♥️ | Evening Mission [Pt.2]

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When entering the 'Loco Luis' Video Gaming Villa', it was full of various games and the whole arcade was vibrant and had blaring luminous lights. Other kids were having fun. Although, there were vamp kids there and most importantly, you caught sight of the vampire relic, it was a chalice.

"You think they added whack-a-mole?" You joked.

He lightheartedly narrowed his eyes, "Tch, in your dreams, fille."

From the corner of your vision, you could have sworn you had taken notice of a familiar light blonde hair and perhaps a brown cap...you knew straight away and your presumptions were correct.

"Cheerio, Y/n and Christophe!" Pip saw the 'hero costumes' you and Mole were wearing, "I almost forgot you're both busy being heroes, right?"

Mole elucidates for the light blonde boy to understand, "Not a hero. We go against z'e law for justice!"

You simply said, "Yep..."

In hindsight, there was a grey area that streamed between a hero and a villain. Many can speculate a neutral path. It varies from vigilante and anti-hero. While Mole works outside the law to do good except he has the tendency on working on either side if it benefits him. Your methods of servicing for public justice were less noble when compared, making it seem more villainess. Nonetheless, getting the job done for the sake of greater good. Practically rewarding. To a degree.

Pip understood though he hopes that everyone doesn't hurt each other. Especially how divided most people were in this case. He saw how you and the others were on varying sides either neutral, chaotic or evil with a hint of good that gets overshadowed.

The happy Brit offers to assist, "If you need help, I can too. I promise I won't get in the way like last time."

"You're shit at fight-" He instantly felt your hand covering his mouth. His words became a tad muffled, "MHMMM MMMMM FWAAAH!?!" He attempts to pry your hand off his mouth with little to no success.

You felt something lick your hand and realised Mole did that on purpose. In which, you retract your hand away and wiping the saliva on Mole's face, "You sick fuck!" Your reaction only made the French boy laugh at your disgust. Anyway, focusing on the subject at hand.

You faced the polite Brit, "Sure, Peps but not now." Having said that, you didn't really want to get Pip in danger as well. You already have your little sister in a situation and didn't want to add more into the pile of danger.

The light blonde boy gave a closed eye smile, "Alright!"

There was a lingering curiosity about how the happy-go-lucky boy got into Casa Bonita, "How'd you get here?"

This shouldn't be a surprise when Pip briefly recounts, "Well, I found a ticket on the ground and gave it to the vendor and I got in." Pip does recognise something off about the said employee," Though, he seemed quite dazed." Nevertheless, he smiles with glee, "Anywho, what a lucky day."

"Oh." You remembered that you were the one who 'knocked out' the meal vendor in the beginning and possibly the meal ticket fell from his hands. You averted your eyes at Mole, he was trying not to laugh at this.

Pip continues, "Also, I'm trying to get a sombrero bear." He motions his hand to the winning prize booth, near the vampire relic was an adorable baby pink bear with a rosy red heart on the stomach. Adorning a teal sombrero with patterns decorated.

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