Kyle Mothlovski

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Based off a reddit post lol. The dream is at the end :)

On a bright and sunny Saturday, just after noon, three boys are running after each other to reach their friend Kyle's house. The four of them had all made plans to go and antagonize people at the fast food chains located in the local mall. Well, not in those exact words. But that was definitely going to happen eventually.

Kyle Broflovski hadn't responded to a single text sent to him that morning, and his super best friend Stan was slightly concerned about the well-being of his classmate. So in order to get to the house faster, he challenged his other two friends to a race, hence the running.

"Why are we so excited to see Kyle? That's kinda gay," Kenny states, his voice muffled underneath his large orange parka. The comment was mostly directed towards Stan, who just rolls his eyes in response. Weren't the others worried about it, too? They had to be, at least a little bit.

But Cartman pauses as the other two are rushing away, crossing his arms over his chest, "Hey, yeah, wait! I hate Kahl! I am not  eager to see him."

Stan and Kenny turn around quickly to see their defiant friend. If either of them even considers Cartman to be a friend. Stan is slightly alarmed by the usage of the word 'eager', but currently pays no mind to it, "Dude, come on. I'm not buying you french fries from every store at the mall if you don't come with us to Kyle's house."

This gets Cartman started up again right away, and the boys finish their path to Kyle's house, much slower this time. Stan was, of course, lying about the french fries. No one in the entire world would be willing to buy Cartman 10 different baskets of fries. No one.

But anything to convince Cartman to come along, for some reason. Wait... Why were they bringing him anyway?

Before Stan has time to consider why the group insists on keeping the ball of uselessness around, they all come to a stop at the Broflovskis' house.

"Ah, we have arrived at the Broflovski residence," Cartman mentions in a polite manner. Stan and Kenny both turn to look at him in confusion, "What the hell? Please, just shut up," Stan requests, not as politely.

Cartman shrugs as Stan presses the doorbell. It can be heard ringing distantly inside of the house. A few moments pass with no answer.

Kenny leaps forward, jamming his finger into the doorbell several times in a matter of seconds. Stan manages to shove him away, and they stare at each other angrily. Cartman looks at Kenny with disappointment, which confuses everyone again.

The lock of the front door unlocks and the golden doorknob turns quickly, "Oh, hello boys!" They're all greeted by Sheila Broflovski, "Are you here to see Kyle? It's kind of an unfortunate time, but I suppose you can come in..." She trails off before moving aside, "Alright, alright, go on ahead and go to his room."

She doesn't say anything bad, like him being grounded or anything. But 'unfortunate time' doesn't sound very promising to Stan. The boys all make their way past Kyle's mom, climbing up the stairs to get inside of their friends room.

They enter without knocking, but soon pause right after entry. Their eyes all widen in shock, and Cartman nearly cries. Out of triumph.

Stan approached the large cocoon. It was silver in color, and much larger than Stan. He put his hand onto it, and discovered it was warm to the touch. It wriggled strangely after he touched it, which made Stan pull away in disgust. He turns back to look at the others.

Kenny is watching Cartman closely, who is bowed down in prayer, "Oh, thank you, God!" He breathes, "You've finally answered my prayers, and have taken Kyle away from this place!" A moment passes, "I'm not exactly sure what took him, but I am sending my gratitude towards you."

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