7 Minutes

425 9 1

Don't even ask- I just came up with this and read a couple others so I guess I'm doing it now :')

Also I recommend listening to the song above while reading this bc it's what I listened to while writing this and it fits the vibes, to me anyway.

Basically, they're all in college and visiting home for break, so they got together one night and decided to play seven minutes in heaven. THEY ARE AGED UP!!!

I see a lot of people combine spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven, but I'm gonna do it a different way.

Ship: Lander 🧡💜
TW: Lime/Lemon whatever it is
POV: Zander

"Okay, Zander! You go first!" Milly urges. I shake my head.

"I'm not going first! I never wanted to play this in the first place!" I spit. Milly rolls her eyes, and I feel Luke put his hand on my shoulder.

"Zander, come on! It could be fun! For me?" He pleads.

"You're the only person I'd want to get. I'm not gonna do that with anyone else!" I retort. Milly groans.

"Zander, I'm not gonna do it with anyone else either. Depending on who it is, you can back out." Luke comforts. I let out an irritated sigh.


Milly cheers and Jake gives a woop. Hailey and Sean come back in the room with the bowl filled with all our names.

"Alright, Zander. Now will you go first?" Milly questions. I roll my eyes, and go over to Hailey, who's holding the bowl. I stir the names around a bit, before picking one out.

I unfold it, and read the name out loud.


I feel myself immediately get flustered. Sure we've been dating for awhile now, but in a closet? Alone?

My cheeks turn a deeper shade of red.

Luke comes over to me, taking my hands in his.

"Do you want to, love? If you're not ready we don't have to." He says.

I swallow, contemplating. I think a couple more seconds before finally giving a nod.

"I-I'll do it. If you want to."

Milly doesn't wait for Luke to answer, and shoves us into the closet.

"Timers started!" Hailey yells.

I feel like a flustered mess.

POV: Luke

I look at the flustered Zander before me. Even if it's sorta dark, I can still see the crimson red that rules his face.

"If it gets to much, just let me know, okay?" I say. I'm going to ease him into it. He nods, and I put my hands on his waist as he tosses his around my neck. We begin sharing a small kiss.

Or, what I assumed was going to stay a small kiss.

I feel it getting more heated, and Zander getting more into it as it continues. We part for a moment, getting some air, then closing the gap between us again. I feel it get more aggressive, and I feel his tongue gaze across my lips, asking for entrance. I decide not to fight, and open up.

He tastes like bubblegum.

It feels as though we've swapped roles, because I'm normally the one to start this kind of kissing, and I don't do it often.

We part, and he drags me to the floor.

My back is against the wall, and he climbs on top of me. He crashes his lips against mine again, and I taste the sweet bubblegum again. I put my arms around his neck, and I feel his hands slip beneath my shirt.

I gasp, leaning into the touch. I was enjoying this, if I'm being honest.

"4 more minutes!" Milly hollers.

It's really only been 4 minutes?

Zander pulls away again, looking into my eyes.

Before I know it, he's by my neck, kissing and biting. I gasp, and keep myself from letting out a moan. I can tell when he reaches my sweet spot.

"Z-Zander-" I squeak, and I can feel him smirk against my neck. He keeps going, leaving little love bites all around. His hands are still under my shirt, tracing around on my stomach, which only adds to the pleasure I'm feeling.

"10 more seconds!" Hailey calls, and I feel Zander come up from my neck. He gives me one last kiss, the last taste of bubblegum I get.

The timer goes off, and he pulls back.

The closet door swings open, letting light flood into the dark little closet.

It's then Zander seems to realize what he did, because his cheeks go dark.

"I'm sorry- I didn't- I got caught up in the moment.." He mutters, and I shake my head.

"No, Zander, that's fine. It was fun." I say, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Luke, do you want a scarf?" Hailey asks.

Word Count: 794

Woo! This was actually a lot of fun to write, believe it or not...

Anyway, there you go all you lander shippers. Anyway, I will now get back to working on requests!

You're cool :D

- Pix <3

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