Part 2

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-Morning time

Yasu POV
Ughhh who turned the light on takes blanket off  of head and noticed the blinds open ( I forgot in the introduction that these mean 'thinking' in regular text my bad bye now) ' mmh did I open these ? O well '   time to get dressed and get to work hopefully I'm not late today ughhh so tiring bleh whatever let's just get this day over with I'm going to quit today that's for sure we'll I better make sure my windows are lock don't want nobody breaking in hahahaha ahem umm yeah anyways I have to eat breakfast too I'm just gonna go to a breakfast dinner on way to work I guess or whatever so I don't get hungry later on.

~Little Time Skip~

~In The Woods????~

Huh in the woods what's going on in the woods let's check it out while our Yasu is at work hehehe
Walking in the woods we see ohhhh it's a house let's see what's inside ouuuu

Freddy- chucky you annoying little bitch I will slice you to shreds 'i can't wait to go into people dreams and slice them into shreds it's been forever'
Jason- standing there quiet
Michael- same as Jason
Hannibal-trying to break it up the arguing but Freddy's not listening
Chucky- hahahaha fuck you you burnt pizza I like to see you try ( I honestly don't know a lot about chucky and his insults on other people so mb just think of another insult idk)
Brahms🥰- just in the walls watching
Norman-to scared to say anything so just watching or in his room
Ghostface/billy loomis -laughing at them making smart remarks but low key almost got killed be he still laughing
Ghostface/Stumacher- same with billy but stop cause he just got tired (again I don't kno a lot about him cause I don't really watch scream like that I seen it but 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Pinhead-in his chambers since he is a demon soo..
Leatherface/bubba- in the basement don't go down there tho
Thomashewitt-same as leatherface
Patrickbateman-just reading a book in the library totally unbothered ( I don't know about Patrick Bateman neither so forgive me please 😭😭)
and on the other side is 👇
Ouuuu the slashers house I should leave before they see me let's hurry ohh yeah gotta watch out for bear traps bubba set out here sheesh we'll
Let's hope we don't get caught anyways back to Yasu bye

Yesss I finally quit right now I am walking around looking for an underground street fighting ring but I think before that I have to go to the gym so let's go home first and change then go to the gym see you there when I'm at the gym.

~Little Time Skip~

At The Gym
okay fist I'm going to stretch stretching is always good before you do anything now I'm gonna start off with just running on treadmill......20 minutes later then I'm gonna do jumping jacks, sit ups,push up (boy version)20 squats, weights,punching bag, etc I wanna make sure I stay fit and get strong but I'll always need to find a trainer I'll find one maybe at the underground street fighter yeah I'll do that so it's easier I'll make sure to do runs morning and night runs too I'll do this everyday don't worry guys I also have enough for the rent to so I won't be on the street but I'll see you guys when I'm done with my hard exercise I'll have to buy good food for training.

~Little Time Skip~

Done with training-
I'm done with training finally oh it's almost dark we'll I better get going and head back home I need a shower now that I'm walking outside it feels kinda nice maybe I should do a little jog to my house yeah that's sound nice............I finally made it home time to shower make sure to lock the front door now it's time to shower.........time for bed now gets into bed pull the covers over turns off lamp goodnight sleep well Yasu-chan.

In Dream/Boiler room

Huh where am I gets up off the floor hello!!!! Is anybody here I'm not scared of you!! Hello ANSWER ME walking around the boiler place suddenly hearing claws mark sound but doesn't see anything Yasu is slowing getting annoyed then out of nowhere she gets thrown to the wall only to look up and see the infamous Freddy Krueger smirking at her she finally stands up not even a second he's slashing his claws at her while she turns the other way doing that he's get frustrated she's running through the boiler rooms trying to find a way out so she can go back to sleep but I don't think she'll sleep  she's not scared she's just to tired if that makes sense she doesn't wanna deal with anything right now but she also don't wanna die so she turns around and brings her shadows power out and slash him across his face to get away which is worked hehe.

Ughhhh you little bitch I'm gonna obliterate you but I'll see you later sweet checks evil laugh

~Dream Over~

Gasp breathing heavily that was some dream dead silence like it's completely silent I'm thirsty gets out of bed goes to the kitchen open the fridge gets a bottle of water closes the fridge turns your head and it's a silhouette of a man just standing there but knowing her she's just not saying anything but once she blinks it's gone huh? Weird anyways goes back to her room gets in bed drink water sets it on the night stand lay down pull the cover over and just thinks 'i wonder what that dream was about mmh maybe I'll see him again who knows' welp time to sleep goodnight.

Hii I hope you enjoy this chapter I hope it's not boring I'm really trying my best here but hopefully one day I'll get better but bye for now 👋🏽

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