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Seokjin and jungkook are close from their small age like their families are close friends and they live in nearby houses.
Mrs Jeon and Mrs Kim were close friends from their college days, Mrs Jeon even married Mrs Kim's brother and Mrs kim is by blood Jeon but after marriage she was changed to kim. Jungkook was born first in their family and after few months Jin was born. Even though he was the smaller one but all of their attention goes to Jungkook even his own mothers complete attention was on Jungkook and jin started hating Jungkook for his existence their family decided to join them in same school and college after they graduate and the worst part is Jungkook always comes first in everything and that made jin to always see Jungkook as some rival.

Jin was pacing his room making jimin giddy from his action

'' yah kim seokjin what the hell happened to you '' he asked not able to anymore look at seokjins fast pace.

Jimin was jin close friend more like brother even jimin family is not rich like jin so jimins family could not afford jimin to go to the same college as jin and jungkook but jin being a brat whined all day and made his own parents to contribute to pay the fee for jimin but parks did not accept it at first but Jin convinced them and made jimin to study with him. Even though jk was not happy about jins doing but he chose to not say anything because jimin is such a nice man and jins parents also love jimin a lot so even if jin was not being a bratty they would have paid jimins fee but they decided to hide it.

'' do you know what that fucking idiot did now ?'' Jin asked in raised voice and jimin sighed

'' oh my you are talking about ' YOUR HOTTIE' '' he asked with a smirk and jin become red with anger that he throw a pillow towards jimin and he dodged it laughing

'' what do you mean by ' MY HOTTIE' he is not hottie he is such a bratty I hate him I really do and the fuck stop laughing'' and jimin stopped before wiping his tears

'' fine fine he is not your hottie then oh what did he do now '' jimin asked

'' he announced me as his boyfriend before everyone in his office how dare he do that ''

'' oh man because he loves you and you fucking know that seokjin he had did every possible thing to prove you he loves you '' he told now glaring at his best friend, is he nuts? cant he see the loving eyes of jungkook when he see jin and the whipped state of jungkook towards him?

'' what he did ? I don't remember '' he told and shrugged his shoulder before taking his chocolate milkshake in his hand and started drinking it.

'' oh you better remember, he helped you with your exams when you got less than the pass grade he was teaching you the whole night and you behaved as a brat you are and he even scored less that time but he did not complain and was smiling like an idiot when you were laughing tauntingly seeing his mark'' he told

'' but he made me do all his homework for next 1 week and bring his bag too and from that I never asked his help and started studying by my own '' he told looking in disbelief at his friend

'' any way you deserve that for being a brat whole night giving him hard time by acting as if you had some doubt for every goddamn question that is not even required for the exam '' jimin now raised his voice

'' shut up '' jin told rolling his eyes

'' do you think I am over ? There is a lot he was in the verge of killing the man who proposed you on our school farewell if it was not for you blocking him he would have done that and from that day he took responsibility in taking you to college on his bike and he even changed his major to business for you '' jimin told trying to convince jin

'' oh no he took that major because he told it will help him to become the ceo of his fathers company '' he told in a done voice

'' and you also knew he lied about that he never wanted to be a ceo but he changed because of you '' jin thought for a moment about that he sighed

'' but he is seeing someone else now jimina '' he told with sad voice

'' don't jimina me brat, do you expect him to cling to you always? You should have told him that you loved him and if he is seeing someone why did he introduce you as his boyfriend? '' jimin asked as a matter of fact

'' because he doesn't want tae to get in trouble you know tae is from a strict family so if some rumours comes out like this then it will be a problem for his and his family name '' he told again

'' did he tell you this ? '' he asked with a definite doubt because he knows how whipped jungkook is for jin and jin shook his head negatively

'' no I ran from there after he told that thing to the staff because I was embarrassed '' he told and started tearing up

'' jimina I am no less in showing my feelings towards him, you know when he become the CEO I was the happiest person in this world but after that everything start to fall apart Jungkook stopped seeing me he stopped talking to me much he stopped pestering me and he does not even touch me after moreover clearly he started avoiding me so I asked Mr jeon that I want to be his secretary and he told ok for that but Jungkook was not happy he told me he was not interested in what I was doing and more worse is that he is not at all spending time with me in this past 2 years its all about tae he always works with him and he even don't eat with me so I just pack his lunch, I am glad atleast he is having that '' he told in a pout and sobbed softly and jimin went near

'' oh baby don't cry there must be some reason for his actions try talking to him ok ?'' Jimin told calmly rubbing his friends back soothingly.

'' nowadays I cant read what's in his mind in company he just call me to schedule his meeting and that idiot does not let me do most of the work he does everything as if he is the one who works hard '' he told in anger

''Oh seokjin shut it if he does not love you he would not be changing your work table next to his office where only you will be working and he will have a eye on you all the time and so that no one will be ogling you like the first day when you went to the company'' jimin told in a so done voice.

''But.....'' He was cut half way

''Shut up seokjin I still have lots to say and you know definitely he loves you so stop denying because you doesn't want to loose to him and.... Oh my Joonie is calling me he asked me out today so I am going out don't cry ok I will stop by your house tomorrow ok now wash your face and go back to the company Jungkook is bombarding me with call and texts about your where abouts and I don't want my date to get ruined understood '' and with that jimin just ran away leaving a dumbfounded jin

'' did he just walk away like that? how dare he? I hate him too '' jin told and fall back on his bed thinking about Jungkook but something was buzzing in his ass he put his hand down and retrive his to see the most hated person calling him '' Asshole boss '' this how he saved Jungkook's number and he definitely know that Jungkook saved him as '' Brat '' in his phone and they had a whole damn boxing match regarding that and of course Jungkook won and made jin clean his car........

'' speak of the devil, here he is to ruin my life '' he mumbled before attending the call.

'' Asshole boss : kim fucking seokjin where the hell are you ?''

Brat : its none of your business

Asshole boss : Oh yes it is, did you just run away when I told you as my boyfriend? who do you think you are ha?

Brat: yah I know you don't mean any of the things that you told there. why are you playing with me? I swear I will kill you if I see you now, its better that I don't see you

Asshole boss : oh so you thought I was playing ? Thats fine, I had enough of your bratty ass NOW.COME.HERE I dont care if you kill me. I am already dying inside seeing you daily and I have a important meeting and I am missing my file.

Jungkook told in a romantic way but jin took it as an insult 😑

Brat : How dare you? oh why don't you call your sweet tae to help you ? And call me brat one more time I will whack your face

Asshole boss : tae? why are you involving him here ? Ugh I don't care get your ass back here or else I am gonna call mom.

Brat : shut the hell up I am not feeling well so I am not coming back don't fucking blackmail me by telling me you are going to call my mom atleast let them be happy in their vacation.

With that he cut the call '' who does he think he is ?'' He asked with a scowl face '' he is being protective over his boyfriend doesn't he '' he mumbled crying '' ugh why is it hurting I want to get drunk '' he told and got up from his bed.

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