'part 1'

655 13 45

《No one's pov:》


Oh! Sorry didn't see you
This is a story about

If you don't really like
Tommy it's fine that's respectable
But if you sent death threats to him that's just too far man..
Anyways here's the story about

(And there's not
Going to be that much povs
But there are sill going to be
Other People's povs,
Also you should delete
This app if your dyslexic.)


2004 April 9.
Tommy was born.


(Lmao jk-)


??? Awed at how cute
Baby Tommy is.

"I'm gonna name you


"Dream you can't
Randomly say a name!"

"Yes I can!"

"I- ok- wi- well maybe you can..-"


2010 July 20th

-Tommy age 6

"All right Tommy, go
Getting to school!"

Tommy's dad encourages
Him with his brother next to
Him ready to go be
His bodyguard.

Tommy laughed at
His dad's encouraging

"Thanks dad."

Tommy said to his Dad,
Dan knew that
His son has a good amount
Of ADHD and anxiety.
(Wow its like me :D)

Tommy and his brother,
Said bye to there dad
Went inside of the
Private school.

Tommy looked around
And saw like 5 or 10
People when he walked in
Usually you have thousand
People surrounding you
When you are the first
Person to walk

Tommy learn that from
Movies he watched.

When tommy got to his
Class his brother
Told his younger brother.

"Look Tommy,
Don't be afraid,
A lot of people are like
That when they are in
School for the first time,
And don't have there
Siblings behind them all
the time.

I'm always here for you
Even if you don't see
Me, I'm just right next to you.

Now go in there and be

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