'part 2'

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《No one's POV:》

It was 2:25AM
Tommy was fast asleep,
While purpled was

Purpled couldn't sleep
As he reminded what
His older brother told him
"That night".

"Purp..what are you
Doing up this late.."

Tommy asked,
Purpled looked behind
Him and saw
Tommy sitting up 
While staring at him.

"Oh! You-your awake!

Purpled stutters at
His word's.

"Sorry I couldn't
Sleep that well.."

Putplrd told the Younger boy next to Him.

"Purp it's ok..
*Yawn* your at my house
And your safe here"

Tommy said in
His tired voice and
Smiling at the older.

Purpled then nodded his Head and
Went back to lay down on there
Bed, purpled quickly fell asleep.


《The next day》

Wake up!!
It's time for school!"

A voice called out
To both Tommy and purpled.

"Ok..ok..I'm up..."

Tommy told the person that was walking him and purpled up.

Tommy and purpled Started to Get ready for school, when they got to school they saw a Man talking to a teacher outside of the school but when he saw purpled he had tiers in his eyes.


The person yelled out to purpled,
'Grayson?' Tommy thought to himself.

"Grayson why didn't you come home yesterday are you hurt are you ok?? Have you eaten anything???"

The man was asked purpled lots of questions and purpled was just Looking unhappy to see him.

"When did you ever care.."

Purpled told the man.


"When did you ever cared for me!
All you did was just make me feel alone and hurt me trying to make me join the stupid business!"

Purpled told the man,
He looked like he was in pain
When hearing that
He was crying a lot but purpled
Looked like he didn't care.


《Iam just gonna skip a few years..-》

Tommy is now 17 and purpled is 18 they were at a cafe and was just talking about stuff and was very close to each other now, they were Just talking when a woman came up to them she looked like she was about 17 like Tommy.

"Hi my name is Jenny Quinn I was wondering if I could be your friend I don't have friends so can I please be your friend..."

The girl asked more like begging
But purpled and Tommy didn't really think much of it so thay accepted her offer, they started to get to Know each other But Jenny was more interested in purpeld they still didn't really Care, they were still talking when the cafe was about to close jenny took out a piece of paper OUT OF NO WHERE and
Wrote her number on it, she give it to purpled and said.

"Call me sumtimes!"

And then she winked at purpled, purpled did not like her that much and Tommy was just hating her after she winked at purpled.

"Come on. We're living."

Tommy said in a mad tone he grabbed purpleds hand and started Walking to his house.


(Sorry I ran out of ideas
But I hope you all can wait for the next part my right eye really hurt right now and I'm sick so yeah bye now :]
Also my birthday is on July 7th :D)

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