking" he said

This guy was getting on my nerves who do he think he is?! Just as i wanted to pull out my dagger Nadine opened the door

"Jackie" Nadine said running to him

"Sorry to interrupt but who is this love?" I asked concerned

"Aaron, this is my older brother Jackson"  she said

Oh i thought he was a pervert.

"Nice to meet you bro" Jackson said

"You to " i said

I said goodbye to them and went of to my house. But first i went to a bar

I was thirsty so

I walked into the bar and ordered a glass of vodka

"Here you go sir" the bartender said

I took my vodka like a shot and ordered another one. I was completely drunk but who the f-uck give's a sh-t

While i drank my fourth shot one of my classmates came into the bar . Brandon the most popular boy in school.

He sat next to me and ordered a tequila shot. And he talked with his friends.

I didn't really listen i was just drinking my vodka when i suddenly heard him talking about Nadine

"Bro can you believe Nadine is dating that loser Aaron" he said

What the f-ck?!

"Yeah i saw them at the park when they kissed" his friend said

"Well what did we expect Nadine is a sl-t she will go out with any guy" Brandon said

I was really mad. I knew he was drunk. But f-ck i wanted to kill him so badly. Him and his friend

When he finished his Tequila shots he went home. I payed my bill and followed him

He turned left and walked into the alley. I kept following him.

Then i got my gun out and shot him in his head and ran away.

Someone came out and saw the dead @sshole

"You wanted to talk about me and my soulmate" i say walking now

I was completely inlove with killing people. It's in my blood

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