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There were already two factions from Kupa Keep and the Elven Kingdom. Unfortunately, there were some disagreements in not exactly cooperating with neither side. Subsequently, you and your friends were in your backyard deciding to form your own type of kingdom in this fantasy game. Mainly, the guys in this case, you would just be there to agree or disagree. Particularly disagree. Damien had plentiful ideas, even monologuing a lot. It was as cryptic as ever.

"It is time to assemble the true dark forces from Hell! To demolish the very existence of humans and elves altogether. They will rue the day-"

"Pass!" You said with lack of interest. Damien glared daggers upon your direction yet you just flipped him off. It goes without saying, you would disagree with the devilish boy to anger him.

"Let me finish!"

"Ha, no."

However, Pip advises, "We should listen to each other's ideas before declining."

You agreed to an extent, "As long as it's twenty words or less, sure."

Christophe suggested an idea, "Make a bunker, z'at way nobody can find z'e location, we'll be hidden and we can ambush z'em."

"That's an interesting one." Pip commented.

Damien thought that the 'bunker' would be something else, "I imagine that being another underworld."

The French boy clarifies for the pale demon, "It is a reinforced underground shelter-"

Despite what you said prior. That wouldn't stop you from poking fun towards one another and just kept saying the phrase, "Pass!"

"Fuck you, fille!"

You flipped him off, "Right back atcha, Christo!"

Gregory sighed at this, "Y/n, you shouldn't retaliate like this, my word." Though, you weren't the only one he was scolding as he turned to his French friend, "That goes the same for you Christophe."

You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry while sarcastically saying, "Sure...mum..."

"Whining bastard, I say what I want." He did a double flip off at the Brit.

Back on the subject, you and your friends just agreed that it should be a better and cooler dark fortress. The question was...who would be the leader?

Pip suggested another idea, "Each one of us could do a speech."

While Gregory was on board with it and having experience in the field. Perhaps Damien would agree due to the amount of times he has been speaking by soliloquy. You and Christophe weren't much for speeches unless it was berating another person, for fun.

You hummed for a bit, unlike shouting out the phrase, you said, "Sorry Peps. Pass."

The light blonde boy wasn't that upset with you because he couldn't be. He found a positive in your statement, "That's ok. You said you were sorry."

Damien indisputably being insistent on the notion of being in control, even going as far as to already step to the role without anyone's compliance, "There shall be no debate. I am the rightful ruler of this very Tartarean fortress!"

Pip looked around for anyone who either agreed or not. Though, he was on the fence with this, "...righto then."

Christophe blurted out, clearly not agreeing, "Bullshit."

When you said, "That's a..." You smirked, "...hell no from me."

The light blonde Brit decided to side with you, making the majority vote, "I agree with Y/n."

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