An Old Friend

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Thank you @YunaMayLuker for requesting this! I really like this ship and this is a good idea ^^

This takes place after ep. 9!

Ship: Jean 💛💙
TW: None
POV: Jake

I walk down the stairs after grabbing Oreo's leash. Cadence, my little brother, is waiting for me by the door, petting the mentioned dog.

"Hurry up!" He whines, taking his hand off Oreo's head. "You're taking forever!"

I roll my eyes in annoyance. I wish my mom never said he had to come with me.

We exit our house, walking to the sidewalk. I decide we'll take Oreo to the park, and let her play a little bit.

"Let's head to the park. I have a frisbee in my bag, so we can play with Oreo there." I say, and Cadence nods. He loves the park, so I knew he'd be fine with it.

As we walk, we stay in silence. There's not much to talk about. I let my mind begin to wander, eventually ending up thinking about 6 weeks ago.

The dreaded, 6 weeks ago.

The 6 weeks ago when I got kicked out of the club. I'm still mad at myself, still try so hard to avoid Drew and the others, still try so hard to avoid, yet apologize to the club. But none of its worked, so I've started accepting it.

It was a hard thing to do.

"Jake! Jake! Look!" Cadence snaps me out of my thoughts. I look to where he's pointing, and I feel an overwhelming sense of dread pour over me.

It's Sean.

"I'm gonna go say hi!" Cadence says ecstatically, and before I can stop him, he's off. I grip Oreo's leash harder as I stumble over.

"Hi Sean!" Cadence says, smiling and waving. Sean looks over.

"Hey, you little troublemaker! What's up?" Sean responds. He hasn't noticed me yet, as he begins to talk with Cadence.

I debate with myself. Should I go over there? Cadence doesn't exactly know about the whole situation.. I think.

I sigh.

"Cadence! Don't bother him." I say, nearing closer. Sean looks up, and I can see a look of shock come over him. He must've thought Cadence was alone.

Sean goes silent as Cadence looks back at me.

"Awh, Jake! We're just talking! Besidesssss, you know him! You're friends!" He retorts. I roll my eyes and take Cadence by the wrist, dragging him to my side.

"I said stop bothering him, okay? We're almost at the park, do you want to cut our time there short?" I ask.

I look up, and Sean and I lock eyes. I can feel the amount of tension in the air, unable to be cut with even the sharpest knife. Despite the tension, I still admire his eyes.

"Hi, Jake.." Sean says. I'm unsure of how to respond. My cheeks heat up a little.

"Hey.." I say back. Cadence gives me a weird look. He takes Oreo's leash from me.

"I'm gonna keep going to the park.. you stay here and resolve whatever.. this is." He says, noticing the tension. I don't want to, but the park is in view, so he begins walking away before I can stop him.

I grunt.

Sean looks at me. He clears his throat.

"Hey, uh.. Jake?" He says. I look over at him, nearly getting lost in his galaxy eyes.

"Could you.. explain? Explain why you said those things, I mean. Sure you had.. a reason?"

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Did I really want to? Either way, this could be the first step to mending my relationship with the club. The competition is over, but hey, maybe the next one?

Whatever, I should just get this over with. Not like he has all day to wait.

"I guess I probably should. It's sorta a long story... would.. you maybe want to come back to my place? Or go to the park? Cadence and I were taking our dog for a walk, but she never seemed to have much energy anyway." I say.

"We can go to the park. Cadence can play with the dog while we talk?"

I nod. I begin in the direction of the park, avoiding eye contact in an attempt to make things less awkward. No use. Still heavy tension weighing the air down, and my pink-tinted cheeks to hide.

We arrive at the park, and I see Cadence running around with Oreo, so I go and give him my bag that has a couple treats and toys in it.

Then, I go back to talk with Sean. We sit on one of the many benches scattered around the park, silence dancing in the air. He's waiting for me to talk, and I need a chance to collect my thoughts.

I sigh, then begin explaining the whole situation.

He sits and listens, and I can feel the rage bubbling up in my throat as I fight the urge to yell. I'm just so mad about it! I finally had real friends, I finally had friends who accepted my passion, just for Drew and the others to throw it all away!

As I wrap up my talking, I realize that I'm crying. The familiar salty drops slithering down my cheeks. I gasp quietly, trying to catch my breath as Sean wraps his arms around me. I'd kinda forgotten he was here.

"Shh.. Jake, it's okay. I believe you," He starts, pulling back, keeping both his hands in my shoulders as I wipe tears away. "And I will do my best to get the rest of the club to understand, and let you back in." He comforts. I smile, just nodding.

"Thank you, Sean." I say, and I feel the heat in my cheeks again. We sit in silence for awhile, just staring at one another.

Suddenly, I feel something against my lips. I realize it's Sean, and shock tingles through my body. I lean into the kiss, keeping the contact as long as possible.

We part for breath, and I look at him. He looks shocked himself, flustered.

"I- wow, I'm so sorry! I didn't- That was abrupt- uh-" He starts, but I just chuckle.

"It's okay Sean, I.. enjoyed it." I say. I notice his face flush pink, and I smile as mine does to.

"I guess it's not much of a secret now.. so," Sean begins, looking at me. "Jake, I've liked you for.. awhile now. Would you.. I don't know.. wanna be my boyfriend?" Sean asks, and I nod.

Cadence squeals, and I look over at him to see he saw the whole thing.

"My brothers got a boyfriend! My brothers got a boyfriend!" He chants, and Sean laughs.

I roll my eyes, and lay my head on my now boyfriends shoulder.

Word Count: 1134

Another one down! I am SO sorry this took so long!

But I enjoyed writing this! I loved the idea and hope I portrayed what you wanted well! :]

I didn't edit this, so ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes-

You're Cool :D

- Reese <3

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