All in good Time

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- Ely calls Porco, Poe rather than Poc/Pock

"GAH THAT WAS FUCKED EVEN FOR YOU" He shook a bit laughing.
Porco backed up "Oh fuck..." Marcel could be heard laughing somewhere of to the side "You pissed off the 'alpha' mate. He'll make you his dinner little brother" Porco turned looking at his older brother "Shut your face dickhead" Ely shook his head standing straight up and crossed his arms. "Idiots" he muttered smiling softly. He loved them but they are idiots. Besides Marcel, Annie, Miles and Bertholdt. They were the smartest people he knew besides the adults.

Bertholdt was just the shy type. He isn't always very trusting. He will slowly trust after others gave their trust for something. When they first met he hesitated with the water till his brother went forth ahead of him. When he comes out of his shell he has such a bright mind. Good temperament. Always doing his best to help his friends. Reiner most of all, after Poe being a jerk to him half the time. Titan inheritance will very. He needs to be more confident in himself.

Annie is the strong silent type. He hasn't really heard her talk much. Only really a thank you for the water, was the only thing he's heard out of her in the past 5 months. Her stamina is intense. Her fighting skills probably matches Miles if anything. Probably beasts him in if if they were set against each other. Hell if he knew she was probably a robot. With a sold sense of humor and personality. Definitely getting a Titan.

Marcel is the leader besides probably Poe, who always looks like the leader but sure as hell doesn't act like it. His stature is a little more formal than how Poe's holds his head to high. Marcel is a sweet soul. Always trying to help others. Probably tired of Porco's shit at this point but it's his twin brother. What can you do.  He'll probably get a Titan honestly. The way he is. Ninety-nine percent sure he will.

Miles..... Miles, he's... He's just Miles. He's the greatest... He's so smart. He is a dashing lad. Helping everyone he comes by. Leaves Poe to his issues then helps him when he calms down. He'll I'm sure he'd be a good doctor. He comes back with bruises sometimes, cute even. A little bloody. No one knows why yet. Not even Bertholdt. Other than that he is everything honestly. Best friend.. best... Friend doesn't even come close...

"Hey Ely, were gonna go see if we can get ice cream.. want to come with?" Miles walked over to him. Ely was kind of spaced out staring at something.
Miles frowned "Ely? Hey" he put a hand on the others shoulder rubbing slightly trying to get his attention.

Ely flinched a little and looked "H-Huh? Oh Miles's Christ you scared me.. repeat that?"
His face went red in embarrassment. Porco chuckles a little followed by a loud Ouch and an ass hole.
Ely looked and smiled a little bit "he never relaxes huh" he spoke softly.
Miles nods "As long as I've known him he was really relaxed up until warrior training started. He got hot headed after. Which only got worse with Reiner showing and... Well.." he frowned.

Ely frowned. He knew he didn't want to continue that sentence with "weak" but it was honestly true. That kid has spirit yes but everything else... Ely felt bad he was pushing himself to be the best he can and it's not going well... Maybe just maybe he'll be okay and be on the roster to be chosen. Miles might be as well. Zeke was already chosen to inherit the Beast. Pieck I think was already chosen but that still won't be for a while. Another year or so.

"He's doing his best and that's what matters" Ely sighed.
Miles just nods "I'm glad he is. He's working his hardest but needs to take a bit of a break. You can't get everything you want. I don't know what his reason is... Everyone has a reason... Hey can I ask something " Miles turned to him.
Ely looked and nods "Shoot" he smiled softly at the other.

Miles smiled as well his cheeks turning a light red hidden by his darkish skin tone. You'd only notice if you were really looking for it.

"What's your reason... For what you did for us back then" he crossed his arms leaning against the wall next to the other looking up at the sky birds facing across it.
Ely sighed looking as well. "I don't know really. Hell your remember I didn't even know you guys were Eldian. I didn't care that you were. We're all people" he looked at Miles
"To be honest.. I was thinking those boys need water. They look tired. They probably are getting out of school, or in your case with was training, and it was damn hot that day" he chuckled softly rubbing the back of his neck a little bit. 

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