ghost friend :)

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It's nearly 2 am, and a very distressed Tweek is busy violently smashing the buttons on his console's controller, groaning his disappointment ever few seconds. He had been chugging coffee all night long, as he usually does. But this time around, he's trying to put it to good use. He's incredibly stressed out because he's trying to beat the ender dragon on a new Minecraft world, but continues to die every few minutes.

"AGHHHH!!! STUPID CREEPER!!" He screeches out, running back to where he died in order to retrieve his stuff. Every time he turns in the game, he insists on also leaning his entire body in that direction. Which is not good for staying still and keeping in your burning rage.

Some of his stuff has disappeared after being blown up, but a majority of it remains inside the freshly blown up whole. Tweek opens his inventory and puts his iron armor back on, but a loud boom interrupts the process. His screen turns red and a message displaying his death can be read. Tweek throws his controller to the side, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

"Geez, calm down, kid," A voice says from behind him. Tweek whips around in shock, his mouth hanging open as a ghost hovers in the air near his bed. Another scream releases from deep inside him as he shoots up from his spot on the ground. He stumbles backwards, nearly crashing into his TV stand.

"W-What the hell?! Are you a GHOST?!" He yelps, falling back to the floor, covering his face slightly. The spirit shrugs, "I guess," His whole body and outfit are the same pale color, maybe white or yellow or green, Tweek can't really make it out in the dark light. But he's got a winter chullo hat on and a neat looking coat, something that someone from school would probably wear.

"When did you die...?" Tweek questions, his previous fear already loosening due to the relaxed posture of the ghost, "Your outfit seems v-very casual, like modern."

The apparition's eyes squint as he looks at the blonde boy, seemingly confused at the question, "What? I was never alive, I'm a demon," This shocks Tweek again, causing him to yell, "A WHAT?!" The ghost shakes his head, "Dude, all ghosts are just demons visiting the surface. Everyone knows that."

He stares at Tweek as if this was some well-known knowledge, "Oh..." Tweek mutters, twitching slightly, "Then why are you visiting the surface in my room?" The ghost just shrugs again, which irritates Tweek.

"You don't KNOW??! YOU'RE BREAKING INTO M-MY HOUSE- AUGH- YOU HAVE TO KNOW!!" Tweek demands an answer or reason. Although he's yelling nearly at the top of his lungs, the ghost remains unfazed, "Sometimes I visit at night to watch you play video games, you're really the only one who stays up during the hours I'm allowed to visit this town. But you've never responded to me, before."

Tweek's mouth and eyes widen as he thinks those words over. He clutches onto his hair, pulling a few strands down, "WHAT?" He's shocked again, "You come here OFTEN? TO- GAH- WATCH ME???"

"Dude, chill out," The ghost waves a dismissive hand, "It's not that weird. I'm a demon, remember. Also, your game play is incredibly entertaining. Not my fault you overdosed and found out that you aren't alone in your room every night," Tweek stares at the spirit angrily. He shoves himself upwards and approaches him.

"What's your name?" He asks quickly, "Uhm, Craig. Why?" The ghost responds. Tweek shakes his head, "Craig, get out of my room! Right now!" This causes Craig to laugh, "What, you think using my name makes it more personal? I'll leave, but not because you asked me. It's because you aren't supposed to see me, and I might get in trouble."

And with that, he drifts downwards and goes into the ground, going to the downstairs of the Tweak house. Tweek hopes that he does get in trouble, and never watches him without permission ever again.


Tweek is banging his head on his desk, not daring to look at the paper again. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't envision the numbers in his head properly. His pencil has been thrown aside, and the only other thing on his desk is a tiny lamp. It's nearing the end of its life, and it will approach sooner if it has to continue enduring this kind of torture. 

"It's 19,352," A familiar, monotone voice informs. Tweek grits his teeth as his head snaps up to look at the intruding ghost, "Agh- What are you doing here?" He asks, annoyed. 

"Helping you," Craig states simply, in a 'duh' kind of voice, "Well, I don't want your- your help!" Tweek rejects. Craig just rolls his eyes as he continues to float(?) near the desk and schoolwork, "Maybe you don't want it, but you definitely need it," Tweek bites his own tongue, "Are you saying I'm stupid?!"

Craig shakes his head, clearly regretting his words, "No, no! I'm saying your teachers are stupid. They're not teaching you properly, that's why you aren't understanding," Tweek looks down sadly, eyeing his paper, "A-Are you sure...? Everyone else in my class already knows multiplication... I'm the only kid who doesn't understand it."

Craig smiles in reassurance, "Trust me, I know a lot. I've been in hell for all of eternity, and from experience I can say that a lot of people's brains function in different ways... Er, what I mean is, everyone understands different things in different ways. See, I'll walk you through each step on the problem."

Tweek watches carefully as Craig explains how to turn 328 and 59 into a much bigger number. He turns it into a word problem related to coffee, which Tweek finds somewhat childish, but he listens to the explanation without interruption.

The ghost shows him how to carry on the zero, and how that'll end up making it 400 instead of 40. It seemed a lot easier than reading it out number by number, for some reason. So it did actually end up helping me.

"And then after everything, the final number is added, and our total result is 19,352, just like I said," I look up at the ghost and smile, trying to hold back another twitch, "Wow, it really did seem easier like that! I'll it like that in c-class!" The two smile at each other, sharing an appreciation.

"Yep, and eventually you won't even have to bother with all those steps, it'll become a habit and will be much easier. And in the higher grades you get to use a calculator, so one day this will be the easiest math problem in the world to you!" Craig exclaims, seemingly happy that he got to teach someone today.

"Thanks, Craig..." Tweek mumbles, "No problem," He responds. He glances out the window, seeing how dark it is, "Eh, sorry for coming here again. I guess I should get going. Have a goodnight-" "Augh- wait..." Craig looks at Tweek, "Would you maybe want to stay a bit? I'll let you watch me play a game of your choice."

Craig grins, "Sure, dude!" The two sit on the floor, somehow. Tweek turns on his console and switches on a game. As it loads, he uses the coffee maker in his closet to make several cups of a certain flavor that he's recently taken a liking to. Gotta make sure he doesn't start feeling normal, or else his new friend will disappear. 

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