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"Oh god! Don't stop, please don't stop!"

Kate Bishop pushed her head into the pillow as she felt her third orgasm of the night crash into her, hands gripping the white sheets, back arching high off the mattress and breathless moans escaping her rosy lips. Yelena Belova paused the movements of her fingers but slowly dragged her tongue through the brunettes folds, Kate's hips jerked as she brushed over her clit.

Yelena put her head back down as she started to slowly push her fingers in and out again, making Kate gasp seeing as she still hadn't come down from her last high. "I can't take anymore," she whined while reaching to grab Yelena's wrist to stop the movements.

"But I'm not done yet," Yelena replied as she lifted her head up and stared at the beautiful women she had in bed. It wasn't often Yelena picked up a girl and brought her to her house, but the way Kate was looking her up and down at the bar made it impossible to resist. Not that she doesn't have the occasional hook up, but they never end up back at her house. Clearly Kate was special.


Kate stood in front of her mirror while she smoothed her shirt. Was this alright for an interview? She sure hoped so because she was already running behind. She regretted not picking the night before, but was a bit busy being fucked senseless. The thought alone from last night made her cheeks flush and she had to stop herself from getting lost in her thoughts.

It was proving to be very difficult because if Kate had just undone one more button of her shirt it would be very clear where Yelena left her marks. It just made her think of Yelena's slender fingers inside her, while her very talented tongue stimulated her wherever Yelena licked and sucked and-

"Right, where are my keys?" She shook her head and put her focus back on the task at hand. Job interview. The blue eyed girl applied some lipgloss and headed out the door. Before Kate left she took a second to breathe, knowing that as soon as she arrived it would be game time and full business.

The job she was going in for was the personal assistant to the COO for a major marketing company, Harlow inc. Though she wasn't sure who the COO was, she knew how well known the business was and thought she could work her way up from the bottom. What Kate did know was that they care about how the business was built and not who runs it, neither the COO or the CEO was listed on the website, only the projects they've done to help others. -which was a lot-

Now all that was left was for Kate to nail this job interview and slip her portfolio in every once in a while for new opportunities. The interview was a t eleven which is why she arrived at ten fifty on the dot, Kate was normally a very punctual person. The brunette adjusted her skirt and began to walk towards the building.

The building was at least thirty flights tall, it was covered by glass, probably one way glass like most buildings in New York. Above the doors was a huge sign that read Harlow inc., just as the website shown this place was very impressive. Kate walked through the doors and was greeted by a very kind receptionist.

"Hello, welcome to Harlow incorporated. What can I do for you today?" "Hi, I have a job interview today at eleven for the COO's assistant." "Ah, yes! Could I get your name please?" "Kate Bishop." The kind woman typed away at her computer which gave her a chance to read the name tag. Carol.

"Yes! Kate," carol typed a bit more and handed her a paper. "If you could just sign this," Kate sighed the small paper that said quest on it. "Lovely, thank you," Carol took it back stamped it then put a pin on it so Kate could put it on her shirt.

"Your interview is going to be on the thirty first floor so all you have to do is get on the elevator and someone will be there to greet you." "Awesome, thank you! Is it just through those?" Kate asked pointing to the barriers. "Yes, I'll let you in now." Carol pressed a button on her desk which opened the gates. Kate walked through to the elevator and got on. She was a bit surprised to realize it was a glass elevator on one side that opened to the street. The doors dinged open and Kate put on her 'hire me' smile.

A women walked around the corner just in time to when she stepped out, she was holding her very pregnant stomach and what Kate assumed was a bottle filled with water. "Hi sorry. Pregnancy Blatter," she laughed and sat down at the desk. "Kate right, I'm Wanda ." "Yes, very nice to meet you." Kate held out her hand which Wanda happily shook.

"She's just finishing up with a meeting and shouldn't be too long. Take a seat," Kate sat crossing her leg over the other. "You're actually taking my job." "Oh! Uh, please tell me you're choosing to leave and not getting fired because that would make this incredibly awkward?" Kate laughed nervously. "No, no. This is all my choice. My husband and I decided I should stay home with the little ones at least for the first few years. We're moving somewhere a little more green than the city."

"Ones?" Kate questioned. "Twins. Two boys." "Well congratulations!" Kate smiled as a group of people came around the corner talking, she assumed they were from the meeting wanda mentioned. "Oh, you can head over to her office now, it's just over there at the end of the hall." Ellie pointed back. "Thank you." Kate went around the corner and headed back.

Y. Belova, COO

Kate knocked and waited for a reply. "Come in." The brunette pushed the door open and walked in. Her office was beautiful, the whole back wall was floor to ceiling glass and a dark oak desk was in front of it, there was a red chaise lounge against the side wall and the whole room smelled of flowers.

Kate's heart froze as she looked toward the woman. She was standing dressed in a navy blue pinstripe suit, white blouse and black heals.She was looking down at her phone, blonde hair in a tight bun. Maybe Kate was just stuck on the thought of last night because there was no way in hell she just walked into an interview with the women who fucked her last night. But then the blonde looked up.


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